Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 6, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research, ONR, CODE ONR-02 800 N. QUINCY ST. Rm 704, Arlington, VA, 22217
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 7, 2001
Point of Contact
Airan Perez, Program Officer, Phone 703-696-0845, Email pereza@onr.navy.mil -- Regina Williams, Senior Contract Specialist, Phone 703-696-2583, Email regina_williams@onr.navy.mil
The Office of Naval Research (ONR), Materials Science and Technology Division, is soliciting white papers for the development and transition of Marine Corps vehicle corrosion prevention and control technologies that will reduce maintenance work hours, increase readiness and extend the service life of vehicles. Areas of interest include: (1) development of a standardized road test methodology for Marine Corps ground vehicles; and (2) development of a deployable vehicle washdown system that incorporates corrosion inhibitor application.=20 (1) Road Test Development: The goal of this project is the development of a corrosion durability road test for Marine Corps vehicles which can be used to evaluate military vehicle corrosion resistance and vehicle service life. The road test must provide corrosion environmental exposures which emulate the damage caused by types and rates of corrosion attack experienced by vehicles in typical USMC fleet operational and storage environments. The test must also provide proving ground/road test elements commensurate with expected vehicle use and lifetime mileage. The government will provide two hardtop High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicles, one Internally Transportable Vehicle and one Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement for: (1) demonstration of the methods used to prove the repeatability of test results, and (2) demonstration of the versatility of the road test on different vehicle types. Test documentation of environmental exposure control and final vehicle corrosion performance must be commensurate in detail and accuracy with state-of-the-art standards related to corrosion specification enforcement and production-line quality assurance. The offeror?s proposal shall include a plan to contribute to the design of road test elements, in cooperation with the Government, during the first year of the project. The anticipated funding level for this project is $2.2M in total over a four to five year period for two awards. (2) Washdown System: The goal of this project is to develop or identify corrosion technologies that will protect Marine Corps vehicles from corrosion damage that can adversely effect vehicle service life. These technologies must provide environmentally acceptable and cost effective maintenance procedures that remove corrosive substances before they have an adverse impact on vehicle structures and surfaces and inhibit the effects of these corrosive substances during subsequent vehicle operation. Specific requirements include: (1) development of a procedure to incorporate corrosion inhibitor use into existing deployable Marine Corps agricultural and utility washdown processes, (2) evaluation of potential use of rinsewater effluent as washwater make-up when different types of inhibitors are added, (3) evaluation of corrosive ionic contaminants in the wash and rinse water and level of inhibitor strength concentration during subsequent wash/rinse cycles, (4) development of a procedure for Marine Expeditionary Units (MEU?s) to apply inhibitors to vehicles aboard Amphibious ships, (5) development of a prototype applicator and application procedures (incorporating concentration and wash periodicity) for land based and shipboard applications, and (6) development of two complete stand-alone corrosion inhibitor application washdown systems. The anticipated funding level for this project is $1.1M in total over a four to five year period for one award. The areas of interest will be funded with a combination of Applied Development and Advanced Development funds (Budget Categories 6.2 and 6.3), subject to official fiscal appropriation. Selected proposals will be funded under the Future Naval Capabilities (FNC) Total Ownership Cost Reduction Program. For information on the DoN Science and Technology Programs Future Naval Capabilities, access the DoN S&T website at: https://donst.nrl.navy.mil/donst/open/open-fnc.html. =20 White papers are initially sought to preclude unwarranted effort on the part of an offeror in preparing a full proposal. If the offeror proposes development in more than one area, a complete white paper should be submitted for each area. Offerors submitting the most promising white papers will be invited to submit a full technical and cost proposal on all or part of their white paper submission. However, such an invitation does not assure a subsequent award. Awards may take the form of contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or other transaction agreements, as appropriate, but it is presumed that a contract will be the award vehicle. The date for submission of full proposals will be provided in the letter to the offeror providing feedback on the white paper. The government reserves the right the select for award all, some or none of the proposals received under this BAA. ONR does not provide funding for direct reimbursement of white paper or subsequent proposal development costs. It is not the intent of this BAA to establish new facilities. White Papers are due by 2:00 p.m. (local time) on 07 December 2001 and should respond to the following requirements: 1. White papers must include a cover page, clearly labeled ?WHITE PAPER?, with the BAA title and date, offeror?s organization name and address, proposal title, administrative and technical points of contact, telephone and facsimile numbers and e-mail addresses. 2. White papers are limited to seven pages (excluding the cover page) and shall be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch paper, single or double-spaced, with no less than a 12 point font and 1 inch margins. 3. White papers shall consist of three primary sections: Technical, Management and Cost. 4. White papers shall cover a period of performance not to exceed five years. 5. The technical section shall provide a clear description of the products/technologies being proposed and shall discuss: a. The offeror?s understanding of the need for the specific Marine Corps vehicle corrosion prevention and control technologies being addressed. b. Objectives of the proposed effort. c. Technical issues to be resolved to accomplish objectives. d. The technical approach to resolve technical issues, to develop the products/technologies, and to achieve performance metrics. e. The method to accomplish transition of the products/technologies for Marine Corps implementation. f. An assessment of advantages of a successful proposed effort over current technological capabilities. 6. The management section shall include key personnel, facilities, previous organizational experience related to proposed technologies, partnering arrangements, if any, and a plan of action with milestones. 7. The cost section shall include a cost breakdown of the effort being proposed (estimated cost of the proposed work; and estimated costs of subcontractors, if applicable). 8. Submit one-page curricula vitae for the principal technical investigator, project manager and other key personnel. The curricula vitae will not count in the seven-page limit. The format for subsequent full proposals is described under ?Proposal Outline? at http://www.onr.navy.mil/scripts/02/howtosubmit.asp. White papers and full proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:=20 1. Overall scientific and technical merit. 2. Understanding of the problem, including corrosion impact on vehicles, current technical/scientific innovations, and risk associated with developing affordable successful solutions to requirements. 3. Potential for transition of products/technologies for Marine Corps implementation. 4. Qualifications, capabilities and experience of the proposed principal technical investigator and other key personnel who are critical in achieving the technical objectives. 5. Realism of the proposed budgetary cost and availability of funds. (NOTE: FACTORS 1 THROUGH 5 ARE EQUAL IN IMPORTANCE) ONR highly encourages partnering among industry and academia with a view toward speeding the incorporation of new science and technology into fielded systems. Proposals that utilize industry-academic partnering which enhances the development of novel S&T advances will be given favorable consideration. Government agencies will not be in direct competition with industry. Costs for white papers where a Government lab is included as part of the team should be predicated on separate awards to the Government lab and the team partners. Offerors must submit an electronic copy of the white paper to Dr. Airan Perez at pereza@onr.navy.mil by 07 December 2001. Offerors must state in their white paper or proposal that it is submitted in response to this BAA. Only those offerors that submit white papers by 07 December 2001 will be invited to submit proposals for awards.=20 Offerors are expected to appropriately mark each page of their submission that contains proprietary information. Proposals submitted in response to this BAA are expected to be unclassified. Foreign entities may submit proposals that describe unclassified/publicly releasable work if the proposed technology can be developed and demonstrated within that classification level. Unsuccessful offerors of proposals will be notified. White papers and full proposals will not be returned after evaluation. White papers and full proposal submissions will be protected from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with FAR Parts 3.104-5 and 15.207, applicable law and DoD/DoN regulations. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this solicitation is 541710 (which corresponds with the standard industrial classification code of 8733) with the small business size standard of 500 employees. For awards made as contracts, the socio-economic merits of each proposal will be evaluated based on the commitment to provide meaningful subcontracting opportunities for Small Businesses, HUBZone Small Businesses, Small Disadvantaged Businesses, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, Woman-Owned Small Business Concerns, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority Institutions (including Hispanic Serving Institutions and Tribal Colleges and Universities). Successful offerors (other than small business concerns) that submit contract proposals exceeding $500,000 will be required to submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR Part 52.219-9 prior to award. Proposals should also be accompanied by a completed certification package which can be accessed on the ONR Home Page at http://www.onr.navy.mil/scripts/02/reps_certs.asp. The certification package for contract proposals is entitled ?Representations and Certifications for Contracts?. The certification package for grant proposals and proposals for cooperative agreements or other transaction agreements is entitled ?Certifications for Grants and Agreements?. Successful offerors not already registered in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) will be required to register in the CCR prior to award of any grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or other transaction agreement. For general guidance on the subcontracting plan format (master and individual), and signing up for the central contractor registry, access the ONR Home Page at http://www.onr.navy.mil/scripts/02/howtosubmit.asp. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement as interpreted under FAR 6.102 (d)(2)(i). Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) or other solicitation be issued regarding this announcement. =20
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/USN/ONR/ONR/02-004/listing.html)
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Created on November 6, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com