Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 21, 2001
Contracting Office
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Code 1162 Bldg 2521, 300 Highway 361, Crane, Indiana 47522-5001
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
June 15, 2001
Point of Contact
Ms. Stacy McAtee, Contract Specialist, 812-854-1988, FAX 812-854-5095 (Mr. S. Bingham, Contracting Officer)
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contract Specialist via (mcatee_s@crane.navy.mil)
This Commercial Area Announcement states the Government's intent to hold a combined government/Industry conference. The purpose of this conference is to (1) discuss the potential business opportunities available by satisfying the future requirements of the Special Operations Peculiar Modification (SOPMOD) Weapons Kit Program, (2) conduct concurrent pre-solicitation conferences on selected future sub-systems, (3) provide a forum for direct interaction between industry and Special Operators (end users), and (4) assemble industry representatives in a forum that promotes the establishment of cooperative industry teams. United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) sponsors the SOPMOD Program. The mission of the SOPMOD Program Management Office (PMO) at NSWC Crane, IN is to provide standardized, versatile weapons accessories to meet needs across Special Operations Forces (SOF) mission scenarios. These accessories will increase operator survivability and lethality by enhanced weapon performance, target acquisition, signature suppression, and fire control. SOPMOD PMO will provide these accessories when they are operationally suitable, affordable, sustainable, and funded. SOPMOD supports Army, Navy, and Air Force Special Operations Units, as well as a variety of other US military units and agencies, and allied forces. Currently, the SOPMOD Block 1 Accessory Kit is comprised of the following components: 4X Day Scope, Reflex Sight, Rail Interface System (MIL-STD 1913), Vertical Forward Handgrip, Quick Attach/Detach M203 Grenade Launcher Mount and Modified Leaf Sight, Quick Attach/Detach Suppressor, Infrared Laser Pointer/Illuminator, Visible Laser, Visible Bright Light (9-volt flashlight), Backup Iron Sight, Combat Sling, Sloping Cheek Weld Stock, Mini Night Vision Sight, Universal Pocketscope Mount, 9-inch M203 Grenade Launcher Barrel, and Kit Carrying/Storage Case. The program will continue to rely on Non-Developmental Item (NDI) / Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) capabilities where appropriate but will also obligate Research and Development funds to achieve the technological advancements envisioned for SOPMOD Block II. CANCELLATION: This CAA supersedes SOL N00164-00-R-0135, which is hereby cancelled. The SOPMOD program first expresses deep appreciation to those Vendors who have provided responses to that solicitation and other SOPMOD market survey requests. The valuable information Vendors have patiently provided has allowed for meticulous acquisition planning. On 25 March of this year, a SOPMOD Program Integrated Product Team (PIPT) / Requirements Working Group (RWG) meeting was convened to refine and finalize a fiscally constrained evolutionary acquisition plan. Consequent to the PIPT/RWG meeting, the requirements plan has been revised and reviewed by USSOCOM. Certain projects, although still required, have been delayed while others have been given a higher priority. SOL N00164-00-R-0135 is being reissued as separate announcements / solicitations, of which this CAA is the first. The requirements listed in SOL N00164-00-R-0135 remain valid. However, no further response should be provided for that solicitation. Rather, interested parties should respond to future announcements as they are published. PRIORITIZATION OF REQUIREMENTS: TOP PRIORITIES: (1) Platform Modifications (PMOD) to rifles and carbines to (a) increase their performance and (b) prepare them to accept a replacement to the M203 Grenade Launcher, the Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module (EGLM). This first priority is envisioned as a tandem, phased acquisition. Its first set of products will be Special Purpose Receivers (SPR) for precision fire and Close Quarter Battle Receivers (CQBR) for close combat, both planned for 2002 production. PMOD selected will serve for follow-on EGLM test platforms and may be incorporated into the NSWC Crane depot rebuild program for rifles and carbines. The second product will be the EGLM, attachable to all PMOD rifles and carbines. EGLM is planned for 2004 production. (2) Enhanced Combat Optical Sight (ECOS) for the SPR (ECOS-SPR) planned for 2002 production. (3) Family of Muzzle Brake / Suppressors (FMBS) planned for 2002 production. FMBS may be included in the PMOD acquisition above. (4) ECOS for the Carbine (ECOS-C) planned for 2004 production. (5) Clip-on Night Vision Device (CNVD), previously published as I2M, TIM, and SFM, planned for 2004 production. (6) Enhanced Indirect Fire Munitions (EIFM) are advanced 40mm Low Velocity munitions planned for initial procurement in 2008. SECONDARY PRIORITIES: All other systems described in SOL N00164-00-R-0135. Requirements still exist for these systems. However, there is insufficient procurement funding to equip all USSOCOM tactical units with these systems. SOPMOD will acquire certain of these systems through cooperative efforts with U. S. Army and USMC programs. Others may be pursued independently as "Catalog Kit" items. These will be Independent Research And Development (IRAD) or other low-cost acquisition efforts leading to IDIQ contracts. These contracts will be available to equip a small number of the highest priority SOF units and other SOF units wishing to spend their own unit funds to purchase the items, until such time as procurement funding may become available. INVITATION: All free world industry, academia, and government weapons research and development activities are invited to this conference. Additionally, industry attendees may offer to present at this conference by providing a one-page white paper describing a potential offering and a summary of what value the potential offering may add to the SOPMOD Program. The one-page paper may also include attached briefing materials, product information, and plans for product improvement, industrial description, and concepts. Deadline for white papers is 15 June 2001. White papers will be screened for Program interest. A limited number of presentations will be selected for (1) open presentation to all attendees and (2) proprietary presentations in closed session with US Government personnel only. Selected presenters will be notified of their selection on 29 June 2001. The Industry Conference is tentatively scheduled to be held 9-13 July 2001 at a location to be announced, most likely Indianapolis, IN. An attendance fee may be required. This conference will not have provision for vendor booths, but may have limited table space for informal product sample display. Agenda and other details will be published by separate announcement. Industry members and other individuals wishing to attend the conference must notify the SOPMOD program by email, prior to 15 June 2001. Seating limitations may exist, and will be allocated on first-registered-first confirmed basis. Contact information for notification of attendance and SOPMOD Program Registration: Ms. Paula Pifer, Code 4081, telephone (812) 854-5686, email pifer_p@crane.navy.mil. Industry attendees, please provide your Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code and Contractor Establishment Code (DUNS number). To be eligible for attendance you must be properly registered in the Government's Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Offerors may obtain information on CCR registration and annual confirmation requirements by calling 1-888-227-2423, or via the Internet @ http://ccr.dlsc.dla.mil or http://www.ccr2000.com. NOTICE: Allied national attendance is encouraged. Foreign national citizens must request permission to attend through their respective embassies to the Navy International Programs Office (NIPO). Proposed foreign disclosure, foreign military sales (FMS) and direct commercial sales (DCS) pertaining to any of these programs or equivalent systems will be jointly coordinated with USSOCOM and Navy foreign disclosure representatives (FDRs) prior to being finalized through Navy or other DoD channels. NOTICE: In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 15.202- ADVISORY MULTI-STEP PROCESS: Attendance at this conference is not mandatory for Offerors. Failure to attend this conference will not preclude Offerors from participating in the resultant acquisitions. Subsequent contracting efforts may be of a best value nature and may include Request for Commercial Offerings (RCO), Brand Name or Equal/Better, Performance Specification or R&D Request For Proposal (RFP) (multi-level). This CAA is neither a solicitation nor a request for proposals; no solicitation exists. Nothing in this announcement constitutes an obligation on the part of the US Government. Email and written white papers and other technical / contractual communications should be addressed to Ms. Stacy McAtee, Contract Specialist, Code 1162NS, Bldg. 2521, NAVSURFWARCENDIV, 300 Highway 361, Crane, IN 47522-5001; or send a request via e-mail to mcatee_s@crane.navy.mil (e-mail is preferred). Telephone: 812-854-1988, FAX 812-854-5095. Additional information will be posted on the NSWC web site at www.crane.navy.mil/supply/announce.htm as it becomes available.
Web Link
Click here to review Crane Division Acquisition Department (http://www.crane.navy.mil/supply/announce.htm)
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Created on May 21, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com