Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
February 7, 2001
Contracting Office
US Army ARDEC, AMSTA-AR-PC, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
March 22, 2004
Point of Contact
Marianne Shuster, Contract Specialist, 973-724-4260
E-Mail Address
Marianne C. Shuster (mshuster@pica.army.mil)
DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC is seeking qualified sources to submit proposals for Research and Development. Proposals are required to be submitted in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) constitutes the total solicitation. There will be no formal Request For Proposals (RFPs), other solicitation requests, or other information regarding these requirements. TACOM-ARDEC seeks innovative proposals in one or more of the following areas: TOPIC TITLE 01-00: Components and modules to be used in electronic safety and arming (ESA) devices. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: These ESA devices typically utilize Exploding Foil Initiators (EFI) as the initiation mechanism for the explosive train of the munition. EFIs require voltages on the order of 1000 to 2000 volts to be stored on a capacitor and released near-instantaneously into the EFI to cause it to function. Components of interest include DC-DC converters for generating the high voltage, novel small transformers to be used in the converters, high energy-density capacitors with very low inductance and effective series resistance (ESR), switches capable of discharging these capacitors very rapidly, and low-energy EFIs in packaging that would lend itself to low cost production and high "g" (16,000) survivability. There is interest in both single and multi-point (up to 24 points) initiation systems, with the focus on much smaller size and lower cost than current systems offer. The primary thrust of this topic is to explore component level proposals versus complete ESA systems. TOPIC TITLE 02-00: MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication services for development of safety and arming (S&A) components. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: The MEMS fabrication services will generally be used to produce small-lot and prototyping quantities of high-aspect-ratio (HAR) MEMS parts, assemblies, and sensors for S&A devices. The HAR MEM parts will be used as inertially-driven actuators or sensors, as mechanical locks, and in controlling the position of micro- payloads. Fabrication materials may include silicon, metal, or other materials. A premium will be placed on the ability of the fabrication service to provide the specified parts in working condition in a timely and repeatable fashion. TOPIC TITLE 03-00: Second environmental sensor concepts for non- spinning munitions. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: MIL-STD-1316 requires that the safety system of fuzes shall contain at least two independent safety features, each of which shall prevent unintentional arming of the fuze. The stimuli enabling a minimum of two safety features shall be derived from different environments. Utilization in the fuze design of environments and levels of environmental stimuli to which the fuze may be exposed prior to initiation of the launch cycle shall be avoided. Typically in rounds with a high degree of spin impacted, setback acceleration and spin are used as the two environments for which the independent safety features are designed. Novel concepts for munitions which do not experience significant spin environments are sought. TOPIC TITLE 04-00: Inductive setting with GPS data transmission concepts. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: Advanced Army weapon systems require that large amounts of data (up to 30,000 bits) be transmitted to fuzes quickly and accurately. The setting data will include both ballistic, meteorological, GPS and fuzing information. Setting will be performed inductively and must be compatible with Crusader high rates of fire as well as the Paladin and future fire control systems. Novel designs and concepts for enhanced portable inductive artillery fuze setters are requested. TOPIC TITLE 05-00: Proximity Fuze Design Support. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION: Future Army proximity fuze designs will include clutter processors for direct fire weapons with applications in both medium and large caliber weapons. Also, advanced signal processing algorithms and microwave radar front ends are desired for future weapons systems that have the capability of operation against point and area targets both on the ground and in the air. Proposals are desired in support of advanced clutter processor and radar designs to support these efforts. ANTICIPATED FUNDING LEVEL AND PERFORMANCE PERIOD: Awards totaling approximately $500,000 total over three (Government) fiscal years, beginning in FY01. Multiple awards are anticipated. Proposals must follow the guidelines described in this solicitation and include a proposed period of performance. GENERAL INFORMATION: Proposals shall be submitted during the BAA three-year open period from 23 March 2001 through 22 March 2004 (3 year period). The Government will evaluate technical, management, and cost proposals on a quarterly basis (more frequently if desired). Proposals shall consist of a technical proposal, a management proposal, and a cost proposal for each topic addressed. The technical and management proposals shall be no longer than five (5) pages each. Indicate the topic number, and name, address and telephone number of the Offeror (identifying technical and business personnel who may be contacted for clarifications and/or negotiations). The TECHNICAL PROPOSAL submitted must consist of a clear statement of objectives, a technical section which should include, but not be limited to, concepts and ideas, methodology, expected contribution of the research to the Army mission, a technical plan, a Statement of Work (SOW) and milestones, schedule, and period of performance. The MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL must contain a biographical section describing key personnel, past experience, and available facilites. The COST PROPOSAL shall be submitted in sufficient detail for the Government to perform cost realism analysis per task. The cost proposal shall depict (by Government fiscal year) the labor categories and labor hours and rates, indirect rates, materials, subcontracts, travel costs, fee, etc. PAST PERFORMANCE: The offeror shall also submit a written description of its previous Government contracts during the past three years and any other prior experience which is in any way relevant to the topic title for which an offer is being prepared. Identify in specific detail for each previous contract, why or how you consider that effort relevant to the effort required by the topic area, contract number, contract type, contract award date, award price/cost, and final or projected price/cost. We require that all proposals be submitted in digitized format using either (1) a direct transmission via electronic mail or (2) a 3.5-inch floppy diskette, zip drive, or (3) compact disk sent via the U.S. Mail or Federal Express. All material must be submitted in Microsoft Office format: the proposal must be in Word format (Windows Platform); pricing/cost information must be in Excel format with all formulas intact (Windows Platform). If you use U.S. Mail or Federal Express, the proposal must be digitized on a 3.5-inch floppy diskette (s), a Compact Disk, or an Iomega Zip Disk, and labeled with the file names and formats (Word, Excel). Offerors are responsible to inquire with the Contract Specialist to assure that the electronic proposal submitted has, in fact, been received by the Specialist. DELIVERABLES: All contracts awarded under this solicitation will require delivery of monthly progress reports and a final report. BASIS OF AWARD: The basis for award of contract(s) as a result of this BAA will be an assessment by a team of engineers/scientists of the following five factors: availability of funds, the importance of the proposal to the program, merit rating, cost, and past performance. The government reserves the right to award to other than the lowest priced offeror or the highest rated offeror. The government also reserves the right to award without discussions. At a minimum, Government Purpose Rights are required at the completion of the contract. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated on their own merit without regard to other proposals submitted under this announcement. The availability of funds and importance to the agency program are "go/no go" factors. Merit rating comprises technical factors (all of equal importance) and management factors (all of equal importance). Technical is more important than management. The evaluation criteria for the technical merit rating are: (1) The extent to which the proposed work satisfies an Army research need by use of innovative, efficient, affordable, and suitable approaches to the topic,(2) soundness of methodology, and (3) probability of success of the offeror's proposed approach to accomplish the scientific and technical objectives. The evaluation criteria for the management merit rating listed are: (1) the experience and qualifications of the scientists, engineers, technicians, and other proposed personnel; and (2) the suitability and availability of proposed facilities. Proposed cost is less important than merit rating. Proposed cost will be evaluated for realism and reasonableness, but will not receive a point score. The past performance area will not receive a point score; it will receive an adjectival rating of low, medium, or high risk. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: All work performed under resulting contracts will be unclassified and will not require access to classified material. TYPE OF CONTRACT: The Government contemplates award of a cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) contract. Multiple awards are anticipated, though no minimum or maximum number of awards can be guaranteed. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received; or to select for award only a portion of an offeror's proposal (i.e. certain tasks vs- total program). Multiple proposals from the same offeror that address different topics, that propose different solutions under a single topic, or that address only part of the problem under an identified topic will be accepted and evaluated independently. The Government reserves the right to unilaterally make changes to the Statement of Work and contract type. Proposals must include statement of validity for at least 150 days from date of submission. This BAA will remain open for three years, from 23 March 2001 through 22 March 2004. Proposals submitted after the cutoff date will be handled in accordance with FAR 15.208. This announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to pay any response preparation cost. All responsible sources may submit a proposal that will be considered by this agency. Offerors are cautioned that only contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government.
Web Link
US ARMY TACOM-ARDEC Procurement Network (http://procnet.pica.army.mil/cbd/RFP/01B0500/01B0500.htm)
Loren Data Corp. 20010209/ASOL002.HTM (D-038 SN50D0K5)

A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on February 7, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com