Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
March 9, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of Veterans Affairs, Chief, Acquisition & Materiel Management Service (90C), Audie L. Murphy Division, STVHCS, 7400 Merton Minter Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78284
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
April 9, 2001
Point of Contact
Carol Sienkiewicz 210 617-5102
Q -- Medical Services NAISC Code 62331 The South Texas Veterans Health Care System (STVHCS), Kerrville Division is conducting market research via this Request for Information to determine interest and potential sources for provision of contractor provided Assisted Living Program A meeting will be held on March 20, 2001 at 9:00am at the Kerrville Division, 3600 Memorial Blvd., Kerrville, Texas Room 147. Interested providers should contact Carol Sienkiewicz, by phone 210 617-5102 or by e-mail carol.sienkiewicz@med.va.gov to confirm attendance. The following are conditions and possible requirements: The Contractor/Provider(CP) will comply with all Veterans Affairs Policies that apply to the Community Residential Care Program Thc CP will coordinate care between the VA hospital and other local healthcare faciltites and agencies Releases of information will be obtained to allow for correspondence between the Assisted Living and the VA hospital and/or other agencies Veterans will be provided supervision in a supportive environment assisting them to function at their highest level within the least restrictive environment minimizing the need for recurrent hospitalizations Provisions of room, board, laundry, personal assistance, social and recreational activities, transportation (as needed) and general supervision will be a part of each veterans care A safety plan will be established and followed to ensure the veteran's safety on a 24 hour basis Orientation of each veteran and his/her family (as indicated) to the program and the house rules will take place at admission Emergency medical services will be provided to be consistent with the VA Medical Center policy Issues with functioning, unorthodox discharges, problems will be discussed and collaborated on with the VA designee in a consultative type relationship Veterans will be provided reminders, direction or assistance in the following areas: * self care-bathing, oral and personal hygiene, hair and needed grooming, shaving dressing, etc. * health care- compliance with medication regime including insulin injections, attending clinic and other appointments  nutrition-eating, nutritious well-balanced meals, which includes compliance special diets  self preservation- evacuating the facility, with minimal direction and/or assistance in case of emergency  safety-ensuring one's own and other's safety: managing threatening angry or self destructive behavior; compliance with smoking rules; and safe use of appliances  money management-handling personal funds appropriately(allowances and purchases)  substance abuse-refraining from use of alcohol, illicit drugs, and unprescribed medication  social skills-developing good manners; socially accepted behavior; positive interpersonal relationships; and coping with internal and external conflicts  community awareness-learning to use community resources(transportation, telephone, shopping, correspondence including education of such  time management-keeping to a routine and developing leisure time activities  damages to property must be reported to VA designee for not only safety but to assess cost of damage, and to address reimbursement issues Reporting of emergencies to VA designee (or Primary Care team) Notify the VA Police if there are any unusual issues in the environment such as veteran's whereabouts can not be accounted for a period of time, danger to self or others, death, fire or significant fire risk, etc. Attend to special needs such as hearing impairment, visual impairment, use of prosthetic devices, incontinence, intermittent Catheterization, colostomy care, transferring assistance, etc. Available space is approximately 8,980 square feet. NO CONTRACT CAN BE AWARDED AS A RESULT OF THIS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION. After the meeting of March 20,2001 interested parties will have ten (10) work days to provide their written responses regarding this program. After receipt of responses the STVHCS will review and consider information provided, then prepare a solicitation for these services. It is anticipated the solicitation will be issued on or about July 1,2001.
Loren Data Corp. 20010313/QSOL004.HTM (W-068 SN50F7J3)

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Created on March 9, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com