Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
May 15, 2001
Contracting Office
Alexandria General Organization For Sanitary Drainage, (AGOSD) in front )f 21 Mohamed Shafig Ghoral Street, El -- Shatby, Alexandria, Egypt, A.R.E.
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
IFB 99-50, IFB 99-51, IFB 99-52
Point of Contact
For contracting related questions: contact Jim Oskins, OMI/CH2M HILL; 6060 S. Willow Drive, Suite 200; Englewood, CO 80111; Tel: (303) 740-0019, Ext. 4225, Fax: (303) 779-4084, or e-mail:joskins@ch2m.com. For technical questions; contact Pankaj Patel, CH2MHILL/OMI, Alexandria, Egypt, Tel: 203-424-6690, Fax: 203-424-6695, or E-mail: ppatel@ch2m.com
E-Mail Address
http://www.usaid.gov (joskins@ch2m.com or ppatel@ch2m.com)
The Canal Electricity Company (CEC), is a public sector company under the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC). On behalf of the CEC, its consultant, PSSG, invites expressions of interest and submission of prequalification information, for the purpose of short-listing, from U.S. firms only who can qualify through experience with projects of similar scope and magnitude, for Design/Build (D/B) services, for the replacement of the controls for the existing boiler, turbine and balance-of-plant controls and related field instrumentation and equipment at each of the four units at the Ataka thermal power generating station in Egypt. The anticipated scope of the works shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, engineering, design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing, training and commissioning for the following: (1) replacement in total of existing Siemens' digital and analog control system with a new coordinated Distributed Control System (DCS) for combustion/ boiler/ miscellaneous plant loop controls; (2) replacement of the existing Siemens' data acquisition computers with a new Data Acquisition System (DAS) as part of the DCS/DAS; (3) replacement of the existing burner management system (BMS) with a new system in compliance with NFPA 8502; (4) a new Sequence of Events System (SOE) to be included as part of the DCS/DAS; (5) replacement of existing annunciation and include the function in the new DCS/DAS; (6) replacement each Unit's main control boards, panels, or control desks, with three operator interface stations; (7) retaining each Unit's existing electrical panels, but duplicating status into the new DCS/DAS; (8) replacement of the existing Siemens' Iskamtec steam turbine controls with a new microprocessor based system or including the steam turbine controls functions in the new DCS/DAS, including a rotor stress package; (9) a new color furnace camera for each Unit; (10) replacement of various control valves for each Unit; (11) replacement of all the existing transmitters associated with the combustion control, burner management, and certain balance-of-plant systems; (12) replacement of all the existing pressure and level switches associated with the combustion control, burner management, and certain balance-of-plant systems; (13) a new water/steam sampling system; (14) new O2 and carbon monoxide analyzers and an opacity meter; (15) transducers to interface various volt, Watt, Var, amp and signals for status in the new DCS; (16) a new remote drum level transmitter; (17) new turbine supervisory instrumentation (TSI); (18) a new uninterruptable power supply (UPS) for the DCS/DAS; (19) a new natural gas analyzer and gas meters; (20) a new continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS); (21) various fuel oil meter(s), transmitters and switches; (22) including soot blowing controls in the DCS; (23) revisions and additions to HVAC system, lighting and flooring, as required; (24) architectural changes to main control room(s) for adaptation to new operator stations; (25) a new pubic address system; (26) new PLCs for units 1 & 2 Water Treatment System; (27) a new Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface (28) a new main gas monitoring system with filter -- separator and gas chromatograph. (29) new vibration monitoring systems for FD fans, gas recirculation fans, BFP's and condensate pumps. (30) Including LP and HP level controls in the DCS. (31) new boiler efficiency and performance monitoring packages; (32) addition of a heat rate controllable losses package; (33) a new large screen monitor for the mimic display; (34) replacement of selected local control relay panels and a PLC connected to the DCS/DAS. Anticipated construction period is 18 months beginning approximately November 2001. CEC contemplates awarding a fixed-price, Design/Build (D/B), host-country contract (HCC) to the responsible bidder whose bid is responsive to the solicitation requirements, and provides the lowest total evaluated price. Financing of this project will be in U.S. dollars and local currency. Payment of the U.S. dollar portion will be made through a USAID Direct Letter of Commitment (D/LCOM) issued directly to the successful bidder under USAID Grant No.263-0224. Local currency payments will be made in Egyptian Pounds by CEC. Firms will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria found in the Prequalification Questionnaire (PQQ). Firms must comply with USAID source, origin and nationality requirements and USAID geographic code 000 as set forth in Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 228 (22 CFR Part 228), and must demonstrate that they posses the management performance and workload capability, technical expertise, and financial resources necessary to complete this D/B project as stipulated and explained in the PQ. Participation of combinations of firms is acceptable, provided that it is in the form of a single firm as a prime contractor with subcontracts, or a legally organized partnership. Firms seeking prequalification are required to submit full information, as explained in the PQQ, on subcontractors or on all parties in a partnership arrangement, that it is contemplating for this contract. CEC has contracted with the Power Sector Support Group (PSSG), a Joint Venture of Gilbert/Commonwealth Inc, (G/C) and Pennsylvania Power and Light Co. (PP&L) as their consulting engineers (Owner's Engineer) to assist in the procurement and supervision of this project. The PQQ and additional information will be made available by written request (facsimile and e-mail requests are acceptable) from PSSG, Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc., c/o Parsons Energy and Chemicals Group Inc., 2675 Morgantown Road, Reading, PA 19607, Tel: (610) 855-2000, Fax: (610) 855-3110, email: alberto.orengo@parsons.com, beginning fifteen days after the publication of this notice. Requests for the PQ documents should include the company name, name of contact person, street address, telephone and fax numbers and email address of the requestor. The deadline for receipt of information will be 45 days after the date of the publication of this notice. Instructions for submittal of information, i.e., exact date of submission, time and place will be provided in the PQQ. Late submissions will not be considered. After evaluation of information is completed, CEC will notify in writing all firms submitting pre-qualification information whether or not they are deemed qualified for the project. An Invitation For Bid (IFB) will be issued to prequalified firms. Only prequalified firms will be allowed to submit Bids for the project. The preferred method of distribution of USAID procurement information is via the Internet. This CBD Notice can be viewed and downloaded using the Agency Web Site. The World Wide Web address is http://www.usaid.gov . Select Business and Procurement Opportunities from the home page, and then select USAID Procurements and then commerce business daily notices (CBD). Receipt of this CBD through the Internet must be confirmed by written notification to the contact person noted above. It is the responsibility of the recipient of this notice to ensure that it has been received from the Internet in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the U.S. Agency for International Development encourage and welcome in this activity the participation, to the fullest extent possible, of minorities and women both as individuals and as members of contracting or sub-contracting firms. In this respect, it is anticipated that the prime contractor will make every practicable use of such personnel and firms.
Web Link
http://www.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/announce/cbd (http://www.usaid.gov)
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Created on May 15, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com