Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 25, 2001
Contracting Office
U. S. Army Engineer District, Savannah, P.O. Box 889, Savannah, Georgia 31402-0889
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Mr. Leslie Zuniga, 912-652-5418 (Technical Questions); Ms. Linda Elliott, 912-652-5076 (Contractual Questions)
E-Mail Address
Linda G. Elliott (linda.g.elliott@sas02.usace.army.mil)
NOTE: Any prospective bidder/offeror interested in obtaining plans and specifications for this solicitation MUST REGISTER ON OUR WEBSITE at https://ebs.sas.usace.army.mil/ Contractors may view and/or download this solicitation and all amendments from the Internet after solicitation issuance. Do not send requests for solicitations to this office. Plans and specifications will be issued on Compact Disk (CD-ROM) and will be provided free of charge. Paper copies of this solicitation will not be available. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Install metal/concrete pipe, manholes, slope protection and reinforced concrete culverts. Project will also cost existing metal pipe or line an exiting metal pipe. In addition project includes grouting under a building, site improvements and pavements. Project areas include the West Ramp, North Airfield and First Street. Procurement will be through a single phase Request for Proposal. Both evaluation factors are considered equal. Factor 1, Subfactors are listed in the order of their relative importance. Factor 2, subfactors are equal. Items listed under Factor 2, Subfactor 1 are equal. Structural Design however will be evaluated as go/no go. Factor 2, Subfactor 2 items are listed in order of their relative importance. Evaluation factors are: Factor 1: Past Performance and Design Build Experience; Subfactor 1: Past Performance. Quality of product, timeliness of performance, cost control, Business Management practices, key personnel past practices and OSHA violations; Subfactor 2: Design-Build Specialized Experience. Similar design-build projects completed, previous design-build projects completed and military construction projects completed; Factor 2: Narrative/Technical Solutions And Management Plan, Subfactor 1: Narrative/Technical Solutions: Subpart 1: Site Development. A. Site drainage layout with respect to minimizing existing facility (phasing) and system impact, use of and location of retention basins and use of permanent erosion control measures; B: List of materials to include the following: pipes, sizes, types, catalogue sheets describing type of pipe, pipe thickness; culverts, size, thickness; number of catch basins; junctions; manholes; risers; type of First Street lining; type of First Street coating; C. Structural. Subfactor 2: Management Plan; Subpart 1. Schedule; Subpart 2. Organizational Chart or Structure and Key Personal Resumes; Subpart 3. Quality Control Plan; Subpart 4. Safety Plan; Subpart 5. Subcontracting Plan. Options may be included in the solicitation. Network Analysis System will be required. Estimated cost range of project is from $10,000,000 to $25,000,000. THIS SOLICITATION IS ISSUED ON AN UNRESTRICTED BASIS PURSUANT TO THE "BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT REFORM ACT OF 1988" (PUBLIC LAW 100-656). This solicitation will be available on or about 7/17/01 on the Internet at: https://ebs.sas.usace.army.mil. Amendments to this solicitation will be posted on the Internet at the above address unless the total amended compressed files are greater than 5 MBYTES, in which case a new CD ROM disk will be issued. For amendments that are posted only on the Internet, an Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract (SF 30), and a list of revised specifications and drawings will be mailed to each bidder.
Web Link
Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, Contracting (http://www.usace.army.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20010427/YSOL008.HTM (W-115 SN50K2O0)

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Created on April 25, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com