- Notice Date
- July 9, 2001
- Contracting Office
- Bid Office, SPAWARSYSCEN, Code D21B, 53570 Silvergate Avenue, Bldg. A33, Room 0061, San Diego, CA 92152-5112
- ZIP Code
- 92152-5112
- Solicitation Number
- N66001-01-X-6030
- Response Due
- June 30, 2002
- Point of Contact
- Cathy Moore, Contract Specialist, 619-553-9311
- E-Mail Address
- Cathy Moore, Contract Specialist (
- Description
- DESC: The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego (SPAWARSYSCEN) in support of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC) is soliciting white papers and proposals for innovative research and development projects in counterdrug enforcement and support. The BAA's intent is to identify technologies that provide near-, mid-, and long-term enhancements in the drug crime operational capabilities of Federal (i.e., U. S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs Service, Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. Border Patrol, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration) and state and local Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). AREAS OF INTEREST: The goal of this research and development (R&D) program is to develop innovative technological approaches including operations research that provide counterdrug enforcement agencies with increased capabilities. This BAA is focused on three major areas: 1) tactical technologies, 2) wide area surveillance, and 3) electronic technology. (1) Tactical Technologies: Projects to be considered include technologies to disrupt drug crime organizations in all phases of drug operations. This area would include, but not be limited to: integrate and extract tracking information for field agent use, disrupt and intercept drug-related communications, disrupt the growth or eliminate drug crops, identify assets of organizations and individuals for seizure, and disruption of drug shipping routes. Technology areas also include are command, control, communications, intelligence, tracking and surveillance, monitoring and surveillance, forensics, data fusion, chemical, biological, and radiological detection, and low probability of intercept/detection communications, biometrics, cryptology, lie detection technology, vehicle stopping, and antenna systems. (2) Wide Area Surveillance: Projects in these areas would apply technologies to monitor and detect the growth, processing, shipment, and distribution of illegal drugs. Projects would include, but are not limited to, applications of radar, infrared (IR), ultra-violet (UV), and optical sensors. (3) Electronic Technology: Projects to be considered include innovative technology development projects to detect and track currency transactions, bioinformatics and its possible application to deep extraction of law enforcement data, electronic support measures, data compression and miniaturized electronics. It can also include displays, batteries, and other electronic support components that are essential to, and shall be demonstrated in drug enforcement equipment. SYNOPSIS/PROPOSALS: To save preparation costs and other resources, offerors are strongly encouraged to submit an initial synopsis (commonly referred to as "white paper") not to exceed 10 pages with technical description of the effort, a preliminary schedule, identification of risks, and a rough cost estimate. Offerors shall submit the white papers electronically. The website is The white paper must be accompanied by a title, offeror name, project duration, approximate cost, and a brief abstract with information explicitly pertinent to the proposed work. This summary information will be made available to select Federal Law Enforcement Agencies via a secure web site to determine interest in the subject from Federal LEAs. When the Federal LEA expresses an interest in obtaining the white paper, the LEA representative will be asked to complete a non-disclosure form. The Government reserves the right to request a proposal from any, all, part of, or none of the white papers. Upon favorable notification the Offeror will be invited to submit a complete proposal within 45 calendar days of notification by the Contracting Officer. Such notification will confirm that the offeror's white paper addresses areas of interest and has a reasonable chance for a competitive award based on subsequent evaluation of the offeror's full proposal. No debriefings of white papers will occur. Offerors submitting full proposals should obtain a Proposer's Information Pamphlet (PIP) entitled "BAA N66001-01-X-6030, GENERAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR ILLICIT DRUG SUPPLY REDUCTION AND CONTROL OPERATIONS". The PIP provides further information on the submissions and proposal formats. This pamphlet may be obtained from the web site:, under Business Opportunities for SPAWAR SYSCEN San Diego, referenced to this BAA number. Proposals not meeting the format described in the pamphlet may not be reviewed. BAA MILESTONES: White papers may be submitted at any time prior to the closing date of 30 June 2002. White papers will be selected for full proposals on the basis of funds availability and the evaluation procedures described below. EVALUATION CRITERIA/PROCEDURES: White papers and proposals will be selected through a formal procedure encompassing an academic/technical/scientific/LEA and counterdrug decision review process. Proposers are advised that white papers and full proposals may be reviewed or evaluated by non-government personnel such as former law enforcement officials or consultants, each of whom will have signed both a non-disclosure agreement and an organizational conflict of interest statement. All selected proposals may not be funded due to budgetary or program constraints. White papers and proposals will be reviewed with respect to the following criteria in descending order of importance: (1) Overall scientific and technical merit; -- feasibility of proposed approach; -- awareness of challenges; -- awareness of past and on-going research and related applications worldwide; -- potential for advancement of scientific understanding of the problem; -- degree of creativity and innovation. (2) Potential contribution, relevance, and impact to the National Drug Control Policy 's Goals and Objectives, as they relate to Supply Reduction. The ONDCP Goals and Objectives are posted on the ONDCP web site:; -- how the proposed work addresses solutions to the technological problems, -- the scientific basis for the proposed solutions and advanced technology applications -- understanding of the operational importance of solving the technological problem, -- potential for transition of program results into the ONDCP/CTAC Technology Transfer Program. (3) Capabilities, demonstrated production, and experience -- qualifications and experience of the proposed project team; -- sound management plan and experience; -- adequacy of laboratory resources; -- attention to a sound transition plan. (4) Cost and schedule realism -- costs relative to perceived benefits; -- project's plans and schedule; -- appropriate budgets, levels of efforts with reasonable description of details OFFEROR INFORMATION: Numerous awards may result from this BAA. The number of proposals funded will depend upon the quality and merit of proposals received and available funding. All white papers will be evaluated equally on their merit using the guidelines described above. There will be no formal Request for Proposals or other solicitation with regard to this BAA, nor does the issuance of this BAA obligate the Government to fund any subsequently invited proposals, nor to pay any proposal preparation costs. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs may submit a proposal, which shall be considered. Although no portion of this announcement is set aside for historically black colleges and universities (HBCU's) or minority institutions (MI's) participation, proposals are invited from all sources. The administrative address for this BAA is: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN, San Diego) Attn: Ms. Cathy Moore, Contracts 2212 53560 Hull Street San Diego, CA 95152-5001 Telephone: 619-553-9311 Questions of a technical nature may be submitted, by email only, to Mr. Richard Mellor, email Proposals may be submitted anytime during the open period of this announcement and should be unclassified. The Government reserves the right to select for award, all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. The Government may also only select specific tasks within a proposal for award. The Government further reserves the right to issue contracts, grants, cooperative agreements or other transactions. NO HARD COPY VERSIONS OF THIS SOLICITATION WILL BE AVAILABLE.
- Web Link
- SPAWAR e-commerce (
- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20010711/ASOL006.HTM (W-190 SN50R2J5)
| A - Research and Development Index
Issue Index |
Created on July 9, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. --