Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 25, 2001
Contracting Office
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Contract Management Office (CMO), 3701 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203-1714
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
to register for the poster session, please send an (PS01-04@darpa.mil )
FUTURE COMBAT SYSTEMS (FCS) COMMUNICATIONS, 9 MAY 2001, 0830-1200, DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY, ROOM 510, 3803 NORTH FAIRFAX DRIVE, ARLINGTON, VA. POC JAMES FREEBERSYSER The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Advanced Technology Office (ATO) will present a poster session of the technology projects funded as part of the DARPA Future Combat Systems (FCS) Communications program. The purpose of the poster session is to provide information on the currently funded technology development efforts within the program, and provide time for interaction between the technology awardees and potential system integrators interested in PS01-04, the FCS Communication System Integration and Demonstration solicitation. The objective of the DARPA FCS Communications program is to aggressively design, develop, and demonstrate mobile, wireless ad hoc networks capable of operating with extreme Low Probability of Detection (LPD) and jamming resistance while carrying high data rate real-time traffic for positive robotic and fire control. The DARPA FCS Communications program is pursuing development of a dual physical layer (high band and low band) communications system in a real-time mobile, wireless ad hoc network environment. The technology development efforts already funded (see the previously released DARPA FCS Communications Technology BAA01-01 which is open until 3 Oct 2001) are pursuing multiple technical paths simultaneously, from multiple vendors (both industry and academia). Technology development efforts funded under BAA01-01 to be presented at the poster session include, but are not limited to: (1) High band component technology for exploiting microwave-wave and higher frequencies; (2) Low band (20 MHz to 3 GHz) subsystem technology; (3) RF information assurance; and, (4) Mobile ad hoc network technology utilizing directional antennas. The system integration and demonstration solicitation PS01-04 is available at http://www.darpa.mil/ato/solicit.htm. This solicitation's objective is to make awards to multiple system integration and demonstration teams to define solutions to the DARPA FCS Communications operational concept by teaming and integrating new innovative technologies, considering those selected for award under DARPA BAA01-01, into a future system design. It is anticipated that this program will continue through government fiscal year 2003 concluding with a demonstration and a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for incorporation into the FCS program. All interested industry, educational, and private and government sponsored research and development organizations are invited to attend, although a statement of US citizenship is required. Attendance at the poster session is not a prerequisite for submitting a proposal. However, it will provide opportunity for interaction with technology awardees. Each organization is asked to limit its attendees to two with multiple company organizations limited to six. Pre-registration is required. There is no registration fee. To register, please send email to PS01-04@darpa.mil not later than 3 May 2001. Identify subject as FCS Communications poster session registration. Include name and organization of each attendee. Confirmation will be sent along with a form to state US citizenship, and directions and points of contact for assistance. The poster session will be unclassified. This poster session is for informational purposes only. Participation is totally voluntary, and the government will not reimburse the attendees for any cost associated with participation and is under no obligation to award any related contract associated with this event.
Web Link
FCS Communication System Integration and Demonstration (http://www.darpa.mil/ato/solicit.htm)
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Created on April 25, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com