- Notice Date
- February 23, 2001
- Contracting Office
- Naval Air Warfare Center TSD, Code 257, 12350 Research Parkway, Orlando FL 32826-3275
- ZIP Code
- 32826-3275
- Solicitation Number
- N61339-01-R-0016
- Point of Contact
- Primary Contact/Contract Specialist/Mike Lanza/(407) 380-4574/Secondary Contact/Contracting Officer/Michael White/(407) 380-4085
- E-Mail Address
- Click here to contact the Contract Specialist via (
- Description
- The Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) has a requirement to support the Navy's Command Aircraft Crew Training (CACT) Program. It includes providing all labor; equipment; tools; training facilities, materials, and devices; administration; supervision and other services necessary for the training of maintenance personnel on the Navy's the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C with Increased Gross Weight (IGW) aircraft system as configured for the U.S. Navy). All course curriculum must be approved by the Navy through an Approved Training Syllabus (ATS). Instructor qualifications shall include an Airframe and Power Plants (A&P) license along with demonstrated practical knowledge and experience on the Boeing 737 next generation (NG) aicraft. The A&P license may be waived in cases where an instructor can demonstrate extensive practical experience as determined by the U.S. Navy. For all courses, the contractor shall provide a Systems Familiarization Trainer (SFT). An SFT may consist of a low cost mockup or a higher-order training device. This device shall depict cockpit and/or aircraft systems for trainee's to practice systems checks, identify equipment, observe aircraft system operations and review checklists. Where identified below, the contractor shall provide for courses which include a Maintenance Systems Training Device (MSTD) that depicts specific applications and/or aircraft systems (e.g., avionics, electrical). The MSTD training device shall be an interactive trainer capable of student input and trainer system indications/responses (action-reaction capability). The Maintenance Systems Training Device (not a visual or motion simulator) training periods shall minimally include all applicable safety and maintenance systems checks compliant to course ATA 104 level requirements. All trainees must pass a course final exam. The anticipated course requirements shall include: (1) Airframe/Power Plants Maintenance Training: The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Airframe/Power Plant Maintenance Training course shall be conducted for each trainee per the ATS. The maximum anticipated 56-month throughput is 244 students. The course length is to be a maximum of 12 training days (14 consecutive days). It shall consist of the following: The Airframe/Power Plants Maintenance course shall minimally be 102.0 hours in length consisting of administration/check-in, classroom and practical training and repair applications on general aircraft systems with a focus on the Boeing 737-700C IGW airframe and power plants systems and applicable publications. The course shall minimally include 3.0 hours of MSTD training device time to include training in systems checks, test procedures to maintenance manual levels, and maintenance required levels of operation. Trainees completing this training course shall have reviewed all areas relative to the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) airframe and power plants systems with emphasis in trouble shooting/test, removal, adjustment/replacement/repair at a component level. The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Airframe/Power Plant Maintenance Training course shall be capable of meeting ATA 104 Level III or higher criteria. (2) Electrical/Avionics Maintenance Training: The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Electrical/Avionics Maintenance Training course shall be conducted for each trainee per the ATS. Maximum anticipated 56-month throughput is 166 students. Course length shall be a maximum of 12 training days (14 consecutive days). It shall consist of the following: The Electrical/Avionics Training course shall minimally be 102.0 hours in length and consist of administration/check-in, classroom and practical training and repair applications on general aircraft systems with a focus on the Boeing C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) electrical/avionics systems and applicable publications. The course shall minimally include 3.0 hours of MSTD training device time to include training in systems checks and maintenance required levels of operation. Trainees completing this training course shall have reviewed all areas relative to the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) electrical and avionics systems with emphasis in trouble shooting/test, removal, adjustment/replacement/repair at a component level. The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Electrical/Avionics Training course shall be capable of meeting ATA 104 Level III or higher criteria. (3) General Familiarization Maintenance Training: The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) General Familiarization Maintenance Training course shall be conducted for each trainee per the ATS. Maximum anticipated 56-month throughput is 56 students. The course length shall be a maximum of 7 consecutive training days. It shall consist of the following: The General Familiarization Training course shall minimally be 38.0 hours in length consisting of administration/ check-in, classroom and practical training and repair applications on general aircraft systems. Trainees completing this training course shall have reviewed all of the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) general aircraft systems stressing a maintenance-related approach. The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) General Familiarization Maintenance Training course shall be capable of meeting ATA 104 Level I or higher criteria. (4) Aircraft Rigging Maintenance Training: The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Aircraft Rigging Maintenance Training course shall be conducted for each trainee per the ATS. The maximum anticipated 56-month throughput is 34 students. The course length shall be a maximum of 7 consecutive training days. It shall consist of the following: The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Aircraft Rigging Training course shall minimally be 56.0 hours in length consisting of administration/check-in, applicable publication, classroom and practical training and repair applications on aircraft flight control rigging and associated electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic aircraft systems. The trainees completing this course shall have reviewed the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) rigging requirements with an emphasis on out-of-rig diagnosis, trouble shooting/test, removal, adjustment/replacement/ repair at a component level for door/windows, flight controls, and associated electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, air stairs, and landing gear. The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Aircraft Rigging Maintenance Training course shall be capable of meeting ATA 104 Level IV or higher criteria. (5) Corrosion Control and Prevention Maintenance Training: The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Corrosion Control and Prevention Maintenance Training course shall be conducted for each trainee per the ATS. The maximum anticipated 56-month throughput is 55 students. Course length shall be a maximum of 3 consecutive training days. It shall consist of the following: The C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Corrosion Control and Prevention Maintenance Training course shall minimally be 26.0 hours in length consisting of administration/check-in, classroom and practical training and applications on aircraft corrosion control and prevention. The course content shall include recognition of types/classes of corrosion, sources and conditions, sealants and preventative techniques, applications to the C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW), applicable publications, and programmatic approaches with emphasis on the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) corrosion prone areas. Trainees completing this course shall have reviewed the C-40A's (Boeing 737-700C IGW) corrosion control and prevention requirements. The C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) Corrosion Control and Prevention Maintenance Training course shall be capable of meeting ATA 104 Level II or higher criteria. Training Locations: Courses taught at the Contractor's training site must be located within 10 miles of commercial lodging and dining establishments. Training shall take place in a classroom environmentally conducive to learning. Additionally, the contractor must be able to provide all training courses at a Government selected site (mobile) at the Navy's direction. Upon such direction, the Navy will provide a classroom environmentally conducive to learning in addition to a chalk/marker board, projector screen, VCR and overhead projector. The Government's site for Navy directed mobile maintenance courses shall be determined at the time of the requirement. All training sites shall be conducted within the continental United States (which does not include Hawaii or Alaska) and may require one or more maintenance courses to be conducted per trip. The training device provided for the Government site (mobile) courses shall be a Navy furnished C-40A (Boeing 737-700C IGW) aircraft unless the Navy specifically waives this requirement. Note: The Navy's requirements for these courses could potentially increase/decrease upon release of the solicitation due to unforseen changes in the Navy's needs. NAWCTSD anticipates release of the solicitation for the above requirement in March 2000. It is anticipated that the deadline for the receipt of proposals will be approximately 30 calendar days after the RFP release date. Contract award is anticipated to occur in June 2001. The solicitation will be made available through the World Wide Web. The internet location is as follows: The solicitation information will be located under the heading Procurement Information. Any questions should be directed to the Contract Specialist, Mr. Mike Lanza, at 407/380-4574, or the Naval Air Warfare Center Training System Division, 12350 Research Parkway, Attn: TSD 25314F/Michael Lanza, Orlando, FL 32826-3275.
- Web Link
- NAWCTSD Home Page, Request for Proposals (
- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20010227/USOL003.HTM (W-054 SN50E4R2)
| U - Education and Training Services Index
Issue Index |
Created on February 23, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. --