Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 3, 2001
Contracting Office
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (sd13@nswc.navy.mil)
Collaborator Common Collaborative Environment aka. Collaborator CCE. This is a potential technology development and licensing opportunity with the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD). NSWCDD is seeking a written expression of interest from industry partners interested in entering into a license agreement for the purpose of developing and commercializing this technology. See Numbered Note 25. License terms will include an up-front licensing fee and a running royalty based on a percentage of sales. This is not an opportunity to provide goods or services to NSWCDD nor is it a commitment to continue research in this technology. This Request for Interest (RFI) will close to response 30 days after publication. Interested parties should send a description of their company and their ability to commercialize this technology to Code CD2K, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren VA 22448-5100. Email should be addressed to SD13@nswc.navy.mil referencing #N00178-01-Q-3021. A description of the technology follows. NSWCDD has the following patent pending technology: "Collaborator Common Collaborative Environment", covered under the following Navy Case Numbers: NC78947 Serial No. 09/296,802 "AN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM PERMITTING INCREASED COLABORATION BETWEEN USERS", NC79258 Serial No. 09/296,746, "COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR CONVERTING A GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTER NETWORK INTO AN INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM", NC79259 Serial No. 09/296,757, "A METHOD FOR FACILITATING COLLABORATIVE DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS BETWEEN WIDELY DISPERSED USERS" NC79260 Serial No. 09/551,364, "COLLABORATIVE DEVELOPMENT NETWORK FOR WIDELY DISPERSED USERS AND MEHTODS THEREFORE". Collaborator CCE provides round the clock access to an encrypted web-centric multi-level privilege-filtered multimedia whiteboard and chat room using only a web browser. No browser plug-ins are necessary. The whiteboard has centralized privileged file storage, transparent overlay layers and active content such as streaming annotated H.263 video, a common world map picture with hookable track elements, a shared text editor, a shared presentation viewer, and voice over IP communications. It is designed to save and retrieve whiteboard documents, log all activity for playback, group web surf, provide collaborative database access, interface with intelligent agents and run third party applets. OPPORTUNITY SUMMARY: Collaborator CCE was developed by NSWCDD as a proof of principle under funding from the Office of Naval Research to experiment in extending the state of the art in browser based groupware for military applications worldwide. Industry partners will be given an opportunity to enter into a license agreement to commercialize this new collaboration technology. Interested parties entering into a non disclosure agreement (NDA) may view a demonstration of Collaborator CCE. Licensees will be given access to the unclassified source code and its developers for technical support. Groupware application domains for this tool include but are not limited to: application service providers (ASPs), telemedicine, education, training, engineering, real estate, strategic planning, logistics support, customer support, telecommunications, family and club meeting web sites.
Web Link
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (http://ww.nswc.navy.mil/supply)
Loren Data Corp. 20010405/SPMSC008.HTM (W-093 SN50I0W2)

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Created on April 3, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com