Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 18, 2001
Contracting Office
US Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center, ATTN: AMSSB-ACN-S, Natick Contracting Division (R&D and BaseOPS), Building 1, Kansas Street, Natick, MA 01760-5011
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
January 2, 2002
Point of Contact
Xinia Llovet-Zurinaga, 508-233-4146 , FAX 256-5286
E-Mail Address
US Army Robert Morris Acquisition Center (Xinia.Llovet-Zurinaga@natick.army.mil)
DESC: Manufacturers of ballistic protective materials sought. The US Army Soldier Systems Center, Product Manager -- Soldier Support, Natick, MA is conducting a market survey to locate manufacturers of ballistic protective blankets/panels that may be used to provide limited protection against fragmentation munitions. Market Survey goal is to determine if there are products currently available that have supporting test data. The Ballistic Protective System (BPS) is intended to reduce the possibility of a f ragment causing detonation of a flat rack of munitions. The requirement is to protect the munitions from fragments produced by threats up to and including a 155 millimeter shell. The item is required to defeat fragments only and is not designed for protec tion of personnel from fragments. Ballistic blankets/panels should be available in a variety of sizes ranging from 1'x 2' up to 8'x12' and also be able to provide various levels of ballistic protection. Each panel when fabricated should be lightweight en ough to be handled by two soldiers (not to exceed 75 lbs.) and able to be connected in all directions by an inherent mechanical means. Information provided will be used to determine the availability of commercially available ballistic blanket/panel. All interested firms and manufacturers, regardless of size, are encouraged to respond to this request for information. Information submissions should include available products and technology, product literature and illustrations, test data and relevant compa ny background/experience and must be received NLT 14 calendar days of this publication date. Responses to this notice may be sent to: US Army Soldier Systems Center, Program Manager -- Soldier Support, Shelters Team, ATTN: AMSSB-PM-RSS-SP(N) (Donald Stew ardson/Richard Guiliano), Natick MA 01760-5018 or facsimile to (508) 233-5379, ATTN: (Donald Stewardson) or email to Donald.Stewardson@natick.army.mil mailto:Donald.Stewardson@natick.army.mil or Rich.Guiliano@natick.army.mil mailto:Rich.Guiliano@natick.ar my.mil. All information supplied will be considered confidential, unless otherwise specified by the firm or available from other sources without restriction. This Market Survey is for information and planning purposes only. This is not an invitation for Bid (IFB) or a Request for Proposal (RFP) and is not to be taken as a commitment by US Army Soldier Systems Center. See Note 25.
Web Link
Army Single Face to Industry (http://acquisition.army.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20011220/83SOL005.HTM (D-352 SN5154H0)

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Created on December 18, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com