Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 23, 2001
Contracting Office
Rutgers University, University Procurement & Contracting, 56 Bevier Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8010
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
July 3, 2001
Point of Contact
Gail Schmidt, Seior Buyer Phone: 732.445.2142 E-Mail: gschmidt@rci.rutgers.edu
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the contracting officer vai (gschmidt@rci.rutgers.edu)
Deadline Date for proposals, Tuesday July 3, 2001 at 2PM Proposals are requested to deliver a training course on Metropolitan Transportation Planning. The subcontract is three (3) years with a two- (2) year option to be exercised solely at the discretion of Rutgers University. The course is multimodal in nature and is designed to reach the broad transportation planning community. The design and production of the participant manual, instructor's guide, presentation materials and other supporting materials will be provided to the subcontractor selected to teach the course prior to the first course delivery under the subcontract. Metropolitan Transportation Planning course consists of twenty (24) hours of instruction over three (3) days per delivery with up to forty-five (45) course offerings within three (3) years of subcontract signing, and up to thirty (30) offerings during the option period, if exercised. The course provides a general introduction and overview of the metropolitan transportation planning process. It covers the basic concepts, products, and participants in the process. The training program teaches both procedural and substantive aspects of the metropolitan transportation planning process as well as some "best practices" and federal requirements. NTI will coordinate its activities in the course with the National Highway Institute under whose auspices the course is currently being developed. NTI will require proposers to have had experience with the subject matter as well as experience in delivering training programs. To obtain a copy of the complete RFP, send a written request on organization letterhead to the University Procurement & Contracting address above. Fax or email requests will be acceptable; telephone requests are unacceptable. RFPs will not be faxed. Requests for RFPs will be honored through Tuesday, May 22, 2001. Small-businesses minority-owned businesses and/or female-owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals.
Loren Data Corp. 20010425/USOL001.HTM (W-113 SN50J9H9)

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Created on April 23, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com