Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 27, 2000
Contracting Office
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
September 30, 2001
Point of Contact
sd13, (540)653-7765
E-Mail Address
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (sd13@nswc.navy.mil)
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHYSICAL, ENGINEERING AND LIFE SCIENCES ANNOUNCEMENT N00178-01-Q-3004 -- Open through 9/30/01 The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), through the Dahlgren Laboratory at Dahlgren, VA, and the Coastal Systems Station at Panama City, FL, is soliciting scientific and engineering research "white papers" to identify capabilities of University and Non-Profit Institutions to conduct basic research, applied research, and advanced research projects in a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT seeking specific research proposals at this time -- we are requesting submission of capability statements only. Specific research proposals may be returned to the submitting institution with a request to submit a capability statement. Offerors that submitted white papers under BAA N00178-99-Q-3001 or N00178-00-Q-3000 DO NOT need to resubmit unless a change or update to that submission is necessary. N00178-99-Q-3001 white papers will be considered as candidate sources until 30 Sept 2001. N00178-00-Q-3000 white papers will be considered as candidate sources until 30 Sept 2002. Research projects are expected to require a high level of technical expertise, primarily involving PhD level personnel; personnel requirements include, but are not limited to, the following categories: distinguished postdoctoral, senior postdoctoral, postdoctoral, professors, and graduate students. Awards under this BAA are expected to take the form of grants, cooperative agreements, other transactions, or contracts. The North American Industry Classification System is 541710 -- Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences Representative research areas requiring scientific and engineering research expertise for which "white papers" (capability statements) are solicited include: a. Environmental data collection, monitoring, analysis, or display; b. Multifunction underwater sensing designs and technology; c. Image and sensor data processing; d. Modeling and simulation; e. Innovative conventional and non-conventional mine countermeasures (MCM), amphibious warfare, naval mining, diving, or special warfare techniques (and systems) for applications in all phases of the battle timeline including surveillance, targeting, acquisition, and terminal phases; f. Shipboard MCM system modular integration concepts; g. Innovative and non-conventional concepts for application of technology, engineering, and systems to all phases of coastal operations and coastal warfare; h. Lasers, radar, millimeter wave, or other high energy sensor/weapon; i. Communications and data transmission of any type; j. Concepts and systems for remote control of sea mines; k. Remotely controlled vehicles: air, surface, sea surface, or undersea; l. Information processing, fusion, and display m. Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) phenomena relating to Navy systems to include analysis, testing, training, standards and computational electromagnetics tools. n. Development of Information Elements Tools to characterize the information elements flowing among a set of objects (platforms, systems, human decision makers) in a complex-adaptive theater warfare system and to derive processes by which information elements may be defined from functional requirements. o. Use of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) technologies to meet shipboard interconnection requirements. p. Infrastructure Assurance to include but not be limited to issues concerning force protection, force projection, risk management, and support for systems engineering of complex systems. q. Tri-variate Probability Density Function (pdf) of the sea-surface elevation and slope components as related to the presence of ocean surface waves having a given frequency-direction spectrum. r. Aircraft condensation trail formation for various engine types and aircraft flight path and attitude optimization modeling and reasonable ways to estimate the required atmospheric parameters. s. General optimized, time dependent loiter pattern for an uninhabited aircraft subject to several constraints and objectives, some of which may be conflicting. Bank-to-turn loiter flight path such that antennae pointing connectivity to a communications satellite is maximized. t. Research in Human Performance Modeling at the individual, team, and organizational levels to include system engineering tools, decision aids for the complex system environment, control environments and intelligent aiding and development of intelligent agents. u. Cost Modeling for total life cycle costs for complex systems that include the human as well as hardware and software components. v. Advanced Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques for application to Multi-Function Fuze development. w. Technologies with applications to the Collaborative Engineering Environment. x. Flat displays with applications to war room operations. y. Wind tunnel testing of sub-scale models. z. Aerodynamic properties for non-classical bodies within the transonic and supersonic flight regime; separation of non-classical bodies from a delivery platform in the transonic/supersonic flight regime. aa. Research Technology in Chemical and Biological Sensors. ab. Organic and Inorganic Chemistry; Surfactant Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry. ac. Chemical and Biological Material Destruction. ad. Energetic Materials. ae. Low-level EM detection and discrimination af. Advanced explosives ag. Composite structural properties ah. Technology identification and assessment ai. Intelligent materials aj. Nanotechnology ak. Fiberoptics al. Non-traditional science am. Non-lethal technologies an. WMD detection ao. Battery and fuel cell technology ap. Computational fluid dynamics, finite element stress analysis, properties of metallic and non-metallic materials. aq. Development of multiphase equation-to-state models to describe the response of selected powder materials to intense mechanical shock wave loading, including chemical decomposition and reactions and implementation in an established computational dynamics code. ar. Gas-gun, powder-gun, or explosive projections testing with selected fragments and generic target configurations. as. Modeling and fabrication of integrated electronic and electo-optic devices using multiple hetero-epitaxial structures at. Technologies and evaluation/analysis techniques for counterdrug applications in areas that include, but are not limited to, Tactical Operations, Non Intrusive Inspection, Wide Area Surveillance, and Interdiction Support. au. Pulsed Power Technologies including electrical energy storage and switching, electric and electro thermal guns, compact high-voltage sources, ultra-wideband technology, and photoconductive switches. av. Technologies to improve the performance of Over The Horizon (OTH) Radar in the areas of interest that include, but are not limited to: improved ship detection and tracking, mitigation of clutter, improved aircraft tracking accuracy, and improved accuracy in coordinate registration. All white papers received will be maintained for a period not to exceed three years and will be considered as candidate sources for research projects during that period. Offerors may replace, update, or withdraw white paper submissions at any time. All white papers submitted for topics may be considered for research efforts at either the Dahlgren Laboratory or the Coastal Systems Station. Both the Coastal Systems Station and the Dahlgren Laboratory anticipate making multiple awards of grants, cooperative agreements, other transactions, or contracts. When appropriate, research grants will be the preferred award method. All white papers received that indicate interest in a particular research area will be reviewed for potential research projects in that area. Selection of a source for each separate research project will be based primarily on "best match" of technical merit (offeror's interest, expertise, and capability) and potential for contribution to accomplishment of Navy/DOD missions, as presented in the white papers and considering other relevant information available to the evaluator. Anticipated cost will be considered in the selection, but cost will not be the primary determining factor. The selected source for each project will be requested to submit a detailed proposal. Submission of a white paper or a detailed proposal does not assure the offeror of a subsequent award. White papers should be submitted as a Word or WordPerfect file either (1) as an email attachment to sd13@nswc.navy.mil OR (2) on 3.5in floppy disk to Grants Officer (N00178-01-Q-3004), NSWCDD (Code SD13), Building 183, Room 106, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100. Hard copy submissions (other than the grant certification package) are neither required nor desired. White papers should be formatted as follows: A.Cover Page (one page) -- identify offeror by name and address, include point of contact (Office of Sponsored Programs, etc.) with telephone number and email address, include date of submission, indicate that submission is in response to this BAA; B.Overview (one page) -- provide overview of offeror's capabilities (physical plant and equipment as well as human resources); C.Costing (one page) -- provide representative salary costs (hourly rates) for the following labor categories: distinguished postdoctoral, senior postdoctoral, postdoctoral, professors, and graduate students. In addition, identify and provide all applicable indirect (facility and administration) rates that would be charged on each research project; provide name, address, and point of contact, including telephone number, of applicable government auditor and Administrative Grants Officer/Administrative Contracting Officer; D.Specific Research Area Information [one page for each research area (listed above) in which you have interest/capability to conduct research projects] -- provide specific capability information applicable to the research area to supplement information provided in the overview; identify/ discuss specific human resources expertise, specific facilities or equipment relevant to the research area, offeror's prior participation in related research projects, and any other relevant information. DO NOT submit a specific research proposal unless requested. In addition, all offerors should submit (in hard copy to the address shown above) a completed and signed NSWCDD Grant Certification package which can be accessed at the NSWCDD Home Page (http://www.nswc.navy.mil/supply). Each grant or cooperative agreement that may be awarded to an institution of higher education under this announcement must contain the Military Recruiting on Campus clause in DODGARS 22.520(f), which may be accessed at http://web7.whs.osd.mil/html/32106r.htm). Any institution that has been identified under the procedures established by the Secretary of Defense to implement P.L. 103-337, section 558, is not eligible to receive a grant or cooperative agreement in response to this solicitation. Questions regarding this announcement may be submitted to Grants Officer (N00178-01-Q-3004), NSWCDD (Code SD13), Building 183, Room 106, 17320 Dahlgren Road, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100, to email sd13@nswc.navy.mil, or to facsimile (540) 653-6810. This announcement will remain open and white papers will be accepted through 30 September 2001. Awards may be made at any time after 1 October 2000, but only those offerors who have submitted white papers will be considered. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for University and Non-Profit Scientific and Engineering Research for the Dahlgren Laboratory and the Coastal Systems Station of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, and, as such, solicits the participation of all offerors capable of satisfying the Government's needs. This BAA should not be construed as a commitment or authorization to incur costs in anticipation of a grant, cooperative agreement, other transaction, or contract; the Government is not bound to make any awards under this announcement.
Web Link
Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (http://www.nswc.navy.mil/supply)
Loren Data Corp. 20001031/ASOL007.HTM (W-301 SN5053D1)

A - Research and Development Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on October 27, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com