Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 18, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL -- Eglin Research Site, 101 West Eglin Blvd Suite 337, Eglin AFB, FL, 32542-6810
ZIP Code
This is a Program Research and Development Announcement (PRDA). The Air Force Research Laboratory, Munitions Directorate, Advanced Guidance Division (AFRL/MNGS) is interested in receiving technical and cost proposals for development and demonstr ation of a Wide-Area Search Synthetic Aperture Radar (WASSAR) seeker for autonomous precision-guided munition applications. The overall WASSAR program objective is to design, develop, test and demonstrate a breadboard SAR seeker to investigate, an d further develop the use of high-resolution SAR seeker technology for wide-area search munitions. Proposals in response to this PRDA must be received no later than 3:00 P.M. CST on 31 Jan 2002, addressed to Air Force Research Laboratory, Munition s Contracting Division, Bldg. 13, 101 W. Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810, Attn.: Ms Dona Dowdy-Merchant (AFR L/MNK). Proposals submitted after the cut-off date specified herein shall be treated in accordance with FAR 52.215-1(c)(3), ?Instructions to Offerors-Competitive Acquisition (May 2001)?. Responders must reference the following number (MNK-PRDA-02 -0003). Proposals submitted must be in accordance with this announcement. Since this is a PRDA, there will be no formal req uest for proposal or other solicitation regarding this announcement. Offerors should be alert to any PRDA amendments that m ay be published. The Government reserves the right to amend the due date to allow for subsequent submission-of-proposal dat es. If a proposal is selected to satisfy the PRDA objectives as a result of the first submission, subsequent opportunities for proposal submission will not be available. B -- REQUIREMENTS: (1) Background: Present-day Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors are capable of producing high-resolution imagery in adve rse weather conditions, and are used heavily in surveillance and reconnaissance. New and faster processing techniques enab le SAR sensors to produce high-resolution, wide field-of-view images at near real-time frame rates, and current radar hardwa re and supporting electronics can be compactly packaged making SAR sensors attractive for use in munitions seeker applicatio ns. Additionally, SAR sensors can be configured to process in a SAR mode and a Moving Target Indication (MTI) mode, which e nables the same sensor to be used for acquiring and tracking stationary and moving mobile/re-locatable targets. New techniq ues also provide SAR sensors with the capability of acquiring and classifying moving targets. While past SAR seekers were employed against fixed, high-value targets for terminal weapon guidance, the future evolution of SAR seekers is geared toward searching wide areas, classifying mobile/re-locatable targets, and fitting on weapons that are less than six inches in diameter. Future SAR seekers will be used to search, acquire and classify stationary and moving mo bile/re-locatable targets. This capability will require high resolution SAR as well as innovative signal processing techniq ues to complete the search and classification role. Additionally, the future SAR seekers are expected to result in reduced cost and improved performance relative to existing seeker systems and concepts. Reduced costs will be realized through the use of commercial off-the-shelf components and the use of previously developed hardware and software. Improved system perfo rmance will be realized through increased frame rates, wider area coverage, adverse weather penetration and new techniques f or imaging moving targets with SAR seekers. AFRL/MN has established Integrating Concepts (ICs) that will serve as the program baseline in terms of the seeker?s performa nce capability and requirements. In general, the integrating concepts support a direct attack type mission and a wide-area search and attack type mission. These missions have different flight profile, operating range, field of view (FOV), area co verage, and track requirements that will directly impact the SAR seeker requirements and design. In this program, it is int ended to concentrate on the wide area search and attack mission, but to also have capability to support the direct attack mi ssion. The purpose of this solicitation is to obtain proposals to design, develop and test a breadboard seeker system to investigat e and further develop the use of high-resolution SAR seekers for wide-area search munitions. The system design will address requirements for both stationary and moving targets and will be suitable for miniature munitions size seeker applications. A single contract award is anticipated for this program, therefore, potential offerors should, at a minimum, possess and hav e demonstrated experience in a variety of technology areas related to SAR and SAR signal processing. Some of the key areas include, but are not limited to, SAR and/or radar seeker hardware development, SAR signal processing for stationary and movi ng targets, and seeker system integration. (2) Technical Requirements: (a) Seeker Technology Requirements The proposed seeker hardware is expected to operate at millimeter wave or longer wavelengths to address the need for adverse weather penetration. The transmit power will need to be sufficient to provide the necessary signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to accommodate target acquisition up to 8-12 km, while maximizing the total illuminated area. The antenna system for the WASS AR seeker will be suitable for future small diameter munitions and is required to be less than 6 inches in diameter. To fit the flight profiles for munitions, the WASSAR seeker will also need to be able to operate at reduced (5-50?) squint angles. The resolution for the WASSAR seeker will be adequate for acquiring and classifying mobile/re-locatable targets. The brea dboard seeker will be designed for the purposes of ground test and evaluation, and may also be designed to include the capab ility for flight test and evaluation, but this latter capability is not required. (b) Signal Processing Requirements The signal processing system proposed for the WASSAR seeker will be adequate to collect and process wide-area SAR data in ne ar real-time (? 2 Hz frame rate). The processing system will also be adequate to perform the classification function for st ationary and moving targets and should provide overhead for additional motion compensation and autonomous target classificat ion (ATC) related functions. (c) Autonomous Target Classification The contractor should provide a level of effort investigating the benefit gained by their seeker design to accommodate Auton omous Target Classification (ATC) for fixed, moving and re-locatable targets. This includes having an understanding of the requirements for ATC to maximize the attributes of their seeker design for the algorithms used for classifying fixed, movin g and re-locatable targets. Also, the contractor should show their design will provide growth potential for ATC algorithm development. (d) System Integration and Testing The purpose of system integration and testing is self-explanatory. The offeror should present a sound plan for the research , development, integration, and demonstration of the WASSAR seeker. As part of that plan, the offeror should adequately add ress the key technologies stated above as well as any design-specific technologies. In addition, the offeror should discuss technology risks and risk mitigation associated with the design. (3) Performance Objectives: The following paragraph contains information concerning SAR seeker performance objectives. Th is should in no way be construed as a device or instrument requirement for a specific system. The performance thresholds fo r the WASSAR seeker are driven by the desire to acquire and classify stationary and moving targets while searching wide area s. These performance thresholds must also be realistic in terms of potential implementation on munitions. The WASSAR seeker system will address the following performance objectives: 1) 8-12 km clear weather acquisition range, 2) SAR imaging for 5- 50? squint angles, 3) Wide-area coverage (?50km2), 4) Rapid SAR imaging (? 2Hz frame rate), 5) Resolution required for targe t classification (less than 1m), 6) Small diameter aperture (less than 15 cm). (4) Program Tasking: This development effort will consist of three phases. Phase I will include trade studies, requirement s definition, and system design; Phase II will include subsystem development, manufacturing, and integration; Phase III will include seeker system test, evaluation and demonstration. In order to proceed to the next phase of development, the offero r will be required to meet AFRL/MNGS defined exit criteria. (a) Phase I Exit Criteria: The exit criteria for Phase I will be based on the soundness of the design approach as well as th e ability to address the performance objectives listed above. The system design must address target acquisition and classif ication for stationary and moving targets, should incorporate low-cost off-the-shelf components when possible, and should in corporate design considerations for counter-countermeasure capabilities to provide protection to possible jamming sources. (b) Phase II Exit Criteria: The exit criteria for Phase II will require system verification testing to demonstrate that the breadboard seeker hardware reasonably meets the performance objectives defined from the Phase I design. (c) Phase III Exit Criteria: For Phase III, the offeror will be required to support setup, test and demonstration of the see ker system hardware. The offeror and AFRL/MNGS will conduct follow-on ground-based seeker performance testing and data coll ection. System design, testing and demonstration information shall be documented in a final technical report and provided t o AFRL/MNGS. (5) Deliverables: Deliverables under this program will include all data items collected during Phase III of the program as well as the ATC algorithm set for stationary and moving targets. The ATC algorithms will be treated as company proprietary and will be used solely by AFRL/MNGS for independent assessment. (6) Data Requirements: The following data submittals are required (a) Periodic status reports including technical progres s, programmatic information, schedule, and appropriate disclosure of actual cost and labor expenditures. Each status report shall specifically address any patents or inventions identified and/or pending, as well as any proprietary issues. (DI-MGM T-80368) Contractor format CSSR, CSR, CFSR, CWBS are required during all phases of the contract (DI-MGMT, -81334, -81467, -- 81468). Copies of monthly billing vouchers submitted to the Government, as well as monthly updates regarding payments rece ived from the Government are also required during all phases of the contract; (b) Test plan(s) and test reports for all sig nificant testing. (DI-NDTI-80566, 80809B); (c) Final Technical Report, and a Technology Transfer Report at the end of the p rogram. The Final Report, which will be published in DTIC, must document the entire effort and must include relevant data a nd results from other technical data that would not otherwise be published. (DI-MISC-80711A); (d) A record (e.g., presentat ion materials, and tracking of associated action items) of required meetings. (DI-ADMN-81249A, -81250A, -81373). (e) Develo pmental drawings and associated lists. (DI-DRPR-81002A); (f) Computer software products and end items (DI-MCCR-80700). The contractor may propose additional elements or submittal of combined elements or Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) as appropriat e for the proposed program. (7) Meetings and Reviews: The contractor will be expected to conduct various meetings throughout the life of the program, including but not limited to a kickoff Program Review at the beginning, a Preliminary Design Review for transition to Phase II, a Critical Design Review for transition to Phase III, a final review at the end and additional Program Reviews to be hel d at times coinciding with key program milestones or decision points, as deemed appropriate by the contractor. The contract or will also be expected to conduct periodic progress meetings for technical and programmatic interchange throughout the pro gram. In no event shall the period between successive Program Reviews or the intermediate progress meetings exceed 3 months . The contractor is expected to host half of the reviews and meetings, and the Government will host half. Each Program Rev iew shall specifically address any patents or inventions identified and/or pending as well as any proprietary issues. The c ontractor may also propose to conduct or participate in other meetings with associate contractors, subcontractors, Governmen t agencies, or other third parties, as deemed appropriate to the program. (8) Proprietary Items: It is the offeror?s responsibility to identify any proprietary materials, products, software, or pro cesses to be used by the prime contractor or subcontractors in the performance of this program and to address acquisition of data rights or licenses. C -- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (1) Anticipated Period of Performance: 39 Months total (2) Expected Award Date: The estimated award date is 25 April 2002. (3) Type of Contract: The Government anticipates awarding a single cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) contract. (4) Government Estimate: The Government anticipates that the WASSAR Seeker program then-year-dollars profile for funding ava ilable for the contracted effort will be as follows: FY02 -- $0.550M, FY03 -- $1.0M, FY04 -- $.950M, FY05 -- $0.650M. However, this statement shall not be interpreted as an obligation on the part of the Government to fund the WASSAR program at the sta ted annual levels. (5) Size Status: This acquisition is full and open competition. However, the appropriate NAICS code is 541710 with a small business size standard of 500 employees. (6) Notice to Foreign Owned Firms: A determination has been made for this solicitation, that all foreign participation at th e prime contractor level will be prohibited. D -- PROPOSAL PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: (1) General: Proposals submitted in response to this announcement must include a written technical and cost proposal, subm itted in separate volumes. Volume 1 should provide the technical proposal addressing the program, and Volume 2 should addre ss the price and cost details of the proposal for the program. Offerors should apply the restrictive notice prescribed in t he provision at FAR 52.215-1(e), ?Instructions to Offerors-Competitive Acquisition? (May 2001), to trade secrets or privileg ed commercial and financial information contained in their proposals. Offerors should consider instructions contained in th e ?Proprietary Information?, and ?When and How to Submit? sections of the AFMC Pamphlet 64-101, ?Unsolicited Proposal Guide? , which will be provided upon request by contacting Vicki Keider at 850-882-4294 x 3404. AFMC Form 190, Policy Agreements, does not apply to Program Research and Development Announcements. Additional proposal questions should be directed to one o f the points of contact listed in Part F. (2) Technical Proposal: The Volume 1 technical proposal shall include, as a minimum: a statement of work suitable for contr act incorporation; the offeror?s technical approach for the entire program; risk management procedures to be applied to the program; identification of key personnel, resources, and critical subcontractors; hardware and data deliverables; a proposed program schedule including deliveries for the entire program; and a summary of relevant past and present performance of the proposing corporate division only. The offeror must provide sufficient technical discussion and technical detail to establ ish the soundness of the proposed approach; provide an adequate basis for assessing program technical, cost and schedule ris k; and form a sound basis for the cost proposed in Volume 2. Proposals failing to provide adequate technical detail and dis cussion will be considered technically unresponsive to this PRDA. The technical proposal shall also include an abbreviated overall fabrication and test plan of individual components and the overall system. (3) Cost Proposal: Adequate price competition is anticipated. The Volume 2 cost proposal must include as a minimum a cost element summary including labor, material, overhead, travel, G&A, etc. for each proposed task and an expenditure schedule f or the entire program. (4) Page Limitations: Volume 1 will be limited to a total of 30 pages, including resumes, charts, figures, tables, etc. T he proposed SOW and CDRLs may be included as an appendix of not more than 20 pages. The Government reserves the right to re move and return to the offeror any excess pages before evaluation starts. Cost proposals have no page limitations, however, offerors are requested to keep the cost proposal to 50 pages as a goal. A page is defined to be one side of an 8.5x11-inch piece of paper with information on it. Minimum print size is 10 point type, or 12 pitch, with line spacing of not less tha n one and one half for the typeface used. Proposals shall be submitted in an original and 5 copies. All responsible source s may submit a proposal that shall be considered against the criteria set forth herein. Authorization for limited reproduct ion and dissemination within Government agencies and National Laboratories is requested. (5) Preparation Costs: The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable dir ect charge to any resulting contract, or any other contract. It is, however, an allowable expense to the normal bid and pro posal indirect cost specified in FAR 31.205-18. Offerors are advised that only the Contracting Officer is legally authorize d to contractually bind or otherwise obligate the Government. The US Air Force reserves the right to award one or none cont racts based on the proposals received in response to this announcement. If selected for possible award, the offeror will be required to submit a Small, Small Disadvantaged, and Women-Owned Small Business Plan within ten (10) days of notice. E -- BASIS FOR AWARD: Award Evaluation Criteria: The selection of none or one source for contract award will be based on evaluation of the propos als in response to this PRDA to determine the best value potential for the entire program. Proposals will be evaluated as r eceived using the following areas and factors. No other evaluation criteria will be used in selecting the best proposal. T echnical and Cost Area information will be evaluated at the same time. The Technical Area will be considered of higher prio rity than the Cost Area. The factors under the Technical Area, listed in decreasing order of importance, are: (a) Soundness of Technical Approach and Compliance with Requirements, (b) Understanding the Problem, and (c) Relevant Past and Present Pe rformance. The Soundness of Technical Approach and Compliance with Requirements factor will consider and evaluate the techn ical merits and risks as related to design, development and test of the offeror?s proposed WASSAR seeker design. It will al so consider the potential of the proposed approach in meeting the various levels of performance objectives identified above. Under the Cost Area, the Cost Proposal will be evaluated for reasonableness and realism. F -- POINTS OF CONTACT: (1) Contracting and Cost: Ms Vicki Keider, Contracting Officer, (850) 882-4294, ext 3404, AFRL/MNK, 101 West Eglin Blvd., Suite 337, Eglin AFB FL 32542-6810, or e-mail to keider@eglin.af.mil. The AFRL/MNK telefax number is (850) 882-9599. (2) Programmatic and Technical Issues: Mr. Frank Arredondo, (850) 882-5
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AFRLERS/MNK-PRDA-02-0003/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20011220/SPMSC002.HTM (A-352 SN5154C9)

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