Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
November 13, 2000
Contracting Office
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Contract Management Office (CMO), 3701 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203-1714
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
January 22, 2001
Point of Contact
Dr. Valerie M. Browning, DARPA/DSO, Fax: (703) 696-3999
META-MATERIALS; SOL: BAA 01-12; DUE 01/22/01; POC: Dr. Valerie M. Browning, DARPA/DSO; FAX: (703) 696-3999; URL: http://www.darpa.mil/baa/baa01-12.htm; E-MAIL: baa01-12@darpa.mil. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative research in Meta-Materials. Meta-materials are engineered (nano)composites exhibiting superior properties that are 1) not observed in the constituent materials, and 2) not observed in nature. The novel properties result from the inclusion of artificially fabricated, extrinsic, low-dimensional inhomogeneities. Recent advances in bulk material synthesis and new understandings of the theory of complex media have been motivating factors in DARPA's interest in meta-materials. Although examples of meta-materials can be found in nearly every branch of materials research, this four-year DARPA program will focus on developing the theoretical and processing capabilities necessary to exploit meta-materials that exhibit superior properties consistent with the requirements of the two general Department of Defense (DoD) application areas listed below and in the accompanying Proposer Information Pamphlet (PIP). 1. Low frequency (< 1 MHz) meta-materials with superior magnetic properties for power generation, propulsion, and power electronic applications. Some examples of application areas that are of interest include: high temperature rotor, stator, and magnetic bearing components capable of operating in aircraft turbine engine environments; permanent magnet motors for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and electric torpedo propulsion; and low loss, compact capacitors and inductors for power electronics. Examples of meta-materials that could benefit these low frequency applications include: low loss, high permeability nanocomposite ferrites; exchange biased nanocomposite permanent magnets; and high strength, high temperature nanocomposite soft magnets. 2. High frequency (>1 MHz) meta-materials with superior microwave and/or optical properties for communication, radar, and wireless power transfer applications. Some examples of application areas that are of interest include new solutions to antenna proliferation (smaller, more efficient antennas, improved isolation, etc.); optical filters, delay lines and other components for optical communications; improved radar systems for target identification and radar and infrared (IR) countermeasures; and lightweight, efficient rectennas for conversion of microwave signals to dc power. Examples of meta-materials that could benefit these high frequency applications include artificial dielectrics; "left-handed" media; low loss, high permeability nanocomposite ferrites; photonic band gap structures; and magnetodielectrics. These specific applications and meta-materials are provided as examples only. However, potential offerors must discuss in detail how their proposed meta-material(s) development effort relates to the two general application areas identified above. Proposals inconsistent with these general application areas are strongly discouraged and may not be evaluated. Available funding for this BAA is approximately $30 million. It is DARPA's intent to fund multiple efforts. Proposed efforts will be conducted in two phases. The first phase (Phase I) will consist of a meta-materials development effort and will focus on developing the theoretical and processing tools required to demonstrate a novel meta-material system(s) that exhibits superior properties consistent with the needs of the general application areas listed in this BAA and in the accompanying PIP. Depending on the level of success achieved in Phase I, a Phase II effort may be funded as an option. Phase II will focus on the implementation of the Phase I meta-material(s) in a prototype demonstration consistent with the two general application areas listed in this BAA and in the accompanying PIP. GENERAL INFORMATION: Proposers must obtain the pamphlet entitled "BAA 01-12 Meta-Materials Proposer Information Pamphlet (PIP)," which provides detailed information on program objectives; areas of interest; the submission, evaluation, and funding processes; proposal formats; and other program information. This pamphlet may be requested from the World Wide Web (WWW) at www.darpa.mil/dso in the Solicitation area or by fax, electronic mail (e-mail), or mail requests to the administrative contact addresses given below. Proposals not meeting the format described in the pamphlet may not be reviewed. All administrative correspondence and questions on this solicitation should be directed to the email, fax, or mailing address listed below (e-mail or fax is preferred). Proposals submitted by fax or e-mail will be disregarded. However, DARPA intends to use e-mail and fax for correspondence regarding BAA 01-12. PROPOSALS: Full proposals shall consist of two volumes, technical and cost. Proposers must submit one (1) original and nine (9) copies of the full proposal on or before 1600 ET 22 January 2001. Proposals must meet the objective and format guidelines as described in the PIP to be considered. The original proposal submission should include the special cover sheet (included in the PIP) with original signatures and indicating if it is the Technical or Cost Volume. Copies of proposal submissions may contain duplicates of the original cover sheet. Please include e-mail addresses on cover page. Facsimile proposals will not be accepted and institutional brochures, reprints, and videotapes will be ignored. All proprietary material should be clearly marked and will be held in strict confidence. Proposals may contain proprietary and/or classified information or data (up to the level of Top Secret/SCI). Offerors that intend to include classified information or data in their proposals should contact Ms. Nancy Kassner at (703) 696-2432 or at the following address for guidance and direction in advance of proposal preparation: DARPA/SID, 3701 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714. Offerors must have existing approved capabilities (personnel and facilities) to perform research and development at the classification level they propose. Early submission of proposals is encouraged. Selections can be made at any time during the process. Within approximately ten (10) business days of receipt, DARPA will acknowledge receipt of the submission and assign a control number that should be used in all further correspondence regarding the proposal. Volume I Technical Proposal The technical proposal is limited to fifty (50) pages, including the special cover sheet, all figures, references, tables, charts, and appendices. The full proposal will be evaluated according to the criteria described in this BAA and in Section 1.3 of the PIP. The proposed effort should be in two phases that are scheduled in accordance with the guidance provided in the PIP. Proposers should make sure that it contains the following: 1) Executive Summary (two pages or less); 2) technical approach including discussions of all technical issues discussed in Section 1.2.3 of the PIP; 3) time-phased milestone chart; 4) a table showing a page cross reference between the Selection Criteria listed below (and in the PIP) and the technical discussion; 5) organizational structure of the team (and all subcontractors) and management approach; 6) summary of relevant prior work; 7) brief description of applicable facilities and equipment; and 8) short resumes of key individuals. See BAA 01-12 PIP for additional information on Technical Proposal format and content. Volume II Cost Proposal The cost proposal shall contain a summary cost breakdown and a detailed cost breakdown. The cost proposal shall be prepared in general accordance with FAR 15.403-5 and shall include the information from the Standard Form (SF) 1411 (available in the PIP), Contract Pricing Proposal Cover Sheet, with all supporting data in order to allow for a complete review by the Government. The summary cost breakdown (see table in PIP) shall be limited to one (1) page, but the page count of the detailed cost breakdown shall not be limited. The one (1) page cost summary should be provided as Page 2 of the Cost Proposal. See BAA 01-12 PIP for additional information on Cost Proposal format and content. TEAMING ARRANGEMENTS: DARPA strongly encourages teaming arrangements. There are no restrictions on the minimum or maximum size of teams. However, proposers should justify their teams in terms of the areas of expertise discussed in Section 1.2.6 of the PIP. Phase II may require the addition (or elimination) of personnel as dictated by the expertise requirements of the particular proposed prototype demonstration. To assist the teaming process an interactive web site has been established at www.metamaterials.walcoff.com. Individual researchers and organizations with specific, relevant expertise and/or capabilities may provide non-proprietary descriptions of their capabilities and interests. Specific information content, communications, networking and team formation are the sole responsibilities of the participants. DARPA will not participate in these activities other than to provide the website forum to enable others to initiate communications. The web site will remain active from the date of issuance of this BAA until 22 January 2001. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria in decreasing order of importance: 1) overall scientific and technical merit; 2) impact of the successful development on Defense systems; 3) ability of the proposer(s) to implement the program; and 4) cost realism. All proposals will be reviewed by Government officials only. Input on technical aspects of the proposals may be solicited by DARPA from non-Government consultants and/or experts who are bound by appropriate non-disclosure requirements. Non-Government technical consultants will not have access to proposals that are labeled by the offerors as "GOVERNMENT ONLY." Restrictive notices notwithstanding, proposals may be handled, for administrative purposes only, by a support contractor. This contractor is bound by appropriate non-disclosure requirements. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received. If warranted, portions of resulting awards may be segregated into pre-priced options. Proposals that are substantially the same as superior proposals may not be selected for funding, not withstanding their overall evaluation position. Cost sharing is encouraged, but not required. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs may submit a proposal that shall be considered by DARPA. Proposals that are considered less than satisfactory in terms of Scientific and Technical Merit will not be evaluated further. Proposals identified for funding may result in a contract, grant cooperative agreement, or other transaction, depending upon the nature of the work proposed, the required degree of interaction between parties, and other factors. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT: This notice, in conjunction with the BAA 01-12 PIP, constitutes the total BAA. No additional information is available, nor will a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. Minority Institutions (MIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals. However, due to the technical breadth of the program, no portion of this BAA will be set aside specifically for these entities. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION: Technical POC: Dr. Valerie M. Browning; E-MAIL: baa01-12@darpa.mil; FAX: (703)696-3999; MAIL: DARPA/DSO, ATTN : BAA 01-12, 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714.
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Created on November 13, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com