Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 25, 2001
Contracting Office
Other Defense Agencies, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Contracts Management Office, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA, 22203-1714
ZIP Code
Bio-Magnetics Interfacing Concepts (BioMagnetICs) Workshop SN02-05. The Defense Sciences Office (DSO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is sponsoring a workshop on novel Bio-Magnetic Interfacing Concepts. This workshop will be held December 11-12, 2001, at Strategic Analysis in Arlington, VA. DARPA is interested in exploring basic research efforts supporting the development of core technologies for integrating nanoscale magnetics into biology and demonstrating the power of magnetics as a novel transduction mechanism for the detection, manipulation, and functional control of single bio-molecules and cells. In principle, a cell or bio-molecule with a magnetic moment can be detected and/or manipulated. In fact, if the magnetic moment can be placed with great precision at particular cellular receptors, one can even conceive of turning on and off intracellular signaling pathways via magnetic actuation. All of this might be possible were it not for the fact that cells and bio-molecules are typically non-magnetic. The DARPA BioMagnetICs Program seeks to change this paradigm by sponsoring basic research that will develop core capabilities for integrating nanoscale magnetics with biology at the cellular and molecular levels. It is anticipated that investments in these core areas will lead to revolutionary new capabilities on par with the discovery of optical microscopy in terms of their potential to advance our understanding and exploitation of biology at the cellular and sub-cellular levels. The core BioMagnetICs technologies of interest to DARPA include the following: 1) novel,=20 bio-compatible ferrofluids, or magnetic tags, with superior magnetic properties that are capable of attaching to single bio-molecules and cells with a high degree of specificity;=20 2) bio-compatible, high-sensitivity magnetic sensors capable of detecting single magnetic nanoparticles of 100 nm or less diameters; and 3) multiplexing, high-density magnetic tweezers that are bio-compatible and capable of manipulating single magnetic nanoparticles, attached to bio-molecules, with nano-scale precision. The goal of the BioMagnetICs Workshop is to explore areas of interest to DARPA in the development and demonstration of these core technologies that would ultimately afford new and/or enhanced capabilities for a number of biotechnology applications of interest to the Military Services. Some specific examples of expected Defense payoff areas include the following: 1) robust, hand-held bio-detection devices with multianalyte capability, high sensitivity (on par with current PCR and ELISA techniques), and minimal sample preparation requirements; 2) magnetics-based micro total analysis (micro-TAS) or laboratory on a chip diagnostic systems; 3) novel techniques for tagging and imaging, in-vivo, the pre-symptomatic presence of pathogens; 4) contrast agents for high-resolution, functional MRI; 5) magnetically targeted therapeutics for attacking infected cells and tissues without harmful side effects to surrounding healthy tissues and cells; and 6) new capabilities for initiating and monitoring intracellular functions such as apoptosis, mitosis, protein expression, and pigment change. In addition, this workshop will provide a forum for interested parties to explore potential teaming opportunities in order to facilitate the preparation of white papers and/or proposals that are responsive to a current DARPA solicitation in this area. A copy of the DARPA/DSO Bio-MagnetICs solicitation, BAA 01-42 Addendum 3, can be found at the DARPA website -- www.darpa.mil/dso under solicitations. The BioMagnetICs Workshop agenda will consist of presentations from DARPA and other Government agencies that have interest in this area. In addition, there will be a poster session forum to facilitate interaction and team forming amongst the participants. Workshop attendees are strongly encouraged to prepare posters and very short (2-3 minute) summary overview presentations describing areas of capabilities and interest in order to stimulate communications, interactions, and team prospecting. A short abstract of each poster presentation is required. Attendees are also strongly encouraged (although not required) to submit an electronic version of their poster presentations to be posted on a future BioMagnetICs Web page for public access. All talks by government personnel will also be available on this web site. Please register on-line at http://www.eventmakeronline.com/dso/View/index.asp?MeetingID=3D80. Presentation abstracts must be submitted at registration. The workshop registration fee is $130.00 and is inclusive of all workshop activities in addition to two continental breakfasts, a lunch, and refreshments at breaks and during the poster session(s). Registration cutoff is December 3, 2001, or at attendance capacity. Space is limited and it is recommended that you register early. For further administrative information contact Ronetta Andino (SN02-05@darpa.mil). Please refer to the "Bio-Magnetics Workshop" in correspondence. =09
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/SN02-05/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20011029/SPMSC008.HTM (D-298 SN5115N0)

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