Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
March 1, 2001
Contracting Office
US Army Tank -- Automotive and Armaments Command -- Rock Island( TACOM-RI) Attn: AMSTA-CM-CR, Rock Island , IL 61299-7630
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
click here to contact the contract specialist via (bechtler-holzerj@ria.army.mil or mauc@ria.army.mil)
DESC: TACOM-ROCK ISLAND intends to hold a pre-solicitation working conference for solicitation DAAE20-01-R-0083 for the acquisition of commercial army targetry devices. The purpose of this conference is to seek industry input, working together to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the acquisition process. The targetry may include but may not be limited to Stationary Infantry Targets, Double Stationary Infantry Targets, Moving Infantry Targets, Moving Armor Targets, Stationary Armor Targets, Range Control Systems, Sound Effects Simulators, Muzzle Flash Simulators, Hit Detectors, MILES Shootback Devices, Battle Effects Simulators and Recharging Devices. The solicitation may include the complete installation of live fire armor and infantry ranges as well as individual end item targetry mechanisms. The solicitation will allow offerors to propose on any one, or more items as defined in the solicitation. The pre-solicitation conference is scheduled for March 21, 2001 from 8:00 until no later than 4:00 in building 60, first floor, CAISSON room, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL. The conference will consist of an overview of the requirement, the planned acquisition strategy, with an explanation of the terms, conditions and provisions to be included in the solicitation that will result in a multiple item, multiple award, long term, task/delivery order type contracts. There will be a discussion period to exchange ideas, answer questions and reflect concerns. All interested firms should limit the number of representatives attending the conference to three. All firms are to provide a list of attendees no later than noon, March 12, 2001 by contacting Ms. Judy Bechtler-Holzer at (309) 782-8530, e-mail: bechtler-holzerj@ria.army.mil or fax: (309) 782-6992. Questions, comments and/or suggestions (to be kept anonymous) may be submitted to the above point of contact prior to the conference. It is requested that any interested firms unable to attend this conference, identify themselves by providing product information and points of contact for dissemination of further information regarding this solicitation. A Draft solicitation is being prepared and will be available for viewing soon at the following address via the internet: . http://aais.ria.army.mil/aais/SOWandSPECS/index.htm
Web Link
click here to download a copy of the draft RFP (http://aais.ria.army.mil/aais/SOWand SPECS/index.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010305/SPMSC013.HTM (W-060 SN50E9Y3)

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Created on March 2, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com