Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
March 20, 2001
Contracting Office
INL/RM/MS, Department Of State, 2430 E Street NW, SA-44 South Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20520
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
April 20, 2001
Point of Contact
Barbra Postell FAX: 202-776-8686 or E-MAIL: postellbj@state.gov
You have received this "Personal Services Contractor (PSC)" solicitation through the Department of State (DOS) Internet site. If you have any questions regarding this PSC you may contact the DOS Official named in the cover letter of this solicitation. If you are not using Word 97 to view this document, you will have to save the document in the format of the word processor that you are using in order to view and print any standard forms. The number of pages contained in this electronic copy may not exactly correspond to the hard paper copy, although generally all the information is contained herein. DOS is not responsible for any data/text that may not be received when retrieving this document electronically. If the recipient does not notify the contact person that they have obtained this document then any amendments to the document may not be available to the recipients. Amendments to solicitation documents generally contain information critical to the submission of an application. Contract Specialist ISSUANCE DATE: March 20,2001 CLOSING DATE: April 20, 2001 SOLICITATION NUMBER: PSC-01-05 (INL) Gentlemen/Ladies: SUBJECT: Solicitation for Personal Services Contractor (PSC) Department of State, International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Contract Branch, Office of Acquisition Management, Contract Specialist The United States Government, represented by the Department of State, is seeking proposals (Standard Form 171's or OF 612's) from U.S. citizens interested in providing the PSC services described in the attached. Submissions shall be in accordance with the attached information at the place and time specified. Any questions may be directed to Barbra Postell, Contract Specialist, INL/RM/MS, DOS, who may be reached at FAX No. (202) 776-8775 or E-Mail postellbj@state.gov. All applications shall be submitted by facsimile or e-mail and originals sent via mail. If sent via courier to: Barbra Postell, INL/RM/RM, Navy Hill South Department of State 2430 E. Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20520 And a copy to: Department of State 1701 N. Fort Meyer Dr. A/LM/AQM/FB/INL Arlington, VA 22209 ATTN: John J. Stever/E-Mail Steverjj@state.gov Late applications shall not be accepted, unless there was a mishandling once received in DOS. Along with the SF171 or OF 612, applicants shall provide CV and three written references including contact information. Applicants are also requested to provide their full mailing address (fax, telephone and/or e-mail where applicable). Applicants should retain for their records copies of all enclosures which accompany their proposals. Please reference the number of this solicitation when sending your application. Any submissions made via e-mail must be in Word 97 or equivalent. Sincerely, Barbra J. Postell Contract Specialist 1. SOLICITATION NUMBER: PSC-01-005 (INL) 2. ISSUANCE DATE: March 20, 2001 3. CLOSING DATE/TIME SPECIFIED April 20, 2000 FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: 05:00 PM local time 4. POSITION TITLE: Contract Specialist 5. YEAR 1999 MARKET VALUE: GS-12 (estimated at $53,156-$69,099). The year 2001 pay comparability increase will apply. 6. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: May 2001 May 2002 7. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Patrick Air Force Base, FL 8. JOB DESCRIPTION: See below STATEMENT OF WORK I. BACKGROUND A. STATEMENT OF DUTIES 1. GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE OF THIS CONTRACT AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR BACKGROUND: This position is located in the Department of State, Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Contract Branch of the Functional Bureau Agreements Division, Office of Acquisition Management. PURPOSE: The purpose of this professional services contract position is to assist in planning, developing, and coordination of major contract for the entire spectrum of the Department acquisitions. Typical requirements include technical equipment, supplies, construction, and services ranging from standard items which are complicated by urgent delivery requirements to complex and sophisticated requirements. II. Scope of Work: The Contractor shall: Provides advice and counsel to the user through advance acquisition planning to ensure adequate lead-time is available to satisfy statutory requirements as well as mission objectives. Performs conjunctions with higher graded contracting specialists, appropriate analysis and evaluation of the competitive market and determines the availability of products suitable for the mission. This will require knowledge of market conditions and technologically induced performance changes to products normally needed by the Department. Surveys the market and ensures that the availability of product/service is not impaired due to factors influencing production capability such as strikes, natural disasters. After this evaluation is completed, superimposes the requirements set forth in labor surplus area contracting, small disadvantaged business contracting and other socio-economic considerations affecting the procurement process. Developes sources of supply to ensure continuity of product/service availability. This will entail the contract specialist in conjunction with the senior contracting personnel, to discuss the needs of the Government with both Departmental users and producers to enable the Government to obtain the most favorable prices/deliveries through efficient scheduling of production and delivery. Through individual contact, the contracting specialist can provide a forum through which expansion of competition and resultant advantages to the Government can be enhanced. Developes the solicitation and contract documents. The incumbent must analyze the items required and determine the proper contract vehicle. Solicitation of proposals from prospective contractors will be based upon employees assessment of the suitability of the statement of work for either competitive or non-competitive method of negotiated procurement. This type of contract decision is made keeping in mind the various legal ramifications of selection of a Firm fixed Price, Time and Materials, or Cost Reimbursement type. In addition to selecting the contract type, the incumbent must ensure compliance with statute, regulation and policy. The contracting officer shall determine the method of aware and the extent of the competition required. After this has been completed, selects appropriate contract language to satisfy the needs of the specific procurement. Evaluates all bids/proposals received. This includes both technical and cost evaluation factors. Prior to a finding that a contractor is responsible (capable to perform), evaluation of production, quality, fiscal, historical performance, and other salient criteria are evaluated and documented. When a protest of mistake in bid is received, the contracting officer evaluates the circumstances surrounding the protest and shall provide appropriate response to the protestor through appropriate channels. Conducts pre-negotiation meetings with Department personnel to ascertain the technical ratings of various proposals. Determines the competitive range for the proposals and defines negotiation strategies concerning price, delivery, warranties, rights in data and other aspects of the specific procurement. Possesses adequate quantitive skills to enable cost/price analysis of complex proposals as well as validating costs submitted as invoices under cost reimbursement type contracts. These include techniques to correlate audit findings to proposals evaluation. Analysis of economic trend data and marketing information which will be integrated into the overall strategy is also required. III. Desired Qualifications: The incumbent is an experienced contracting specialist in he field of Federal Acquisition employing concepts, principles and practices which govern the scope of authority and responsibilities of a contracting officer working with a broad range of sensitive, complex, highly technical projects. Knowledge of market conditions is essential. The incumbent must fully understand the principles of acquisition planning to direct the development of advance procurement plans for the acquisition of systems and projects which require coordination of a number of contracts. Must possess knowledge of the Federal procurement statutes, e.g., the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended; the Foreign Service Act of 1980 as amended; the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984. Must have thorough working knowledge of the procurement regulations, e.g., Federal Acquisition Regulation, Department of State supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation, and professional publications providing current analyses of developments in U.S. Government procurement. The majority of contracts are varied and are negotiated. Accordingly, the contract specialist must have a comprehensive knowledge of all contract types, their intricacies and advantages in order to determine the most advantageous type to be used. These types include fixed price, cost reimbursement, cost sharing, cost plus award or incentive fee, labor hours, time and materials, plus specially developed hybrid variations or mixtures of these contract types. Skills in sole source negotiation is mandatory. A comprehensive knowledge of the required clauses and special clauses, their purposes and effects is need in order to know the appropriate uses and to understand the need to develop specifically tailored clauses and provisions to meet special contract needs. The incumbent must have a detailed knowledge of commodities assigned as to sources to supply and historical performance of various companies. This includes the projected needs to the Government and the procurement planning required to ensure continuous delivery through schedule production. A knowledge of cost and price principles and procedures applicable to fixed price, cost reimbursement, and special purpose contracts (e.g., labor hours, time-and-materials) is required to successfully perform the contracting function. This includes the quantitative aspects of pricing using cost input and audit recommendations to ascertain a reasonable cost. IV. Selection Criteria: Applicants who meet the qualification requirements will be further evaluated to determine the extent to which their qualifications indicate that they possess the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics described above. V. Compensation: Compensation for the position will be negotiated as follows: level of experience will dictate the salary level within the grade range. Entry level salary will normally be at the first step of the grade range for the position. However, consideration will be given to the successful applicant's experience that is specifically relevant to the position to be filled. Number of years of relevant experience will determine at what step within the grade range the successful applicant will be compensated. VI. AS A MATTER OF POLICY, AND AS APPROPRIATE UNLESS THE PSC IS A RESIDENT-HIRE, A PSC IS NORMALLY AUTHORIZED THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: 1. BENEFITS Employee's FICA Contribution Contribution toward Health & Life Insurance Pay Comparability Adjustment Annual Increase Eligibility for Worker's Compensation Annual & Sick Leave 2. ALLOWANCES (if applicable). * Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (Section 120). (B) Living Quarters Allowance (Section 130). (C) Post Allowance (Section 220). (D) Supplemental Post Allowance (Section 230). (E) Separate Maintenance Allowance (Section 260). (F) Education Allowance (Section 270). (G) Education Travel (Section 280). (H) Post Differential (Chapter 500). (I) Payments during Evacuation/Authorized Departure (Section 600), and (J) Danger Pay (Section 650). 3. CONTRACT INFORMATION BULLETINS (CIBs) PERTAINING TO PSCs 99-09 PSC's Annual Health Insurance Costs 99-07 Contractual Coverage for Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Services 98-16 Annual Salary Increase for USPSCs 98-19 Home Leave under USPSCs 98-24 Use of Compensatory (Comp) Time by PSCs 98-25 Defense Base Act (DBA) Coverage and DBA Waiver List 97-16 Class Justification for Use of Other Than Full & Open Competition for Personal Services Contracts with U.S. Citizens Contracted with Locally with CCNs and TCNs Subject to the Local Compensation Plan, and for Overseas Contracts of $250,000 or Less 97-11 1997 FICA & Medicare Tax Rates for Personal Services Contracts 97-03 New USAID Contractor Employee Physical Examination 96-19 U. S. Personal Services Contract (USPSC) -- Leave 94-09 Sunday Pay for U.S. Personal Services Contractors (PSCs) 93-17 Financial Disclosure Requirements Under a Personal Services Contract (PSC) LIST OF REQUIRED FORMS FOR PSCs 1. Standard Form 171. **2. Contractor Physical Examination (AID Form 1420-62). **3. Questionnaire for Sensitive Positions (for National Security) (SF-86), or **4. Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions (SF-85). **5. Finger Print Card (FD-258). NOTE: Form 5 is available from the requirements office. _______________ * Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians Foreign Areas). ** The forms listed 2 thru 5 shall only be completed upon the advice of the Contracting Officer that an applicant is the successful candidate for the job. IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS IS THE SOLICITATION CONTAINED IN THIS NOTICE. NO OTHER SOLICITATION WILL BE MAILED OUT.
Loren Data Corp. 20010322/RSOL022.HTM (W-079 SN50G7G0)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on March 20, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com