Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 5, 2001
Contracting Office
EFA Chesapeake, Washington Navy Yard, Building 212, 1314 Harwood Street, S.E., Washington, DC 20374-5018
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
May 23, 2001
Point of Contact
Sandra K. Hughes (202) 685-8212
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contract Specialist via (HuhgesS@efaches.navfac.navy.mil)
DESC: This procurement is unrestricted. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is 233320 and the size standard is $27.5 million. The procurement will be conducted using source selection procedures. Award will be based on best value to the government considering price and non-priced factors, including past performance, Technical Factors as outlined in the solicitation. Interested firm will be required to provide a written technical proposal addressing the scope and criteria set forth above. Firms will also be required to provide a separate price/cost proposal. Contractors will be evaluated based on their submitted proposals. The work includes selective demolition of existing site features and paved surfaces, and construction of new Child Development Center, including excavation, utility development, grading, new pavement and walks, concrete foundation, structural, mechanical, electrical and fire protection systems, as well as new exterior and interior finishes, fenestrations, new roofing, playground equipment, and incidental related work. The estimated cost range is between $1,000,000 -- $5,000,000. Issuance of Solicitation will be on or about April 23, 2001. Proposals will be due on May 23, 2001 by 2:00p.m. The site visit information will be included in the solicitation. Per the Debt Collection Per the debt Collection Improvement act of 1996, the Defense Federal acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) has been amended to require all contractors to register in the Department of Defense (DOD) Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. Be advised that failure to register in the CCR make an offeror ineligible for award of DoD contracts. Information regarding this registration may be obtained by accessing the website at www.ccr2000.com or by referring to DFARS Subpart 204.73. Offerors should submit verification of their firm's registration in the CCR Database with their proposal. In accordance with FAR 5.102(a)(7), the solicitation when issued will be available for download free of charge via the Internet World Wide Web at http://esol.navfac.navy.mil (website). Hard copies (paper sets) or CD-ROM of solicitation will not be provided by the Government. This solicitation is available in electronic format only. All documents will be in the Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. The free Acrobat Reader, required to view the PDF Files, can be downloaded from the website. In addition, the official plan holders list will be available for download at the website. Notification of any changes (amendments) to this solicitation will be made only on the Internet it will be the contractor's responsibility to check the website for any posted changes. For contractors who need assistance in dong business electronically, a website has been developed at www.acq.osd.mil/ec/. To locate a Resource Center for your assistance, just click on "Resource Centers" Questions concerning the subject notice are to be directed to Sandra Hughes, Contract Specialist, at (202) 685-8212, Fax (202) 433-6900, e-mail address http://HughesS@efaches.navfac.navy.mil.
Web Link
Visit the website on or around April 23, 2001 for a (http://esol.navfac.navy.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20010409/YSOL016.HTM (W-095 SN50I3M3)

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Created on April 5, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com