Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
March 12, 2001
Contracting Office
Directorate Of Contracting/Bldg 1239, Oo-Alc 6012 Fir Avenue, Hill Air Force Base, Ut 84056-5820
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Spence Peterson/Lhkc/[801]586-1220, For additional information contact Spence Peterson/Lhkc/[801]586-1220
E-Mail Address
Click Here to E-mail Buyer***** (Spence.Peterson@hill.Af.Mil)
The Tactical Shelter Program Office at Ogden Air Logistics Center (OO-ALC/LHH) is seeking technical alternatives for acquisition of a family of composite shelters. This will be the major part of the Tactical Shelter Modernization Program (TSMP). The Government is currently refining an acquisition strategy for the TSMP. The new family of tactical shelters shall meet the performance requirements outlined in the specification for the AN/TPS-75 system. Non-corrosive composite materials will replace metal structural components and honey comb material currently called out in the specification. This AN/TPS-75 specification is used only as a reference for this RFI and is not intended to limit the respondents' alternative approaches to satisfying the requirement. The TSMP intends to use results from this RFI and additional Market Research to formulate an acquisition strategy for follow-on procurement of the DoD family of tactical shelters. The plan is to purchase, in fiscal years (FYs) 2003 through 2007, approximately 600 various types and/or sizes of tactical shelters. Estimated quantities by fiscal year are FY03-50, FY04-75, FY05-125, FY06-150, and FY07-200. This RFI is for Market Research purposes only and Respondents are reminded a formal solicitation may not necessarily result from this Request For Information (RFI). Information received as a result of our market survey may be reflected in a formal solicitation. The Government will not pay for any information received in response to this request for information, nor will the Government compensate respondents for any costs incurred in developing information provided to OO-ALC/LHH. Recommend that information be limited to that readily available and that "Proprietary" information not be included. However without written permission from the respondent, OO-ALC/LHH will not release to any firm, agency, or individual outside the Government, any information marked "Proprietary". Respondents should provide one or more white papers suggesting a technical approach that meets all the performance threshold requirements of the AN-TPS-75 specification. Submissions should consider and articulate Government and commercial solutions, involving the use of composite materials. Multiple alternatives are welcome. Respondents are requested to provide the following in their response to this announcement: (1) describe your products/technology that relates to this procurement, (2) tell us what you think the risks are for this program, (3) do you think the schedule is realistic? Why or why not? ; (4) brochures and/or other marketing material provided to Government or commercial customers for the products you are recommending in response to this announcement; and (5) your opinion as to the extent commercial items as defined in FAR Part 2.101 may satisfy the requirement. Response packages should be delivered in two paper copies, limited to forty (40) pages, including brochures; software copies (Microsoft Word and or Excel) may be delivered along with the paper copies. The response packages are due to Mr. Spencer Peterson (OO-ALC/LHKC) (U.S. Postal Mailing Address: OO-ALC/LHKC, 6039 Wardleigh Rd, building 1206, Hill AFB, UT 84056-5838; for commercial delivery, address packages to same place at Ogden) within 60 calendar days of posting of this notice in the CBD. Packages received after 60 calendar days of the date this notice appears in the CBD may not be reviewed. A Web site http://contracting.hill.af.mil/HTML/SourceSought/SShp.htm has been set up to provide additional information and to act as an answer and questions forum (note: only questions common to all contractors will be posted with the answers). This notice does not constitute a Request For Proposal; it does not restrict the Government as to the acquisition approach and should not be construed as a commitment by the Government. Please direct any questions on this announcement To Mr. Spencer Peterson, Contracting Officer, (801) 586-1220, e-mail:spencer.peterson@hill.af.mil Electronic procedure will be used for this solicitation. See our Web page.
Web Link
Click here to obtain/view a solicitation. (http://contracting.hill.af.mil/html/SourceSought/SShp.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010314/YSOL015.HTM (I-071 SN50F9N0)

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Created on March 12, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com