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Notice Date
February 1, 2001
Contracting Office
U.S. Department Of Energy, Chicago Operations Office, 9800 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the NEPO point of contact, Ana (ana.ferreira@hq.doe.gov)
The Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization (NEPO) CBD ANNOUNCEMENT The Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization (NEPO) program is a U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) research and development (R&D) program, focused on performance of currently operating U. S. nuclear power plants. The primary areas of focus for the R&D program are plant aging and optimization of electrical production. The NEPO program is also a public-private R&D partnership with equal or greater matching funds coming from industry. The NEPO program was initiated in fiscal year (FY) 2000. For FY 2000 and FY 2001, Congress approved funding of $5 million each year for the NEPO program. NEPO R&D work performed by the private sector (i.e., organizations other than national laboratories) is contracted primarily by EPRI. DOE has established a Cooperative Agreement with EPRI for this purpose. The work funded under the Cooperative Agreement is contracted through the normal EPRI contracting process. The EPRI contracting process for competitive contractor selection involves sending a broad solicitation to organizations known to EPRI and/or its member organizations as likely to possess the capabilities to carry out the required work. EPRI is willing to add qualified bidders to their bidders list for future solicitations. For FY 2001, seven R&D tasks are expected to be awarded through the EPRI competitive process. Brief descriptions are provided in the NEPO web page (http://nepo.ne.doe.gov) to identify the project areas only; they are not intended to describe the complete scope of work to be awarded, which will be identified in the Requests for Proposals issued by EPRI. The expected range of funding available for these tasks is $100, 000 to $400,000 with the total available funding estimated at approximately $1,500,000. Organizations who believe they are qualified to perform the work and wish to be included on the EPRI bidder's list for any of these seven tasks, are invited to notify the Department of Energy via the NEPO web page, no later than March 9, 2001. All such requests will be forwarded to EPRI for consideration. The seven R&D tasks are: Task 3.8.9: Develop Integrated Cable-System Aging-Management Guidance Task 3.8.11 Develop CM Techniques for Medium Voltage Electrical Cable Task 3.24.3 Fatigue Reactor Water Environmental Effects Task 5.106.0 Low Power and Shutdown Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Task 5.107.2 Guidelines for Quantifying Organizational Factors into Risk Task 5.110.1 Human Factors Guidance for Digital I&C Systems and Hybrid Control Rooms Task 5.117.2 R&D Needs to Address Potential Nuclear Plant Vulnerabilities Arising from Transmission Grid Voltage Inadequacies
Web Link
Click here to visit the Nuclear Energy Optimization (http://nepo.ne.doe.gov)
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