Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
August 16, 2001
Contracting Office
NPOESS/Integrated Program Office, NOAA/SAO Procurement Staff, 8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1450, Silver Spring, MD 20910
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 4, 2001
Point of Contact
Jay W. Moore, 301-427-2126, ext. 112
E-Mail Address
Contracting Officer (jay.moore@noaa.gov)
This is a solicitation for a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Concept Exploration (CE) study to define the requirements and scientific/engineering capabilities for an aerosol polarimeter sensor and associated science algorithms to retrieve cloud and aerosol characteristics, hereafter termed the Cloud and Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor (CAPS). The purpose of this notice is primarily to advertise the availability of an RFP to be awarded competitively as a FFP contract for a CE study of the CAPS design and cost feasibility; secondly, the Government is providing notice of its intent to potentially release a solicitation for a subsequent Phase I contract; finally, this notice describes options under consideration for a Phase II down-select award for production of instrumentation, if subsequently approved as a bona fide requirement. This proposed instrument will measure along-track scene intensity as a function of wavelength and polarization to determine aerosol optical thickness, aerosol particle size, cloud particle size distribution, aerosol refractive index, and single scattering albedo and shape. The polarimeter would work in conjunction with the NPOESS/Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument data. Refer to A -- NPOESS POLARIMETER SOURCES SOUGHT FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST & CAPABILITY, SOL 52-SPNA-1-00099, posted to the CBDNet on May 25, 2001, for the proposed sensor characteristics. The Integrated Operational Requirements Document -- II (IORD-II) more specifically outlines these requirements in paragraphs;;; and These can be viewed from the web site at http://npoesslib.ipo.noaa.gov/. We anticipate awarding up to four (4), but not less than one (1) FFP contracts for aerosol polarimeter exploratory concept studies. Each award will be for an approximate value of $100,000. The period of performance will be approximately 90-120 days from the planned award date of November 01, 2001. By the end of the concept evaluation phase, the contractor(s) shall have: (1) identified a conceptual design for the aerosol polarimeter and science algorithms; (2) identified key potential trade studies using a cost-as-an-independent-variable approach; (3) addressed areas of development and implementation risk; (4) provided an Integrated Master Schedule for the development of an Engineering Development Unit and 2 flight units, and science algorithms; (5) provided a life cycle cost estimate and basis of estimate for the an EDU and two flight units including algorithms; and (6) prepared reports and briefed the findings of the CE study to the Government. The Government shall use the findings to assess industry's capability to proceed to the SDRR phase, the technical feasibility of obtaining the proposed EDRs, and the ability of the proposed conceptual design to be funded within the Government's allocated budget. An RFP will be issued to any interested respondents to this notice. Interested offerors are advised that their FFP proposals are intended to be limited to 30 pages. The anticipated format will be to (A) provide a conceptual design for the CAPS] sensor (10 pages) and science algorithms (5 pages), (B) provide a description of respondents' relevant and active experience with similar sensors and/or algorithms (5 pages), (C) discuss program management and teaming approach to CAPS (5 pages) including the concept study schedule, and (D) provide a CAPS notional development schedule and ROM costs (5 pages). The Government is not obligated to make any further awards beyond these studies. However, planning is underway for NOAA to release an RFP under full and open competition for a Phase I CAPS Sensor Design and Risk Reduction (SDRR) contract. Award will be approximately February 2002, with RFP release anticipated in late September to early October 2001. The Government intends to assess the results of the instant concept study award(s) as part of any subsequent Phase I SDRR proposal evaluation. Other interested offerors in the Phase I solicitation are encouraged to submit their own independently-funded CE study results, if they were not selected for a FFP CE award hereunder. If SDRR awards are made, the Government plans to reserve the right to award up to two (2) or more SDRR contracts to develop designs, including trade studies, for the proposed instrument and science algorithms, minimally culminating in a Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Significant input from NOAA scientists and algorithm teams is expected during performance of the SDRR phase. The NPOESS Preliminary Design and Risk Reduction (PDRR) contractors will also be reviewing the CE study results, advising the Government on the implications of the results, and assisting in the evaluation of the SDRR phase contracts. The CE study contractors and other interested offerors will be required to provide study results, or alternatively, equivalent information to the NPOESS PDRR contractors. The Government reserves the right to cancel any subsequent plans for an aerosol polarimeter down-select award. For information purposes, options being considered for selecting a Phase II contractor include letting the NPOESS Total System Performance Responsibility (TSPR) Contractor make the Phase II down-selection and award with Government input on the selection team; permitting the TSPR to make selection and award without Government input; or having the Government select the Phase II Contractor without TSPR input. The final strategy will be decided prior to any Phase I SDRR award. The CE RFP will appear approx. 15 days after release of this notice. Previous respondents to the May 25, 2001 RFI sources sought for "interest and capability" are advised that they may formally append their prior response to their proposal for this FFP contract. Unless directed to do so by the Offeror, the Government will not score any prior response as part of this FFP Concept Study proposal. These prior responses were designated as business proprietary/competition sensitive, and are not releasable under 5 U.S.C 552(b)(4), "Trade Secrets ." However, responses to this RFP shall be shared with the current NPOESS PDRR contracts, NPOESS' support contractors, including FFRDC's and SETA's; therefore, respondents should have appropriate non-disclosure agreements (NDA's) in place, if necessary. The estimated RFP release date is 04 September 2001, with an estimated proposal due date of 04 October 2001. ALL QUALIFIED VENDORS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Vendors are cautioned to restrict any Government contacts on CAPS to the Contracting Officer listed herein. See Numbered Notes: 12, 25, 26.
Web Link
IORD-II (http://npoesslib.ipo.noaa.gov/)
Loren Data Corp. 20010820/ASOL008.HTM (W-228 SN50V2C3)

A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on August 16, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com