Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
February 1, 2001
Contracting Office
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), National Office Procurement (A:P), 6009 Oxon Hill Road, Suite 700, Oxon Hill, MD, 20745
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Christopher Wright, Contract Specialists, Phone 202-283-1204, Fax 202-283-1437, Email SCRIPS3@irs.gov
E-Mail Address
Christopher Wright (SCRIPS3@irs.gov)
The IRS has a requirement for on-site, on-call, and per-call system hardware maintenance, software maintenance (approximately 1,000,000 lines of custom code and approximately 65 COTS packages) and development. Annual and emergency application program and system updates and changes require a quick turnaround. Additional requirements include development of new application programs, hardware and software upgrades and/or replacement, training, movement of equipment, and maintenance of all system applications and training documentation (i.e., Supervisor Handbook, System Administrator Handbook, Computer Program Book, etc.) for the existing SCRIPS. The Contractor may be required to establish subcontracts with some of the existing vendors due to the proprietary software and hardware that is integrated in SCRIPS. The SCRIPS production systems which are located in Austin, TX; Covington, KY; Memphis, TN; Kansas City, MO; and Ogden, UT, are used to process the volumes of Forms 1040EZ (approx. 5,800,000 in CY2000), Federal Tax Deposits (FTD) coupons (approx. 53,000,000 in CY2000), and Information Return Program (IRP) documents (approx. 46,000,000 in CY2000) received at their respective IRS processing sites. All SCRIPS production sites have the same equipment and software configuration. However, prior to award, the SCRIPS sites and/or hardware and software configurations may change. There is also a modified SCRIPS used for program development and testing by IRS located in New Carrollton, MD, and two (2) modified SCRIPS located at the contractor_s facility used for program development and testing. The following describes the major components of each SCRIPS production system: Three (3) Scan Optics 9000 series scanners each with a peripheral server, monitors, keyboards, scanner printer, and an external Hayes Optima 288 V.34/V.FC modem which is shared by the scanners for diagnostic and software download purposes. Three (3) Dell PowerEdge 2400 Workgroup Servers are Intel-based multi-processor systems with two (2) Pentium III 600 Mhz processors, function as Image Controllers each with monitors and keyboards. One (1) HP 9000 N-class enterprise server with ASCII and X-Terminal consoles and keyboards, configured with four (4) CPUs with expansion to eight (8) CPUs, two (2) 9.1GB internal disk drives (plus two additional internal 9.1GB disk drives), two (2) 32X CD-ROMs used for COTS software updates, and two (2) DDS-3 format Digital Audio Tape (DAT) tape drives used for COTS software updates and recording system log data. Two (2) HP Model 12H AutoRAID disk arrays each containing 12-18.2GB disk modules have dual active controllers each with 96MB of mirrored Read/Write SDRAM redundant power supplies that store data using mirrored RAID I/O with disk striping. One (1) NCR Model 6450-0201 line printer and two (2) HP 8100 printers. Two (2) RS232 lines connect the server to North American 56k V.90 external modems which are available for diagnostic purposes. A pooled cluster of five (5) HP Vectra VL Recognition Engines/NABRs (Name and Address Block Readers) have 6.4GB hard drives, monitors, and keyboards, are connected to the Image Controllers, and serve the scanner/image controller threads. There are seventy-nine (79) Vectra VL 5 32-Bit 200MHz MMX Pentium CPUs with NCR model 3292 19_ Monochrome monitors and Scan Optics PC-100 QWERTY keyboards. There are two (2) Spectra Logic 10000S Automated Tape Library systems with AIT-2 8mm cartridge drives. There are two (2) NCR Model 6323 Nine-track Tape Drives. Two (2) Cygnet 1803 Optical Jukeboxes with two (2) Phillips LD6100 drives use 12-inch WORM platters. Inter-Device Communications within SCRIPS consists of SCSI/FWD SCSI lines and an Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) with a parallel communications interface for the NCR Model 6450 line printer. Two (2) Bay Networks Accelar 1200 Routing Switches provide connectivity between the server and SCRIPS equipment/peripherals over 10BaseT/100Base-TX auto-sensing lines with fiber connections providing Gigabit Ethernet connectivity between the two (2) Accelar units. The following describes the software associated with each of the major components: The scanners use Scanner Operating System 4.02D including MS-DOS Version 6.22, Scan-Optics Transport Driver, Recognition Driver, Image Driver and Jam Assist software and application software. The scanner application software identifies the form type, forwards the form to the output or reject stackers as determined by embedded software error logic and keeps track of system statistics. The image controllers use UNIX based Solaris Operating System Version 8.0 with an Open Windows based Graphical User Interface. TCP/IP communications protocol for the Ethernet LAN and the application software acts as the interface between the scanner and the server, divides the image data into image strips, and formats the image data for use by the server. The server uses HP-UX Version 11.0 Operating System and X-Window System to create window displays on the server console monitor. Imaging components of the PLEXUS Storage Manager are integrated with the Relational Database Management (RDBMS) Informix Dynamic Product Set Version 7.31. Storage Manager is used to control management, storage, and retrieval of stored images and ASCII character data on the optical jukebox subsystem. Informix Dynamic Server and related packages perform the RDBMS functions of SCRIPS, and Informix is integrated with the Alexandria backup and archive librarian package via the ON-Bar API to control backups on the Spectralogic 10000S Automated Tape Library systems. MirrorDisk/UX provides on-line mirrored backups to the Spectralogic 10000Ss. HP OV GlancePlus and Process Resource Monitor allow graphical views of system resource utilization. The server uses TCP/IP as the communications protocol for the Ethernet LAN. INFORMIX Report Writer feature to define, generate, and print reports, and application software. The application software provides log-in and other security measures, the database and the database interface, data validations for each form type (1040EZ, FTD, and IRP), system and operator statistics tracking, workflow management and control, dissemination and tracking of document identification numbers used by the scanner, and original data entry from image or paper. In addition, the application software provides security administration, user-specific audit trail log maintenance, the control of data transferred to and from the Recognition Engines, archival storage devices, and other IRS systems. Quality review functionality, control of database purging activities, and software utilities used to back up and restore the system are also provided by the application software, as well as the Instructor Led Training (ILT), a custom software application which consists of a tutorial and canned exercises accessed from the workstation. The workstation Operating System is MS-DOS Version 6.22, with Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 as the Graphical User Interface. In addition, the workstation uses TCP/IP communications protocol on the Ethernet LAN, V-Shield, and application software. This workstation application software provides data entry and data validation functions, tracks system and operator statistics, and security administration that controls user access and privileges. The Recognition Engines/NABRs run Windows NT-based AEG/ZP4 recognition software. The NABR function is performed using the ZP4 postal database, which is accessed to enable recognition of name and address data also known as entity data (the actual entity access is performed by custom software residing on the server which is Contractor-updated weekly/monthly using IRS-provided data). SCRIPS interfaces with other IRS tax systems through magnetic tape (i.e., Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF), FTD Mainline, Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS), Block Batch Transmittal System (BBTS), and Total Evaluation Performance System (TEPS)). This is a full and open procurement. All requests for the solicitation must be in writing. No telephone requests for solicitations will be accepted. Interested parties are encouraged to respond to this announcement within thirty (30) days of its publication at SCRIPS3@irs.gov. The solicitation will be available on or about April 2, 2001 at http://www.procurement.irs.treas.gov, the IRS Procurement Home page.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS.woa/wa/SPF?A=P&P=Reference-Number-SCRIPSIII&L=1764)
Loren Data Corp. 20010205/DSOL004.HTM (D-032 SN50C4W8)

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Created on February 1, 1988 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com