Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 17, 2001
Contracting Office
Southwest Division, NAVFACENGCOM, Camp Pendleton Area Focus Team/5C
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 7, 2001
Point of Contact
Contract Specialist, Melissa A. Bookheimer, 619-532-4815
E-Mail Address
Melissa (bookheimerma@efdsw.navfac.navy.mil)
The Request for Interest (RFI) process has demonstrated a market interest in the privatization of the water and wastewater distribution systems at MARINE CORPS BASE, CAMP PENDLETON, CALIFORNIA (MCBCP). However due to the lapse of time from the initial market survey evaluation, it is the intent of the Government to re-evaluate market interest for the potable water and wastewater systems at MCBCP. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this RFI is to determine if there is current interest to privatize the potable water and wastewater systems at MCBCP. If interest is found, that system(s) will be analyzed to determine if it is economically advantageous to the Government to privatize the system(s). It is envisioned that the transfer would include all responsibility for operation and maintenance (including all equipment, manpower, and overhead), repair and replacement, capital improvements to the system, obligation to provide adequate service, and related environmental compliance. BACKGROUND: MCBCP has approximately 40,000 active duty service members and families and supports a daytime population of approximately 50,000. MCBCP comprises about 125,000 acres along seventeen miles of Pacific Ocean coastline. Abbreviated inventories and descriptions provided below are based on currently available information. Formal surveys are in progress. POTABLE WATER: MCBCP has two water systems (northern and southern). The main components include wells, booster pump stations, reservoirs, pressure regulating valve stations, chlorination stations, and water mains. The southern system is supplied with water from two groundwater basins through fifteen wells and fifteen booster pump stations. There are twenty-seven water storage facilities with a total capacity of approximately twenty-five million gallons. Water treatment is provided by an iron manganese treatment plant and ten primary and eight secondary chlorination stations. The system has approximately one hundred thirty-one miles of pipe ranging in diameter from three to thirty-six inches. The South Potable Water System is under a Compliance Order to complete design, construction, and startup of a second iron and manganese treatment facility by January 1, 2006. The northern system is supplied water from two groundwater basins through eight wells and six booster pump stations. There are nine water storage facilities with a total capacity of approximately six million gallons and five chlorination stations. The system has approximately thirty-five miles of pipe ranging in diameter from six to fourteen inches, and an additional three-quarter to four inch diameter pipeline. WASTEWATER: The MCBCP wastewater collection and treatment system consists of approximately fifty miles of collection pipelines, seventy sewage lift stations, nine treatment plants, and nine tributary areas. The 5 Santa Margarita sewage treatment plants are under Cease and Desist Orders (CDO) from the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) for failure to meet permit discharge specifications. The CDO requires that notification of long-term compliance project completion (programmed tertiary treatment plant) and new Report(s) of Waste Discharge be given to the RWQCB March 8, 2004. Additionally, there are periodic collection system sewage overflows. APPROACH: The purpose of this RFI is to determine if there is interest in the ownership and operation of the potable water and wastewater systems located at MCBCP. This RFI is one component of a process in the Department of the Navy's Utilities Privatization Plan intended to evaluate if it is economically advantageous to the Bases to privatize the utility systems. Should insufficient interest be identified for a privatization action, it is anticipated that no formal solicitation for proposals will be issued. Furthermore, if no interest is expressed by SEPTEMBER 7, 2001, for these utilities systems, it is the intent of the Navy to pursue economic exemptions as allowed by the Defense Reform Initiative Directive (DRID) #49 for these systems. Statements of market interest, in the form of official correspondence on company letterhead, must be received at the following address by SEPTEMBER 7, 2001: Southwest Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, ATTN: Melissa Bookheimer (Code 5C02.MB), 937 North Harbor Drive, 3rd floor, San Diego, CA 92132. Adobe Acrobat PDF files of official statements of market interest may be e-mailed to bookheimerma@efdsw.navfac.navy.mil. Interested parties shall indicate in their Statement of Interest which utility system(s) they are expressing interest in (water system, wastewater system, or both). Should there be interest in the system(s), a Request for Proposal will be issued on or about September 24, 2001, and the proposed solicitation will be unrestricted under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes of NAICS 221310 Water Supply and Irrigation System, with a size standard of $5 million, and NAICS 221320, Sewage Treatment Facilities, with a size standard of $5 million. The solicitation will be a competitive Request for Proposal using Best Value Source Selection contract procedures found in the Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 15. This solicitation will be open to all business concerns, including Cities and Municipalities. The entire solicitation will be released solely on the Naval Facilities Engineering Command electronic solicitations website, www.esol.navfac.navy.mil, (paper copies will not be available). All prospective Offerors are responsible for visiting the web-site frequently to obtain any amendments or other information pertaining to this solicitation. If issued, the solicitation package will be available for download as ZIP files. Contractors must be registered in the Centralized Contractor Registration in order to receive a contract award from any DoD activity. Contractors may access the CCR at http://www.ccr2000.com/.***
Web Link
Melissa (http://www.esol.navfac.navy.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20010821/SSOL006.HTM (D-229 SN50V3P0)

S - Utilities and Housekeeping Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on August 17, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com