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Notice Date
December 10, 2001
Contracting Office
Regional Contracting Office, USAID/Bolivia, Unit 3914, APO AA, 34032
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
RFP 511-2002/06
Response Due
January 7, 2002
Point of Contact
Pilar Arrieta, Acquisition Spec. Tel. 591-2-2786445, Fax: 591-2-785689
E-Mail Address
http://www.usaid.gov (parrieta@usaid.gov)
Democracy Deputy Team Leader $74,533.00 1. Background USAID Bolivia's democracy program has evolved significantly since 1989, when the first justice sector activities began. Since then, the Government of Bolivia (GOB) has embarked on several important reforms that have made Bolivia a leader in democratic development in the region. These include: 1) justice reforms, such as the new Code of Criminal Procedure and the creation of new justice entities; 2) the creation of single-member legislative districts; and 3) the Popular Participation Law of 1994, that grants substantial resources to 314 municipal governments. Currently, activities under the Democracy Strategic Objective (DEMOSOT) include expenditures of about $5 million annually through contracts implementing programs corresponding to three intermediate objectives: improved administration of justice, effective and participatory municipal development, and on a limited scale, improved legislative representation. USAID Bolivia carries out an annual "Democracy Values Survey," alternating between national surveys and limited surveys in nine municipalities. Increased grant assistance to NGOs to achieve broad program purposes is anticipated, particularly if Plan Colombia and Andean Regional Initiative Funds increase the democracy program's OYB in FY 2002. Counterparts in judicial reform include the Ministry of Justice, the Supreme Court, the Judicial Council, the Public Ministry, the Constitutional Tribunal, and up to justice sector NGOs. In municipal development, the program works directly with municipal associations, a municipal federation, and several municipal "mancomunidades" (sub-regional associations)." The Vice-President's Office, the National Congress, and selected representatives are counterparts in legislative reform. The promotion of democracy in Bolivia is a high priority objective of the U.S. Government. Hence, the USAID democracy program works very closely with other agencies of the U.S. Embassy, in particular, with DEA, ICITAP, the Public Affairs Section (PAS) and the Embassy's political section (ECOPOL). The Team Leader participates in the Embassy Political Group. The Democracy technical office staff consists of one Foreign Service Direct Hire, one USPSC (the Deputy Team Leader), and six Foreign Service Nationals. 2. Specific Duties and Responsibilities The USAID/Bolivia Deputy Democracy Team Leader has a broad range of strategic, programmatic, administrative, and coordination responsibilities pertaining to the implementation of democracy activities in Bolivia assisted by the DEMOSOT. The Contractor will provide guidance to the DEMOSOT Intermediate Result team leaders, as well as assist the DEMOSOT Team Leader in overall team management, and in fulfilling its responsibilities to the Embassy, the donor community, and USAID Washington. Specifically, the Contractor shall: A. Serve as advisor to one or more of the three DEMOSOT Intermediate Results Teams (Administration of Justice, legislative strengthening, or Democratic Development and Citizen Participation). Directly supervise DEMOSOT staff, as determined by the Team Leader. Draft or review activity documentation and ensure high quality documents. Accompany IR team members on field visits and make recommendations for program improvement. B. Participate as a core member of the DEMOSOT in the development of strategies, approaches and mechanisms to empower implementing partners to effectively and efficiently attain expected goals, objectives and results. The Contractor shall provide analysis and advice as needed on the technical, social, and political factors that have significant impact in pursuing DEMOSOT goals and objectives. C. Liaise with the donor community, and if needed, as chair of donor sub-groups in rule of law or decentralization. D. Manage or assist in the management of Embassy initiatives relevant to USAID democracy activities. E. Establish and maintain strong working relationships with high-ranking GOB officials in the Ministry of Justice, Vice-Ministry of Popular Participation, the Judicial Branch, and participating municipalities, and members of other Embassy agencies and sections such as the directors and deputy directors of DEA, ICITAP, ECOPOL, and the Narcotics Affairs Section (NAS). F. Remain up-to-date on the status of all DEMOSOT activities. Serve as the alter ego of the DEMOSOT Team Leader, and serve as Acting Team Leader in his/her absence. G. Prepare MAARDs, PILs, informational and briefing materials, and other documents as needed to implement DEMOSOT activities. H. Assist or take responsibility for drafting key reporting documents, including the Democracy portion of the Mission Annual Report, the Mission Performance Plan, and Consultative Group documents. Draft cables and other reports to State and USAID Washington on program progress. 3. Supervision and Relationships A. The Deputy Democracy Team Leader shall work under the direction of the Team Leader of USAID/Bolivia's Democracy Strategic Objective Team (DEMOSOT). Performance of the Contractor shall directly relate to the above statement of work (SOW), the U.S. Embassy's Mission Performance Plan (Democracy Objectives), and the general technical and administrative objectives of USAID/Bolivia's Democracy Results Framework. B. Standards for performance evaluation shall include timely and effective completion of tasks, high quality and acceptance of written products, effective interpersonal communication and management skills, creativity, full participation as a team member, and effectiveness in accomplishing the SOW. Performance benchmarks will be established through the preparation of annual work objectives and requirements. A review/update of these objectives will be carried out annually and during mid-cycle reviews with the DEMOSOT Chair. This performance evaluation will include a review of both what the position should be accomplishing, as well as the performance of the Contractor. Therefore, if the specific duties and responsibilities are determined by USAID/Bolivia to have changed over a period of time, the Contractor will be expected to adapt to and perform the necessary duties as modified. C. Nature, level, and purpose of contacts: The Contractor shall ensure effective coordination and information sharing with DEMOSOT members, personnel of other donor agencies, and Embassy agencies or units. In this capacity, he/she shall also work closely with GOB judicial institutions, municipalities, associations, NGOs, and individuals to increase citizen support of the democratic process in Bolivia. Regular contact with mayors, judges, legislators, and NGO leaders is expected. D. The Deputy Democracy Team Leader shall closely collaborate with and supervise one or more FSN Team Leaders, to be determined by the DEMOSOT Team Leader, based upon the skills of the Deputy. S/he shall provide substantive input to FSN evaluations of staff working under his or her guidance. 4. Reports and Work Plans A. Upon request, but at least annually to coincide with the annual reporting process, the Contractor will submit reports to the USAID/Bolivia DEMOSOT in a timely fashion, focusing on DEMOSOT problems and plans for their resolution. As required, special reports pertaining to his/her area of expertise will be prepared for the Mission, Embassy, USAID Washington, or reporting cables. B. Memoranda of record or reporting e-mails will be required to document substantive discussions and important decisions made in meetings with implementing entities, or significant implementation issues following field visits. C. In addition, ten (10) working days prior to the termination of the contract period, the Contractor will present to the DEMOSOT Chair a report covering the terms of the contract. The report will include a summary of accomplishments relative to the activities identified in the scope of work, general observations, and specific recommendations for accomplishing the USAID/Bolivia Democracy Strategic Objective. 5. Period of Service to USAID/Bolivia The Contractor's period of service shall be for twenty-four (24) months from the date of signature of the contract. The contract will allow for contract extension(s), but it is not anticipated that the total period of service will exceed four (4) years. Extensions will be contingent on the availability of funds and the willingness of the parties. The selected contractor should be available to start working by April 15, 2002. SELECTION CRITERIA Required Qualifications A. Academic degree (B.A., equivalent, or higher) in social science, international relations international development, management, or law. Advanced academic degree (M.A., LL.D, equivalent, or higher) strongly preferred in same fields. -- 10 points B. Spanish language oral and written presentation skills (minimum FSI 3/3) -- 15 points C. Excellent English oral and writing skills reflecting an ability to analyze and report to a wide audience on the issues and progress of the democracy program -- 10 points. D. Computer skills in both word processing, and spreadsheet software. E. U.S. citizen or resident alien status. F. Be able to obtain Secret security and medical clearances. Preferred Qualifications A. Proven project design and implementation experience in two or more of the following areas of democratic development: municipal development, civil society assistance, legislative strengthening, rule of law, or survey research. Experience in information technology, gender dimensions of democracy, good governance, and conflict resolution also desirable -- 25 points. B. Experience with USG foreign affairs agencies or programs. -- 20 points C. Three to five years of overseas experience. Proven organizational, administrative, and teamwork skills in an overseas (preferably Latin American) setting. -- 15 points. D. Experience with Power Point, webpage creation, and other programs desirable. -- 5 points.
Web Link
http://www.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/announce/cbd (http://www.usaid.gov)
Loren Data Corp. 20011212/RSOL009.HTM (W-344 SN5147M0)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on December 10, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com