Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 31, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Contracts Operations Branch 6701 Rockledge Dr RKL2/6100 MSC 7902, Bethesda, MD, 20892-7902
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
February 27, 2002
Point of Contact
Joanne Deshler, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0340, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email jd52g@nih.gov -- Pamela Lew, Acting Chief, HLV Section, Phone (301) 435-0340, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email pr31t@nih.gov
This is not a request for proposals. It is anticipated that the BAA-HL-02-04 will be available at: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/funding/index.htm on or about September 17, 2001. The overall objective of this BAA will be to establish local, highly interactive, multi-disciplinary Centers to enhance and develop innovative proteomic technologies and apply them to relevant biological questions in a manner that will advance our knowledge of heart, lung, blood, and sleep health and disease. The NHLBI anticipates awarding approximately 10 contracts, based on technical merit, available funds, and programmatic balance. BAAs are used by agencies to fulfill their requirements for scientific study and experimentation directed toward advancing the state-of-the-art or increasing knowledge or understanding rather than focusing on a specific system or hardware solution. This BAA is intended to complement and enhance the NHLBI's ongoing research programs, which involve a substantial investment in clinical research, genomic research, basic biology, and training and education programs.=20 The accelerating science of genomics has made a major impact on the practice of biomedical research. New genomic tools, particularly DNA microarrays, provide a previously unattainable global view of how gene expression patterns respond to various physiological stimuli, to mutations, and in disease states. Such knowledge provides a basis for insights into cellular metabolism that were not possible by studies of a few selected genes at a time. However, a DNA microarray, or any nucleic acid-based methodology, is blind to many events that occur at the protein level. Therefore, they provide an indirect and incomplete picture of cellular function and hence additional information is needed for advancing human medicine and health care. The field of proteomics seeks to supply this knowledge by revealing the levels, activities, regulation, and interactions of every protein in the cell and how these quantities respond to a particular stimulus (e.g. drug, food, infection) or disease state or DNA alteration. In essence, proteomics builds on and complements the knowledge gained from genomics. This significant effort in proteomics will provide discoveries about the cells' protein machinery that will likely yield important clinical applications. Such knowledge could provide an understanding of the molecular basis of the cause and progression of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders, identify targets for new therapeutic interventions, and lead to new methods for early detection and diagnosis. For example, analyzing patterns of protein expression from tissues or fluids over the course of disease progression could reveal proteome-level "biosignatures" indicative of specific disease status. Such "biosignatures" may be used extensively in 21st century medical diagnostics. Similarly, analyses of protein profiles before and after pharmacological treatments could provide vital clues regarding drug effectiveness and toxicity. In addition, particular "biosignatures" may be used to customize therapeutic plans for individual patients. In order to overcome technological barriers and promote biological discoveries with clinical benefit, an environment is needed in which innovative approaches are developed in concert with studies of important biological problems. In order to develop truly innovative technologies and apply them to biological issues, the BAA provides for a sustained period of substantial, uninterrupted support. It is recognized that proposed approaches may very well be outdated within a few years, thus flexibility allowing updating approaches are part of this BAA and any subsequent contract. In order to insure maximum benefit from this investment, the products (reagents, techniques, methods, documentation, information, etc.) of this effort will be made readily available to the scientific community.=20 Prospective offerors are invited to attend a pre-proposal conference on November 2, 2001 at the Natcher Building on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, Maryland. NHLBI staff will explain the purpose of the Proteomics Initiative, provide instructions about the proposal process, and answer questions. Questions provided prior to October 26 will be answered at the meeting. Offeror institutions are urged to send a representative to this conference, both to gather information and to exchange ideas with other potential offerors. All attendees, as well as anyone who cannot attend the pre-proposal conference, will be given access to any distributed materials, questions and answers, and a summary of the discussion. These materials and additional information about the meeting will be posted with the BAA. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is recommended; however, attendance is not a prerequisite for proposal submission and will not be considered a factor in proposal evaluation. Awards under this solicitation will be made only to offerors located in the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/spg/HHS/NIH/NHLBI/BAA-HL-02-04/listing.html)
Loren Data Corp. 20010905/ASOL007.HTM (D-243 SN50W5K7)

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Created on August 31, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com