Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
July 23, 2001
Contracting Office
JPL, Attn: Thomas May, Mail Stop 190-205, 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
Science Forum Interest (diane.e.garinger@jpl.nasa.gov)
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology JPL/Caltech), operating under a prime contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), presents the "5th ANNUAL SCIENCE FORUM" at JPL, von Karman Auditorium, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, California, 91109-8099. FOCUS: Attendees can expect to: (1) Listen to small business technical presentations; (2) Improve knowledge and skills in evaluating technical requirements and competing for high-tech opportunities in the federal government and prime contractor sectors; (3) Networking between JPL, JPL Prime Contractors, government representatives and all attending small businesses to exchange ideas and concepts with emphasis on expanding R&D subcontracting opportunities and partnering possibilities with other large and small businesses. TENTATIVE AGENDA: * Technical Presentations by Selected High-Tech, Small Businesses * Technical Discussions on Content of Technical Presentations * Networking and Interface Opportunities among All Attendees * STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES: Approximately six (6) small businesses will be selected by JPL to make technical presentations directly to JPL, JPL prime contractors and government representatives. Any small business that would like to compete for the opportunity to present technical capabilities must submit a six (6) page "Statement of Technical Capabilities" no later than August 6. JPL will select six (6) high-tech, small businesses whose capabilities relate best to potential future JPL and prime subcontractor requirements. The selected small business presenters will be allotted a 20-minute time slot for technical presentations. Last year, 40 high-tech, small businesses presented Statements of Technical Capabilities and from this group, 6 companies were selected as Science Forum 2000 technical presenters. TARGETED HIGH-TECH CAPABILITIES are: (1) Earth and Space Science Research and Applications; (2) Sensor Instrument Technology; (3) Commercial Remote Sensing; (4) Spacecraft Hardware; (5) Space and Ground Communications; (6) Electrical, Mechanical and Systems Engineering; (7) Lasers and LIDAR Systems; (8) Satellite Data and Information Technology; (9) Telecommunications; (10) Biotechnology; and (11) Mobility Systems and Robotics. PRE-REGISTRATION: There is no fee to attend Science Forum 2001; however, attendance will be limited to the first 200 people. In the event the number of registered attendees exceeds the capacity of the auditorium, preference will be given to small businesses and then to other attendees with a limited of two (2) people per company. You may obtain a Registration Form at http://acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov/boo/sciforum2001.pdf or contact Diane Garinger at (818) 354-6104 (direct), (818) 3534-7563 (FAX) or via e-mail Diane.E.Garinger@jpl.nasa.gov HOW TO APPLY: All firms interested in participating as a presenter at the Forum should submit a CORPORATE CAPABILITIES STATEMENT not to exceed six (6) pages in Word 7.0 or equivalent text format. The Statement must be in 8 1/2 x 11-inch format and should include information for each firm's: (a) Technical Areas of Expertise and Capability; (b) Track Record of Successful Performance (for the Technical Areas listed); (c) Research and Development, Design, Manufacturing and/or Services Capabilities; (d) Management and Quality Systems Capability; and (e) Other Factors considered to be relevant to its high-tech capabilities. In addition, submit a COVER PAGE of two (2) pages or less in Word 7.0 or equivalent text format which details the following information: (1) Contact name; (2) Mailing address; (3) Phone number; (4) FAX number; (5) E-mail address; (6) Web site or URL address; (7) a brief history of your firm; and (8) a brief biography for key officials of the company. SELECTION: JPL and NASA will select approximately six (6) firms that will serve as small business presenters at the Science Forum. Firms selected to present must cover travel at their own expense. A CORPORATE CAPABILITY STATEMENT AND COVER PAGE must be submitted to arthur.a.duran@jpl.nasa.gov NOTE: A reference made only to your firm's home page does not count as a Corporate Capability Statement and will not be considered by NASA or JPL. If your firm is not selected to participate as a presenter, we invite you to attend as non-presenters have actually received subcontracts through networking with representatives in attendance. The Science Forum is open to the general public. DEADLINES: Please register for Science Forum 2001 no later than August 14. Technical Capability Statements are due no later than August 6.
Web Link
5th Annual Science Forum -- August 29, 2001 (http://acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov/boo/sciforum.htm)
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Created on July 23, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com