Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
June 22, 2001
Contracting Office
DFAS Indianapolis, Contract Support Office-FS, Col#133Z, 8899 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249-2801
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Sources Sought QOIW/IN 01
Response Due
July 25, 2001
Point of Contact
Richard Stapinski, 317/510-7024
E-Mail Address
Sources Sought-DoD Funds Distribution System (richard.stapinski@dfas.mil)
This announcement is a sources sought notice published for market research to locate potential sources and is not a request for proposal or solicitation. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service seeks to identify potential sources with extensive experience in systems software that can support the DoD Funds Distribution function. Currently, this function is supported primarily by the Program Budget Accounting System (PBAS), which is maintained by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service -- Indianapolis. The system selected must be JFMIP-certified, meet additional funds distribution-unique requirements and must demonstrate its capabilities by processing various funds distribution scenarios. Funds distribution is the function of recording, distributing, and reprogramming of budgetary resources. Budgetary resources are composed of program (including quantities), budget authority, and Treasury funds. The first step in funds distribution is recording control values by appropriation (i.e., Treasury symbol and fiscal year). Programs and specific funding values are taken from a number of sources. Direct and/or reimbursable control values are recorded for each program requested by the President and approved or added by Congress. Control values recorded include: (i) the funding requested by the President; (ii) funding authorized and funded by the Congress; (iii) funding reserved from distribution by OUSD(C), and (iv) funding available for distribution by OUSD(C). Budget authority controls are the values of funding apportioned by OMB and include direct and reimbursable authorities. In addition, budget authority for a number of appropriations is apportioned, or made available for obligation, on a quarterly basis while other appropriations are apportioned on an annual basis. Funds with Treasury controls are taken from appropriation warrants and appropriation transfers issued or approved by the Department of Treasury. After these program, authority and funds with Treasury values are recorded, the distribution phase begins. Distribution includes passing the funding to and by any number of fiscal organizations until received by an executing organization specifically responsible for accomplishing the program. At each step of the funds distribution function, controls must be in place to ensure that statutory and administrative controls are not violated. The primary control is that budgetary resources cannot be distributed in an amount greater than received. Reprogramming includes the moving of funding between programs in accordance with statutory and regulatory authority. Reprogramming may include above threshold, below threshold, closed account adjustment, undistributed reduction, and SBIR (Small Business Investment Research). The funds distribution function includes production of a number of outputs and the update of selected accounts within the US Government Standard General Ledger. The two primary outputs are the funding authorization document (FAD) and the reprogramming document which substantiate the distribution of budgetary resources between organizations and reprogramming of funding between programs. Other outputs include status of funds distribution reports and incoming and outgoing interfaces with budget formulation, accounting and management information systems. Funds distribution transactions update a number of proprietary and budgetary accounts. These General Ledger Account Codes (GLAC's) establish financial controls and are used in preparation of various DoD reports Potential sources wishing to obtain further information on the DoD Funds Distribution System may go to the agency website at www.dfas.mil. All sources that are able to perform this work must submit their interest in writing, including a written capability statement clearly illustrating their ability (knowledge, experiences, resources) to respond to the work described. The cover page of the capability statement should include company name, address, telephone number, FAX number, type of business (large or small, educational institution, large or small non-profit, 8(a), etc.) and point of contact. Responses are due by July 25, 2001 and can be mailed, emailed or sent by facsimile. The Government will not pay for any information submitted in response to this "sources sought" announcement. Should this market survey determine that there are organizations capable of providing such services, DFAS may release a Request for Proposal sometime in the future. The point of contact for this sources sought announcement is Richard Stapinski, 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46249. Fax number is (317) 510-4698, Attn: Richard Stapinski. The email address is:richard.stapinski@dfas.mil. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR SOLICITATION.
Web Link
Attachments are located in Contract Announcements (http://www.dfas.mil)
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Created on June 22, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com