Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 23, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Combat Command, 366 CONS, P.O.Box 4037, 366 Gunfighter Ave Ste 498, Mountain Home AFB, ID, 83648-4037
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
April 27, 2001
Point of Contact
Michael Stanard, Contract Specialist, Phone 208-828-3105, Fax 208-828-6486, Email Michael.Stanard@mountainhome.af.mil -- Aubrey Coyle,Jr, Contracting Officer, Phone 208-828-3103, Fax 208-828-6486, Email
E-Mail Address
Michael Stanard (Michael.Stanard@mountainhome.af.mil)
Services, non-personal: Contractor to furnish all labor, tools, parts, materials, facilities, transportation, and supervision necessary to provide: Supply noxious weed survey and spraying to 857.08 acres -see SOW STATEMENT OF WORK FOR: NOXIOUS WEED SPRAYING FOR ENHANCED TRAINING IN IDAHO 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background The United States Air Force (USAF) recently withdrew lands at Juniper Butte and other associated Enhanced Training in Idaho (ETI) sites in southwestern Idaho from the public domain (Juniper Butte Range Withdrawal Act, Public Law 105-261). Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued rights-of-way (ROW) allow access to these withdrawn sites. There are an additional 20 one quarter acre emitter sites and/or access roads under USAF control via BLM issued ROW or State of Idaho Public Endowment Lands. Responsibility for land management of these areas requires the 366th Wing to be proactive managers of the natural resources contained on these lands. In order to achieve compliance with state and federal noxious weed laws, as well as Air Force Instructions and the MHAFB Base Plan, and to ensure good land stewardship, the Air Force is seeking off site support to identify, monitor, and control noxious weed infestations of these lands. This statement of work describes this need. 1.2 Scope of Services This statement of work is being prepared to describe the effort to identify, monitor, and control noxious weeds on withdrawn and public lands used by USAF ground operations associated with ETI. Tasks include: 1. Two surveys during the growing season to each emitter and no-drop site and associated right-of-way to identify areas that need active weed control measures and to monitor weed infestation. 2. Spray all noxious weeds found in withdrawn and right-of way lands. 100 % of all found noxious weed infestations will be sprayed during each of the two surveys every year. 3. Prepare a yearly report detailing the actions taken to fulfill this contract. 1.3 Applicable Regulations EO 13112 Invasive Species 3 Feb 1999; Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-629) (7 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) as amended by the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990, Section 1453["Section 15, (a) (3)]; CFR Title 32, Volume 1, Part 190 National Defense; Idaho Code Title 22, Chapter 24 Noxious Weeds; 7 CFR Chapter 3 Part 360, Noxious Weed Regulations; AFI 32-7064 Natural Resource Management; AFI32-1053 Pest Management; DODI 4150.7 DoD Pest Management. 1.4 Government Furnished Materials USGS topographic map sections with sites and associated ROWs highlighted. 2.0 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 2.1 Point of Contact A1C Michael Stanard, 366 CONS/LGCV, 366 Gunfigher Ave., Building 512, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho 83648-4037; phone (208)828-3105; FAX (208) 828-6486; email: michael.stanard@mountainhome.af.mil 2.2 Meetings Prior to beginning work, Contractor shall convene a pre-work meeting with the Air Force and BLM representatives to brief specifics of work to include a tasks time line and specifics of areas on USAF controlled properties where the contractor shall need access. 3.0 STUDY AND ANALYSIS ACTIVITIES Table 1: Tasks Task 1 Conduct weed monitoring surveys Task 2 Spray all noxious weed infestations on Phase One and Two withdrawn lands and associated ROWs Task 3 Provide a yearly report at the end of the year describing all actions taken to fulfill this contract. 3.1 Task 1 Conduct Weed Monitoring Surveys Noxious weed surveys are to be conducted twice for each Phase One and Two emitter site, no-drop site, the Grasmere EC site and associated ROWs during the growing season. One round of surveys will be completed in Spring/early summer. The other round of surveys will be completed in late summer/early fall. Deliverables. Timelines and degree of effort shall be provided and shall include schedules for when access is needed to any USAF controlled lands. Two progress reports, in the form of hardcopy memos with a brief account of sites surveyed and noxious weeds treated will be submitted to MHAFB. One memo will follow spring survey and treatment, one will follow fall survey and treatment. Detailed documentation of all survey operations will be provided as Task 3. 3.2 Task 2 Spray All Noxious Weed Infestations All Phase One and Two noxious weed infestations are to be sprayed with appropriate site specific and species specific herbicide, when applicable, at the discretion of the contractor. All herbicide application will be coordinated with the LSRD BLM and MHAFB Natural Resource Manager and Entomologist and be accomplished by a State of Idaho Licensed Pesticide Applicator IAW Idaho State Law. Noxious Weed treatment is expected to occur twice during the growing season, as applicable, in conjunction with site surveys. NOTE: No herbicide application will be allowed within 15 feet of a slickspot or playa. SubTask 2.1 Noxious Weed Control on Phase I and II, One Acre and No-Drop Sites and Grasmere, Quarter Acre, One Acre, and No-Drop Road Right Of Ways Acreage = 847.48 acres Estimate spraying 1/3 of total acreage = 282.5 acres SubTask 2.2 Total Vegetation Control at Grasmere Radar Site Acreage = 7.0 acres SubTask 2.3 Total Vegetation Control on Phase I, and II Quarter Acre Sites Acreage = 10 sites x .26 acres = 2.6 acres Deliverables. Two progress reports, in the form of hardcopy memos with a brief account of sites surveyed and noxious weeds treated will be submitted to MHAFB. One memo will follow spring survey and treatment, one will follow fall survey and treatment. Detailed documentation of all spraying operations will be provided as Task 3. 3.3 Task 3 Provide Documentation Report for Surveys and Spraying Contractor will provide four copies of a yearly report to MHAFB at the end of the year documenting all site visits and spray operations. Report will include, but is not limited to: Date of surveys Location and area surveyed Total area surveyed Location and species of noxious weed Extent of infestation Date of pesticide application Type and quantity of pesticide used Weather conditions during application Estimated land area of application and location of pesticide application Apparatus used for application Name of applicator 3.4 Payment Monitoring Plan Payment shall be made to the contractor who is to be the contracting agency responsible for conducting tasks 1, 2, and 3. 4.0 DELIVERABLES Table 2: Deliverables Deliverable Task and Subtask SOW Paragraph Draft Copies and Date Due Final Copies and Date Due Work Plan Task 1 3.1 To allow for a 30 day review (completed) No Later Than 14 days prior to the start of work Timelines Task 1 3.1 Not Required No Later Than 7 days prior to the start of work Progress Reports Task 1 and Task 2 3.1 and 3.2 Not Required July 1 and Nov 1 Yearly Documentation Report Task 2 and Task 3 3.2 and 3.3 Dec.1 Jan. 1 4.1 Reports The contractor will provide MHAFB with 4 copies of yearly report, each in a suitably sized white 3 ring binder. Include any hand scribed USGS topographic maps. 4.1.1 TPM Review A period of 30 days shall be provided for the TPM to review each draft. Draft reports shall be provided without advertisement on plain bond paper. 4.2 Progress Reports Two hard copy memos, one after spring survey and application, and one after fall survey and application shall be sent to the TPM as progress reports. Memos will include a brief account of sites surveyed and list noxious weeds that were treated at each site. 4.3 Site Visits Are to be under USAF control. Notification is to be provided in advance if access is needed to USAF controlled lands, specifically Juniper Butte Training Range, fenced one acre emitter sites, and fenced No-Drop sites. USAF may provide keys to contractor for emitter and No-Drop sites. Written reports shall be provided to the TPM to document any hindrances to site visits. 5.0 STAFF ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES The contractor shall provide all necessary personnel, equipment, pesticides, dyes, adjuvants, and application apparatus for completion of this contract. MHAFB will provide maps and data sheets to be used in completion of this contract. The contractor will obtain any permits necessary to accomplish this contract. Data gathered in performance of this contract shall not be used or distributed by the contractor without 366WG/CC coordination. 6.0 PROTECTION OF SUBMITTALS/DELIVERABLES All information and data related to this project that the contractor gathers or obtains shall be protected from unauthorized release. Data gathered during the evaluation shall not be used or distributed by the contractor without 366WG/CC coordination. 7.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE/WORK PLAN The contractor shall prepare and submit a work plan identifying tasks, milestones, staff assignments, work schedules, site visits, deliverables (reference Table 2), and quality assurance/quality control measures to the TPM prior to starting work. Work will begin no later than 30 May 2001. 8.0 MEETINGS AND SITE VISITS The contractor shall schedule a pre-work meeting with the TPM and LSRD BLM representatives prior to starting work. 9. 0 PLANS AND PERMITS The contractor will provide the TPM copies of any plans or permits needed to complete the tasks identified in this statement of work.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS.woa/wa/SPF?A=M&P=FQ489710950100&L=981)
Loren Data Corp. 20010425/FSOL003.HTM (D-113 SN50J9S3)

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Created on April 23, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com