Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 16, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of Veteran Affairs, Network Acquisition Program, 130 West Kingsbridge Road, 10N3ACQ, Bronx, NY 10468-9938
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 20, 2001
Point of Contact
Sharon Pierce, (718) 741-4350, Archie Mosley (718) 741-4359, Ron Lawton, (631) 261-4400 x7076
Provide Professional Industrial Hygiene Services for Asbestos Abatement. Re: Project Number 632-315, Renovate Outpatient Psychiatry, Bldg. 63, 1st Floor-South Side and Bldg. 64, Entire 1st Floor located at 79 Middleville Road, Northport, New York. Industrial Hygienist shall provide all labor, tools, materials, equipment, supplies, and supervision. Must perform all work to provide Professional Industrial Hygiene services in compliance to the New York State Department of Labor, EPA, VA Specifications and OSHA. Industrial Hygienist shall be New York State Licensed Professional Certified Industrial Hygienist. Industrial Hygience shall provide all professional Industrial Hygienic Services during Asbestos Removal Operations during the construction of Bldg. 63 and Bldg. 64, required and necessary to comply with Va Contract Specifications, EPA, OSHA and New York State Department of Labor Regulations. All resident services and testing shall be by licensed New York State Project Monitor under the supervision of a New York State Licensed Professional Industrial Hygienist. Work shall be complete and as a minimum provide for all air sampling, resident inspection and enforcement of contract requirements, issuing unsafe condition memo and emergency stop work orders to asbestos removers, any and all testing, results of testing, written records, keeping daily logs of removal operations, transporting samples to the lab, obtaining sample results, cleanliness inspection, clearance testing and sampling. During testing and sampling, approving decon and setup areas, all licensing and medical checking, verifying all air changes and pressures, microtrap setups, exhaust ventilation, acceptance of cleaned area, issuing a certificate of cleanliness and acceptance for each area abated. Verify waste is properly bagged, moved and stored. Review and approve all contractors submitttals pertaining to asbestos operations. Verify asbestos waste has been received in proper landfill. Review and apporve all waste hauler licenses. Six (6) hour LAS turn around time for analyzing air samples. No on-site microscope -- All samples to be read in NIOSH approved and accredited lab. Clearance acceptance values are 0.005 fibers/cubic centimeter for each clearance test. PLM test during abatement shall not exceed 0.0005 fibers/cubic centimeter exhausted by the abatement contractors' microtrap or exterior/interior of the abatement contractors' decon facility. Advise abatement contractor when limits are exceeded and enforce abatement procedures to curtail fiber release to stated limits. Work may be Saturday, Sunday, Holiday or any part of the day and/or night. Industrial Hygienist to be present when asbestos work is being done. Coordinate IH servies with contractor removers. Review results of all test samples and advise the Governement of any problem. At the terminous of removal and within two (2) weeks of all removal operations, provide a written bound report (Four copies) signed and sealed that includes for each area abated, copies of all pre, during and clearance testing, cleanliness and acceptance records, daily logs, licenses of removers, waste manifests, dates of waste removal from the Medical Center and date when waste is disposed in the disposal site, all waste to go directly to an appproved landfill. Note -- No more than one area at a time may be under abatement. NAICS Code is 54162
Loren Data Corp. 20010820/HSOL001.HTM (W-228 SN50V1L6)

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Created on August 16, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com