Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 9, 2001
Contracting Office
Regional Contracts Office, Regional Support Center, Budapest, Department of State, Washington, DC 20521-5270
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
June 15, 2001
Point of Contact
Catherine A. Mallay, Contracting Officer, Tel: 361-475-4101, Fax: 361-269-5893 or E-mail: cmallay@usaid.gov, and Riana O. Napitupulu, Contract Specialist, Tel: 361-475-4281, Fax: 3611-269-5893 or E-mail: rnapitupulu@usaid.gov
E-Mail Address
http://www.usaid.gov (cmallay@usaid or rnapitupulu@usaid.gov)
Regional Contracting Office/Budapest invites qualified U.S. applicants, including private voluntary organizations (PVOs) and not-for-profit organizations, to submit applications for a cooperative agreement under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Reproductive Health Program in Romania. USAID in Romania is continuing and deepening its support for Reproductive Health and will be issuing a Request for Applications (RFA) for implementation of an Integrated Reproductive Health Initiative that expands the delivery of comprehensive reproductive health services through primary care facilities. It is anticipated that one five-year cooperative agreement of approximately $8-$10 million will be awarded, with a starting period of October 1, 2001, using an approach outlined by the successful applicant. USAID is particularly interested in applicants with successful reproductive health experience in post-Soviet bloc countries. Because of the wide array of activities, it is expected that selected prime recipient will use sub-grants and/or sub-contracts with Romania and US Organizations to provide a comprehensive program. For cost and effectiveness reasons, involvement of Romanian NGOs or NGO networks, especially those that have worked successfully in Reproductive Health, is highly desirable. For-profit organizations may submit applications, however, pursuant to 22 CFR 226.81, it is USAID policy not to award profit or fee under assistance instruments. The main objectives of the Initiative are to help implement the new Ministry of Health Reproductive Health Strategy in Romania, which intends to provide broader access to comprehensive reproductive health services, including family planning, pre- and post-natal care, sexually transmitted diseases, breast and cervical cancer, menopause, and domestic violence, through primary care providers and effective linkages for specialized services. Through the new Initiative, USAID expects to fund high priority activities related to the strategy, with the expected results of significantly increased access to and use of comprehensive reproductive health services. The anticipated individual and combined results from an array of activities should feed the supply and demand for services. Sustainability of a network of easily-accessible reproductive health services throughout the country is a critical element to achieve the objectives. All questions related to this notice and requests for a copy of the RFA must be addressed in writing by letter, fax, or E-mail to the POC at the address stated above. Specify the RFA number and title being requested, and include your complete organization name, street address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. No telephone requests will be honored. The RFA will be issued via the USAID website and it is projected that this will occur sometime during the period 17 April -- 4 May 2001. The closing date for submission of applications will be specified in the RFA. This notice and the RFA, once issued, can be viewed and downloaded from the USAID external web site. The USAID worldwide web address is http://www.usaid.gov. Select "Business and Procurement" from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." It is the responsibility of the party downloading the RFA to ensure that the RFA has been received in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. Any amendments to the RFA will also be posted on the USAID website and interested parties should check the website regularly. The publication of this notice or the RFA does not obligate the U.S. Government to make an award.
Web Link
http://www.usaid.gov/procurement_bus_opp/procurement/announce/cbd (http://www.usaid.gov)
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Created on April 9, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com