Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 5, 2001
Contracting Office
Concurrent Technologies Corporation, 100 CTC Drive, Johnstown, PA 15904-1935
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
AMB contact Maj Joel Carlson; CTC contact Mr. Michael ('joel.carlson@mcguire.af.mil'; 'geyserm@ctc.com')
A. Introduction The Air Force plans to conduct a demonstration of commercial off-the-shelf Active Noise Reduction headsets in July 01. Several off the shelf and militarized prototypes will be demonstrated on 6 aircraft over a period of 2 months. The goal of the demonstration is to demonstrate several commercial headsets modified for military use and determine which is the most practical for use on Air Mobility Command (AMC) aircraft. The results of the demonstration will be forwarded to the Air Mobility Command, along with a recommendation for a mass purchase order. Through this Broad Agency Announcement (BAA), the Air Force is soliciting prototypes from all areas of the commercial headset industry to accomplish this goal. B. Selection Criteria The primary selection criteria for all proposals will be the most practical headset for use on AMC Aircraft. All offeror's are strongly encouraged to submit a prototype that best meets the specific performance criteria below. C. Specific Performance Criteria Prototypes must meet threshold requirements designated (T). Desired/objective characteristics are annotated as (O). Low cost/high payoff system (O) Prototypes may be production commercial models, but may be modified for military use (O) 2 prototypes available for the demonstration NLT July 01 for a period not less than 2 months (T) Use improves aircrew communication, reduces fatigue and improves safety of crew (T) Reduce aircrew-hearing loss by reducing low frequency noise (20-1000Hz) (O) Reduce noise level in cockpit to OSHA standards (T) or below 80Db (O) Must be compatible with individual AMC aircraft type interphones (C-130, C-141, C-5, C-17, KC-135, KC-10) (T) or all interphone types, different impedance, digital and analog (O) "Walkman" type headset for KC-10 (O) Comfortable to wear for long periods of time (T) Over 10 hours (O) Power source that is small and will last for at least 6 hours (T) over 10 hours (O) Prototypes may include alternative power sources (rechargeable, aircraft power) (O) Compatible with aircrew "lip light" mounted on microphone boom (O) Low Cost, under $1000 per set (T), under $500 per set (O) Models submitted must be available for bulk purchase by Dec 01 (T) D. Funding Currently there is only limited Battlelab funding identified for this Program, however, funding will be sought for the prototype selected and recommended to Headquarters, Air Mobility Command E. Submission Deadline Proposals may be submitted until 1 July 01. Please submit to: Air Mobility Battlelab c/o Major Joel Carlson AMWC/WCB 5656 Texas Ave Fort Dix, New Jersey 08620 Email: joel.Carlson@mcguire.af.mil Refer technical questions to Mr. Michael Geyser, Concurrent Technologies Corporation, 814-269-6869, geyserm@ctc.com F. General Information on the BAA This notice itself constitutes the BAA as per FAR 6.102(d) (2). There shall be no formal RFP. The Air Force reserves the right to select for award, any, part of, all, or none of the proposals received. The Air Force may or may not purchase any of the headsets demonstrated. This BAA is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Air Force to pay any prototype costs related to this announcement. Offeror's are advised that only the Air Mobility Command is legally authorized to commit the Government to the obligation of funds.
Loren Data Corp. 20010409/SPMSC007.HTM (W-095 SN50I4B0)

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Created on April 5, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com