Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 28, 2000
Contracting Office
Bureau Of Indian Affairs, Division Of Acquisition and Property Management, ATTN: Contracting Officer, Mail Stop: 2626, MIB, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, Dc 20240-4000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
January 11, 2001
Point of Contact
Phyllis Shockley (202) 208-1662, Byron Greene (202) 208-2825
E-Mail Address
BIA DAPM (phyllisshockley@bia.gov, byrongreene@bia.gov)
DES: The BIA's Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM) is issuing this "POTENTIAL SOURCES SOUGHT" notice in an effort to identify Information Technology firms that are at a minimum 51 percent Indian Owned, controlled, and operated, and that have the capabilities to satisfy a requirement for Information Technology services consisting of seven (7) tasks, relating to data center operations. The data center in question was recently transferred and re-established in new facilities, with the assistance of a new contractor. In the process, most of the institutional memory was lost or significantly reduced. This new acquisition, which is intended to be in place and operational by March 31, 2001, is designed to continue and enhance the efforts of the incumbent contractor, who currently employs approximately twenty-two (22) personnel to perform the work assigned. The Contractor shall create and maintain a knowledgebase of all information related to the following tasks. TASK 1 involves UNISYS mainframe data center operations at BIA facilities in Reston, VA, 17 hours per day, from 7am to Midnight local time, Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays observed by the Federal Government. IBM jobs are scheduled, processed and monitored at another computer center. IBM data center operations are not included in this procurement. BIA may task the Contractor with special production requests requiring Contractor support on Saturdays or holidays. Under this task, the Contractor shall perform system console operations, monitor related availability and schedule batch jobs; the Contractor shall monitor and coordinate system print operations and report distribution; the Contractor shall manage the tape library and tape processing functions that consist of performing tape mounts and dismounts, managing production, test and outside tapes, tracing production tapes on-site and off-site, maintaining scratch tape, and documenting standard productions; the Contractor shall report on production results in a format and at a frequency mutually determined by BIA and the Contractor; the Contractor shall perform restart/recovery for production jobs; the Contractor shall maintain production job scheduling tables in accordance with the schedules provided by BIA. The Contractor's Project Manager shall work on-site in BIA-provided facilities. Platforms to be support include, but may not be limited to, IBM OS 390, UNISYS NX, and Windows 98/NT. TASK 2 involves applications support and maintenance for a large number of diverse and poorly-documented/undocumented applications written in different languages, including COBOL, NATURAL, CICS, and Visual Basic. The contractor shall provide applications support from 8am to 8pm local time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The Contractor shall support all applications run by the data center, including coordination with appropriate third-party vendors for operational versions, upgrades, new releases, and emergency fixes to software applications run by the data center, with the approval of the Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR). The Contractor shall maintain applications as directed by the COTR. TASK 3 involves the development, implementation, and operation of a change management process for the data center, as directed by the COTR. All Contractor changes to hardware, software, and production environment will be made through the approved change management process, and the Contractor shall work with designated BIA staff to ensure that all changes are planned, coordinated, monitored, communicated, and documented. TASK 4 involves providing help desk support services in accordance with BIA's current documented operating procedures. The Contractor shall provide help desk coverage from 8am to 8pm local time, Monday through Friday, and from 9am through 5pm local time on Saturday. All calls coming into the help desk will be logged into a database with audit trail information and reports will be provided to BIA Management on a weekly basis. The incumbent contractor has two (2) personnel assigned to this function. The contractor may be tasked by the Government to provide support described in Tasks 5, 6, and 7. Issuance of tasks 5, 6 and 7 will be at the sole discretion of the Government. TASK 5 involves documentation of applications programs and operations procedures, as directed by the COTR. This may include, at the Government's discretion, requirements for reverse engineering of applications and associated procedures to ensure compliance with modern documentation standards and requirements. TASK 6 involves preparation, implementation, and testing of a Contingency Plan compliant with the requirements of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, as directed by the COTR. The current hot site is located in Albuquerque, NM. TASK 7 involves development and implementation of a System Security Plan (SSP) compliant with the requirements of the Computer Security Act of 1987, Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 63, and OMB Circular A-130. The proposed contract will be for 365 days, with 4 one-year options that may be exercised at the Government's discretion. Potential offers that are not currently certified by BIA are required to submit proof of ownership and eligibility for Indian preference under the "Buy Indian Act." The evaluation factors for selection, in descending order of priority, are: (1) FIRM'S, SUBCONTRACTORS', AND CONSULTANTS' PAST PERFORMANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE INDUSTRY CONTRACTS OF SIMILAR MAGNITUDE AND COMPLEXITY TO THIS REQUIREMENT. (2) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF PRINCIPALS, PROJECT MANAGER, KEY STAFF, AND CONSULTANTS. (3) ANALYSIS OF CURRENT AND PROJECTED WORKLOAD. (4) FIRM'S PARTICIPATION, INVOLVEMENT, AND ASSISTANCE WITH INDIAN PROFESSIONALS AND COMMUNITY. (5) FIRM'S FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES AND RESOURCES. Firms that meet the requirements described in this announcement are invited to submit a letter of interest including the certifications described above. This request is for information only. THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT INTEND TO AWARD A CONTRACT ON THE BASIS OF THIS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OR OTHERWISE PAY FOR THE INFORMATION SOLICITED. No entitlement to payment of direct or indirect costs or charges by the Government will arise as a result of the submission of the information. The Government shall not be liable for or suffer any consequential damages for any proprietary information not properly identified. Proprietary information will be safeguarded in accordance with the applicable Government regulations. Questions regarding this RFI will be submitted via e-mail only to the address below. Interested parties are requested to submit RFI responses by 2:00pm EST, January 11, 2001.
Loren Data Corp. 20010102/DSOL009.HTM (W-363 SN5097Z7)

D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on December 28, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com