Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 16, 2001
Contracting Office
Defense Energy Support Center, 8725 John J. Kingman Rd., Suite 4950, Ft Belvoir, VA 22060-6222
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
March 5, 2002
Point of Contact
Contract Specialist, Sherry Anderson at (703) 767-8127 or Contracting Officer, Verna L. Velez at (703) 767-9405
E-Mail Address
For additional information or clarification and to (sanderson@desc.dla.mil)
DESC: The Defense Energy Support Center (DESC), in conjunction with the US Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM) and Fort Knox, plans to offer the privatization of the Wastewater system at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Privatization is defined as the transfer of ownership and responsibility for the operation, maintenance, repair, future upgrades, and future utility system replacements. As a result of this solicitation, firm(s) will be selected to assume ownership of the wastewater system. The successful firm(s) will be required to purchase the existing system from the Government and may be required to provide expansions to the system to meet future needs of the Government. The successful contractor may or may not be the supplier of the commodity procured by the Government. The resulting contract(s), if awarded, will require the Contractor(s) to furnish all facilities, labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to own, maintain and operate the utility system(s). The Contractor(s) shall manage the maintenance, repairs, replacement, etc., of the system(s) to ensure continuous, adequate, and dependable service for each Government or tenant connection within the service area. The Contractor(s) shall be responsible for funding all capital investments required to acquire, maintain and operate the utility system(s) in a safe, reliable condition and to meet the requirements listed in the contract. Real property interests will be conveyed in the form of an Easement as an attachment to the RFP. The utility system(s) will be conveyed via a Bill of Sale upon award of the contract. The Contractor(s) proposals and plans may become a part of the contract upon the decision to award. Past Performance information from potential offerors shall be submitted as directed in the RFP. No offeror will be denied the opportunity to submit a proposal in response to the RFP. Utility System being privatized are described as follows: INSTALLATION AND UTILITY SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS: Wastewater System Description: The U.S. Army Fort Knox wastewater system consists of all appurtenances physically connected to the system from the point of demarcation. Generally, the point of demarcation will be the termination of a building's service line at the collection system. The system may include, but is not limited to, pipelines, lift stations, manholes, septic tanks and a wastewater treatment plant. The following description and inventory is included to provide the Offeror with a general understanding of the size and configuration of the system. The Offeror shall base the proposal on site inspections, information in the bidder's library, other pertinent information and the following description. Under no circumstances shall the successful Contractor be entitled to any rate adjustment based on the accuracy of the following description and inventory. The U.S. Army Fort Knox wastewater collection system consists of sewer mains and service connections for disposal. The sewer mains direct sewage from both the base and the City of Muldraugh, Kentucky to a wastewater treatment plant located on the base. The collection system on the base consists of 521,400 feet of sewer mains ranging in size from 2" to 36", with 8" being the most common size. There are also 1,745 manholes within the base collection system. The collection system is broken up into four individual classifications that are identified with the letters C, H, M and W followed by two numbers (e.g. C10). Letter C is an abbreviation for Capart Housing, letter H is an abbreviation for other Housing, M is an abbreviation for Military and W is an abbreviation for Wherry Housing. The two numbers followed by two zeros represent block numbers (e.g. 1000 Block). The age of the wastewater collection system ranges from 70 years old to 1-year-old and can be divided into three major age groups (<1940, 1950-1989, 1990-2000) with the majority of the collection system being constructed prior to 1940. The U.S. Army Fort Knox collection system includes a total of nineteen (19) lift stations with fourteen (14) containing submersible pumps, three (3) containing dry pit pumps, one (1) containing grinder pumps and one (1) containing a sewage ejector. The submersible pumps include pumps ranging in size from 2 to 40 hp. The dry pit pumps include pumps ranging in size from 10 to 60 hp. The sewage ejector has a capacity of 50 gpm. The grinder pumps, total of two (2), have 2hp motors. Seven (7) lift stations have emergency generators as part of their system. The lift stations generator range from 10 to 256KW. The age of the lift stations ranges from 58 years old to 1-year-old and can be divided into three major age groups (<1940, 1950-1989, 1990-2000) with the majority of the lift stations being constructed between 1950 to 1989. The U.S. Army Fort Knox wastewater treatment system consists of one 6 million-gallons-per-day (MGD) wastewater treatment plant and two septic tanks. The wastewater treatment plant is designed for an average wastewater flow of 6 MGD, a maximum daily flow of 14 MGD. The wastewater treatment plant consists of the following components: Preliminary Treatment including, Two Mechanical Bar Screens, Vortex Grit Removal System, and Influent Lift Station; Septage Receiving Station of 10,000 gal capacity; Two Extended Aeration Oxidation Ditches at 2.55 MGD capacity each with four 75 hp brush surface rotors; Four Secondary Clarifiers at 75' diameter and 13' SWD; Sludge pumping including six 15 hp return activated sludge pumps and six 5 hp waste activated sludge pumps; Two Chlorine Contact Basins at 93,750 gal each, with a total of two chlorine gas feeders; Two Dechlorination Chambers, one following each chlorination basin, with a total of two sulfonators; Two Gravity Sludge Thickeners at 35' diameter and 13' SWD; Two Aerobic Digesters at 65' by 65' and 17' SWD with three 150 hp Blowers and Coarse Bubble Air Diffusion; Two Belt Presses, 2 m width each; Non-potable water system capable of supplying between 580 gpm and 1160 gpm. This wastewater treatment plant handles flows from both the Base and the City of Muldraugh. Between April 1999 and March 2000, the wastewater treatment plant received an average influent flow of 3.3 MGD and a maximum daily influent flow of 13.8 MGD. In addition, plant personnel indicated that during wet weather, the influent flow into the treatment plant could be as high as 20 MGD. Two septic tank systems are used on the Base. One is located north of the City of Muldraugh in the Armor Board Area and the other is located in the Ammo Storage Area. The U.S. Army Fort Knox currently has a pretreatment program for their wastewater treatment plant. Activities associated with the pretreatment program include, but are not limited to, facility monitoring and source identification of prohibited pollutants. Facility monitoring includes facility semi-annual formal and informal inspections, wastewater sampling/analysis and wastewater flow measurement. Sampling/analysis includes quarterly scheduled sampling/analysis events for each facility and unscheduled random sampling/analysis events as required. A total of 25 on-base facilities and the City of Muldraugh are being monitored as part of the pretreatment program. Fort Knox has a total area of about 170 square miles of service area. There is one off-installation site one mile north of the U.S. Army base, which is the City of Muldraugh with a population of 1,376. The requirement for sewage services is part of and associated with this scope.
Web Link
Click here to review or download the solicitation when (http://www.desc.dla.mil/main/a/priv/priv.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010820/SSOL005.HTM (W-228 SN50V226)

S - Utilities and Housekeeping Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on August 16, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com