Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 13, 2001
Contracting Office
ESC/AC, Combat Air Forces C2 Systems, 50 Griffiss Street Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-1642
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Themoula T. Poirier, 781-271-5984
E-Mail Address
Click Here to E-mail the POC (ESC.ACM.DCAPES@hanscom.af.mil)
The Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (DCAPES) Program Office, ESC, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-1625, is seeking potential sources qualified to provide engineering and manufacturing, development and production phases of DCAPES Increments (2 through 5). The DCAPES software currently residing on the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) is currently centered on evolving the DCAPES Increment 1 capability into the DCAPES Core capability and then pressing forth with future incremental developments. Leveraging off of the experience and investment gained in the DCAPES Increment 1 capabilities, the Air Force desires to move forth with Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) and Production phases of DCAPES Increments 2-5. A significant effort will be required to support the initial portion of the EMD phase of this acquisition (for each DCAPES Increment), and to provide the following (1) Support to the government with requirements analysis and a review of the DCAPES business process and analyze/update documentation accordingly (2) Support for Evolutionary Development & Improvement to the DCAPES Data Base Schema (3) Review DII COE Version Release Improvements and Evaluate Impact on DCAPES (4) Track Changes to External Data Repositories Interfacing with DCAPES and Modify DCAPES Accordingly. For example, GCCS, GCSS, JOPES, etc (5) Track New COTS/GOTS Applications Submissions & Evaluate Applicability for Use by DCAPES (6) Track New COTS/GOTS Development Environment Advances & Evaluate Applicability for Use by DCAPES and (7) Update/enhance current DCAPES interfaces documentation and develop new documentation for new DCAPES interfaces. In addition, for remaining portion of the EMD phase of this acquisition (for each DCAPES Increment), the contractor will be required to (1) Update COA and OPLAN Feasibility Analysis resulting from new Incremental Functionality; (2) Update Ad Hoc Query Technology resulting from New Incremental Functionality; (3) Update DCAPES Help capabilities and training with New Incremental Functionality and (4) Analyze/Develop the following tasks for each increment and integrate with current DCAPES Increment 1 capabilities. The contractor will also be required to perform the following tasks for DCAPES Increment 2: (1) Collect response times for key functions and determine with users appropriate response time goals/enhancements, (2) Migrate DCAPES into the new JOPES 2000 environment (3) Improve MAJCOM and Base Tasking, Tailoring and Sourcing Functions (4) Distribute DCAPES Data via WEB (5) Replace Red-Mini for MAJCOM to Base Communications (6) Use Graphical Display for Geographical Distribution of Various Planning Resources & Rapid Automated Plan Development (7) Enhanced Integration of LOGFAC Data and Functions into DCAPES from product currently being developed by SSG (8) Interface with Global Transportation Network (GTN) (9) Improve logistics feasibility analysis capabilities with more timely data (10) Improve Feasibility Analysis of Rapidly Built Plans. Comparing Required vs. Available Materials at Installations Worldwide (WSMIS, SBSS) and at Employment/Beddown (STEP) (11) Establish a 2-Way Interface with WSMIS to Support Generation of Sustainment Requirements for Aircraft Frames, Engines, Weapon Systems, and other Repairables (12) Implement 2-Way Security Guards to Eliminate Air Gaps between DCAPES and the following system: FAS and CAS (13) Role up Theater Assets for JLP Feasibility Estimates Use (14) Deployment execution monitoring capabilities (15) Provide MAJCOM Notification Mechanism for Detected Differences between plan and actual deployment using ITV (16) Compare planned asset vs. actual asset Deployment (17) Provide access to the relevant portions of ATO to identify planned sorties and other relevant data needed to support OPLAN development (18) Enhanced force readiness assessment capabilities (19) Associate Readiness of CUP Data by accessing base data (WSMIS, SBSS-(SBSS may not be avail until Increment #3) (10) Integrate MANPER-B functions into DCAPES (11) Integrate LOGMOD into DCAPES (12) Integrate WMP into DCAPES (13) Integrate MANPER-X capabilities into DCAPES and (14) Integrate ART with DCAPES. The following are the DCAPES Increment 3 Capabilities and Tasks that the program office requires: (1) Integrate Bed down Capability Assessment Tool (BCAT) into DCAPES (2) Maintain/Access STEP Beddown Resource Data & Disseminate to all Echelons. (3) Develop automated interfaces to employment systems to improve deployment/sustainment support (4) Extend DCAPES Data Base & Feasibility Analysis to Support Sustainment Planning. (5) Replace CAS-A & CAS-C Interface with AMSS interface to Identify AF Wide Asset Inventory of Munitions. Identify Munitions & Condition of Munitions at a Base or Group of Bases. (6) Enhance Electronic Interface between SBSS & DCAPES to transmit War Consumable Distribution Objective (WCDO) Authorization, Obtain On-Hand Quantities of WRM consumables WRM Equipment, and Alternate Mission Equipment for a Base or Group of Bases. (7) Interface with IMDS using Two-Way Guard to Obtain Status of all Planes being Repaired, in Depot, and Expected Date of Return to Service at Base, all Bases Associated with a MAJCOM, all Bases Supporting the OPLAN, or Service Wide. (8) Obtain Interchangeable or Substitute NSNs to Support DCAPES's Analysis of WCDO Requirement using 2-Way Guard. (9) Create & Store an Organizational Hierarchy Chart to Support Provisional Wing Commander. (10) Obtain Climate/Weather Data (11) Access to Combat Systems to Capture Actual Sortie Rate, Attrition Rate, and Bomb Damage Assessment to Support Facilities/Equipment (12) Improve Tracking of Deployed Resources (Personnel & Materials) to Support Sustainment Planning or Redeployment Planning. (13) Compare Actual Unit (Equipment Details) Against OPLAN Requirement & Identify Discrepancies. (14) Extend Automated Sourcing by Comparing Site Unique Requirements Against UTCs Pertaining to Specialized Equipment or Personnel. The following are the DCAPES Increment 4 Capabilities and Tasks that the program office requires: (1) Access Unclassified Depot Systems to Address Sustainment Requirements for Consumables other than Fuel and Munitions. (2) Support Sustainment Planning for Transportation of Airframes, Engines, Weapons, etc. (3) Calculate Mobilization Requirements for Reserve/Guard Units and Personnel. (4) Compare Reserve/Guard Component Requirements with Reserve/Guard Unit Capabilities. (5) Create and Maintain Mobilization Force Lists and Schedules. (6) Forecast Force Retraining or Retaining and Expanded Accession Programs where necessary. (7) Generate Unit Activation Orders & Mobilization Instructions using WEB Technology. (8) Interface with Surge Logistics System for Assessing Force Structure Sustainability (Depot Repair Activities & Assets) (9) Maintain Temporary Duty History (10) Compare TPFDD Flows with CINC Requirements to Identify Differences/Shortfalls (11) Develop Reconstitute Force Algorithms (12) Enhance UTCs in WMP-3 to Include Key Logistics Indicators (13) Interface with AFORMS using a 2-Way Guard to Obtain Training Data. The following are the DCAPES Increment 5 Capabilities and Tasks that the program office requires: (1) Ad-Hoc Query (Final). (2) Rank Ordering of COAs- Rule based Analysis of Alternative COAs to Determine Best COA. (3) Connecting Remaining Unclassified System Providers to DCAPES. (4) Develop Mechanisms to Generate Demobilization Orders. (5) Identify the Units & Personnel in these Units that have been Demobilized. (6) Consider MLS Implementation Strategies. (7) Interface to Acquisition & Testing Pipeline. (8) Provide Automated Generation of SORTS-like Data by Accessing Appropriate Personnel, Manpower, Logistics, and Maintenance Data. Upon successful completion of the EMD phase with each Increment, the Government intends to procure and field the software. During the production phase, the contractor shall: (1) Support the installation of DCAPES software segments in the field, both overseas and stateside. (2) Develop and provide technical data deliverables to allow for software testing and sustainment once fielded. (3) Provide Type 1 training program, both operator and maintainer, for the developed software. (4) Provide support for government test events. (5) Support spiral release schedule of multiple software drops of functionality with major incremental releases to the field to occur no greater than every 18 months and earlier if possible. Offerors who believe they can meet these requirements should submit a qualification package, not exceeding 10 pages, describing the respondents experience in the following areas: 1) Detailed knowledge of the software design of the DCAPES Increment 1 software; 2) Existing capability to integrate the upcoming DCAPES incremental functionalities with the current software baseline; 3) Capability to meet this effort's schedule; 4) Experience with dealing with external factors that can effect DCAPES implementation; 5) Ability and capability to provide support for fielding of software segments in GCCS/DII COE compliant formats. Electronic responses are preferred and should be sent to the DCAPES Program Office at ESC.ACM.DCAPES@hanscom.af.mil. Responses sent in hardcopy via U.S. mail should be sent to ESC/ACMD, 1Lt. Maureen Milligan, 50 Griffiss Street, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-1625. Contractors submitting responses via overnight services should send them to ESC/ACMD, MITRE M Building, 202 Burlington Rd, Bedford, MA 01730-1420. The packages should be received at ESC/ACMD fifteen (15) days after publication of this notice. Program Documentation will be posted on the Electronic Systems Center (ESC) Hanscom Electronic Requirements Bulletin B oard (HERBB) at http://herbb.hanscom.af.mil under business Opportunities, Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and Execution Segments (Government will not reimburse the costs of preparing or submitting a response to this synopsis. Any questions should be directed to the Mr. William Wolfe at (781)271-5562 listed above. DCAPES). This synopsis is for informational and planning purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation, or a synopsis of a solicitation, or a commitment on the Government to later publish a solicitation. An Acquisition Ombudsman, Colonel Joseph B. Magnone, Director, Commander's Staff, has been appointed to hear concerns from offerors or potential offerors during proposal development. You should only contact the Ombudsman with issues or problems you cannot satisfactorily resolve with the program manager and/or contracting officer. The Ombudsman role is to hear concerns, issues, and recommendations and communicate these to the appropriate government personnel. The Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality if desired. The Ombudsman does not evaluate proposals or participate in source selection. You can contact the Ombudsman at (781) 377-5106. See Note 26.
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Created on April 17, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com