Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 30, 2001
Contracting Office
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 216, Greenbelt, MD 20771
ZIP Code
Response Due
May 16, 2001
Point of Contact
Dawn M. Fountain, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 286-3815, Fax (301) 286-1773, Email dfountai@pop200.gsfc.nasa.gov
E-Mail Address
Dawn M. Fountain (dfountai@pop200.gsfc.nasa.gov)
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), at the request of the Ohio State University (OSU),is seeking an industry partner(s) for participation in the development of the ultraviolet telescope lightweight optics for the Kronos mission. This mission is to be proposed to the NASA Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for the Explorer Program, Medium-class Explorers (MIDEX) and Missions of Opportunity (additional information on this AO can be found at: http://research.hq.nasa.gov/code_s/nra/current/ao-01-oss-xx/index.html The industry partner(s) will: 7 help develop the overall Kronos ultraviolet telescope primary mirror (this includes the mirror itself and a kinematic mount below it). We would like to hear about interest in and ideas on other optical needs (including the primary mirror mechanism, the entire metering structure, fabrication planning and cost estimation, performance prediction, alignment and test of the telescope, and other optics like the gratings.) for the initial proposal submission. However the evaluation will be almost entirely on the primary mirror and mount; 7 assist in the Phase A studies if Kronos is selected and funded for a phase A study, and 7 develop the ultraviolet telescope primary mirror optics and mount (including fabrication) should Kronos be selected for flight. The ultraviolet instrument as a whole will be the responsibility of the GSFC. For the portion of this solicitation dealing with the preparation of the initial submission to the MIDEX AO, there will be no exchange of funds between the teaming partners. Funding for Phase A and subsequent phases are contingent upon Kronos being selected for those additional phases. GSFC Plans to select a partner(s) using the following steps: 1. issue the Partnership Opportunity document, which includes a mission overview of the Kronos mission, instruments, science and instructions about how to respond to this partnership opportunity; 2. receive short (8-page) proposals; 3. schedule oral or teleconference presentations if respondents desire; these will be held during the first week after proposals are due; 4. conduct presentations; and 5. evaluate written reports and presentations. All Partnership Opportunity Document respondents who wish to make an oral presentation must provide verbal or written electronic notice by May 7, 2001. All Partnership Opportunity Document respondents must submit their written proposal via mail or preferably via e-mail using PDF files (files will not be redistributed via e-mail) no later than 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, May 16, 2001. Notices shall be delivered by mail to Ronald Polidan, NASA GSFC Code 600, building 26 room 200, (phone: 301-286-5039) or by e-mail to Michael Amato at Michael.Amato@gsfc.nasa.gov (phone: 301-286-3914). All responses will be treated as proprietary information. The Partnership Opportunity Document does not represent a guarantee of selection for hardware or software development. Neither GSFC nor OSU has a requirement for this mission or funds available to support its development. In responding to this notice please reference "Partnership opportunity for Kronos Mission Ultraviolet Telescope Optics". This solicitation is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government nor will the Government pay for the information solicited. An ombudsman has been appointed. See Internet Note "B". The documents for this partnership opportunity will be in Microsoft Office Suite (Word 6.0, Excel 5.0, or PowerPoint 4.0) format and will reside on a World Wide Web (WWW) server, which may be accessed using a WWW browser application. The WWW address, or URL, of the NASA/GSFC Business Opportunities home page is http://procurement.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/EPS/bizops.cgi?gr=C&pin=51. It is the offerors responsibility to monitor this cite for the release of the Partnership Opportunity Document and amendments (if any). Potential offerors will be responsible for downloading their own copy of the Partnership Opportunity Document and amendments, if any. Any referenced notes can be viewed at the following URL: http://genesis.gsfc.nasa.gov/nasanote.html.
Web Link
Click here for the latest information about this notice (http://nais.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/EPS/bizops.cgi?gr=D&pin=51#MIDEX-215)
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Created on April 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com