Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
July 9, 2001
Contracting Office
Director, USAMRAA, 820 Chandler St, Fort Detrick, MD 21702-5014
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
July 23, 2001
Point of Contact
Cheryl Miles, Contracting Officer 301-619-7148, cheryl.miles@amedd.army.mil
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contracting Officer via (cheryl.miles@amedd.army.mil)
Request for Information/Interest: The Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM) in conjunction with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)hereby announces the availability of the Draft Request for Proposal (RFP), relating to the Block III of Joint Services Fixed Site Decontamination System program (JSFDS). Block III of the JSFXD program is for the acquisition of skin decontamination system(s) that will provide the warfighter with capability to decontaminate personnel and casualties. The decontamination system(s) is for the removal or inactivation of chemical and/or biological threat agents from the skin. The system(s) will require the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval prior to fielding. Industry comments and questions are being solicited on the draft RFP and will be addressed during the industry day to be held on Wednesday, 25 July 2001, 1 PM -- 4 PM at Bldg. 611, Strough Auditorium, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702. The feedback will be used to refine and enhance a subsequent JSFXD RFP, scheduled for release this calendar year. The JSFDS Draft RFP is available at the following web address: www-usamraa.army.mil. Comments/Questions should be sent in writing via e-mail to: Ms. Cheryl R. Miles, cheryl.miles@amedd.army.mil no later than 23 July 2001. Your notice of intent to attend Industry Day should be sent to Ms. Miles via e-mail by 20 July 2001. New information may be posted periodically to the USAMRAA website. Announcement of such information may or may not appear in the CBD. The JSFXD program is designed to provide a reliable, safe, effective, and environmentally compliant decontamination capability to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Potential threat materials include Chemical and Biological (CB) warfare agents. JSFDS system(s) shall decontaminate these threat materials from casualties, personnel, equipment, facilities and areas at fixed sites, ports of entry, airfields, logistics facilities, and key command and control centers. To achieve this objective, the program has been subdivided into blocks with separate competitive contracting efforts anticipated for each block. BLOCK I -- The focus of Block I is to identify and field a family of Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) and/or Nondevelopmental Item (NDI) decontaminants by FY02. BLOCK II -- The focus of Block II is to field and if necessary develop a family of applicators capable of dispensing the entire family of decontaminants regardless of form (e.g. aqueous, non-aqueous, non-liquid). BLOCK III -- The focus of Block III is to identify and field a personnel skin decontamination capability that can be used on personnel and also on casualties, with and without open wounds (product will be safe for use around open wounds but is not intended to decontaminate the wound itself). Personnel and skin decontaminants and their applicators will require FDA approval. This product will replace the M291 Skin Decontaminating Kit (SDK) in the DoD inventory. BLOCK IV -- The focus of Block IV is to address requirements that have been traded-off during Blocks I, II, and III. DRAFT TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES FOR BLOCK III DECONTAMINANTS *Be suitable for personnel skin decontamination and use on ambulatory and non-ambulatory casualties including those with open wounds. *For skin decontamination applications, will remove or neutralize contamination within 2 minutes. *Not have adverse short or long-term health effect on the individual being decontaminated or on the individual(s) handling the decontaminant(s). *Be provided in nonaqueous, aqueous (potable water) or non-liquid forms. *Not degrade the performance of individual protective equipment and detection devices and collective protection equipment. *If hazardous runoff/residue is generated which does not meet local and federal waste disposal regulations, contain and store and reuse runoff/residue during personnel decontamination operations. *Provide storage/movement containers for decontaminant and hazardous runoff/residue. *Provide CB protection for storage/movement containers For aqueous systems. *Allow use of both military and civilian water distribution systems, and natural water sources. *Be operated by individuals of any military occupational specialty performing immediate decontamination in day or night battlefield conditions while wearing full individual protective equipment. *Individual decontaminants/decontamination system be packaged for easy use/carry by individual service members and meet or exceed form/fit/function standards of the existing system. *Ready for use decontaminants must remain effective for at least 12 hours. *Not produce any residue or secondary hazards, which are toxic, corrosive, or non-disposable during decontamination operations. *Be capable of simultaneously applying decontaminants to the entire body of personnel and ambulatory/non-ambulatory casualties. *Must be less environmentally hazardous or no more hazard than current decontaminants (e.g., M291 SDK, Hypochlorite).
Web Link
Click here to view or download a copy of the Draft (http://www-usamraa.army.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20010711/99SOL006.HTM (W-190 SN50R289)

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Created on July 9, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com