Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 25, 2000
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, HQ AIA, HQ AIA/668-LS/ILC, 251 Kirknewton, Bldg 2088, Kelly AFB, TX, 78243-7034
ZIP Code
E-Mail Address
David Keith (david.keith@kelly.af.mil)
PART: SPECIAL NOTICES OFFADD: Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, Kelly -- HQ AIA, HQ AIA/LGCK, 251 Kirknewton, Bldg. 2088, Kelly AFB, TX, 78243 SUBJECT: B -- BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA AIA 01-0001) INFORMATION WARFARE BATTLELAB OPERATIONAL CONCEPT DEMONSTRATIONS DESC: A. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT (BAA AIA 01-0001) INFORMATION WARFARE BATTLELAB OPERATIONAL CONCEPT DEMONSTRATIONS. INTRODUCTION: The Information Warfare Battlelab, Air Force Information Warfare Center (AF IWB), invites concept demonstration papers with preliminary cost estimates on innovative Information Warfare (IW) concepts. This BAA is issued under the provisions of paragraph 6.102(d)(2) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) which provides for the competitive selection of technology demonstration proposals. Contracts awarded based on responses to this BAA are considered to be the result of full and open competition and in full compliance with the provisions of Public Law 98-369, "The Competition in Contracting Act of 1984." Concept demonstration papers in response to this announcement shall be submitted to: AF IWB, ATTN: BAA AIA 01-0001, 102 Hall Boulevard Suite 214, San Antonio, TX 78243-7020. Concept papers may be submitted electronically to: iwinnovation@kelly.af.mil. Responses shall reference the above BAA number. This announcement is open from 25 Oct 00 through 30 Sep 01 and is renewed annually. Concept demonstration papers may be submitted at any time during this period. A new BAA will be posted at the start of each fiscal year. A copy of this BAA will be posted on the World Wide Web at HTTP://AFIWCWEB.KELLY.AF.MIL/what/directorates/iwb/baa.htm There will be no other solicitation issued for this topic. B. OBJECTIVE: (1) Technical Description: The mission of the Information Warfare Battlelab (IWB) is to rapidly identify innovative and superior ways to plan and employ IW capabilities, organize and train forces for IW operations, and influence IW doctrine and tactics in order to meet current and emerging missions. The IWB accomplishes this mission by conducting operational demonstrations of IW concepts and evaluating their military worth. This BAA solicits innovative concept papers addressing operational solutions to Air Force IW needs. Submit concept papers that address any need identified within these elements of IW: information attack, security measures, electronic warfare, physical destruction, military deception, and psychological operations. The proposed concept papers on operational solutions may include, but are not limited to: new tactics, techniques, procedures, and mature technology applications that may affect Air Force doctrine and strategy. (2) Security Requirements: Please contact Mr. Mike Jackowski at Commercial (210) 977-3030, or by E-mail at iwinnovation@kelly.af.mil for any security concerns regarding the concept paper submissions. (3) Other Special Requirements: (a) DO NOT SUBMIT PROPOSALS AT THIS TIME. ONLY CONCEPT PAPERS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED. (b) Successful offerors must comply with the Privacy Act, AFI 37-132. (c) Offerors are advised that only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the government to an award under this BAA. C. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Options are discouraged and unpriced options will not be considered for award. Offerors are requested to provide their Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Number and reference number BAA AIA 01-0001 with their submissions. Non-government advisors will be used in the evaluation of concept papers and proposals. MITRE Corporation, a non-profit Massachusetts company which operates a Federally Funded Research and Development Center for the Department of Defense, will assist the Government in the evaluation of concepts and proposals. Concurrent Technologies Corp. (CTC), bd Systems, Inc. and Scitor Corporation will assist the Government in the Battlelab process. Non-Disclosure Agreements have been signed by CTC, bd Systems Inc. and Scitor Corporation personnel. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Institutions (MIs) are encouraged to apply. Notice to Foreign Owned Firms: Such firms are asked to immediately notify the Air Force point of contact, David Keith at david.keith@kelly.af.mil upon deciding to respond to this announcement. Foreign contractors shall be aware that restrictions may apply which could preclude their participation in this acquisition. D. CONCEPT PAPER PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: The cost of preparing concept papers in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any other contract, but may be an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost in FAR 31.205-18. Every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality of the concept paper and any evaluations. The submitter must mark the concept paper with a protective legend IAW FAR 52.215-1(e). Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or proposals are not desired. Submitter's concept papers shall not exceed three (3) pages using Microsoft Word format. Concept papers in excess of three pages will be returned to the offeror for resubmission in accordance with the page limits. Use of a diagram or figure to depict the essence of the proposed demonstration is strongly encouraged. The concept paper shall be formatted as follows: Section A: Title, Offeror, Date, E-Mail Account, Phone #, Fax #, Organization/Office Symbol, Address, Period of Performance, Cost of Effort; Section B: Operational Impact statement which concisely summarizes how the product of the demonstration will enhance Air Force IW operations; Section C: Proposed Solution summarizing innovative concept and use of non-developmental items (NDI) to accomplish the demonstration; Section D: Proposed Concept Demonstration which concisely describes the demonstration and execution methodology; Section E: Support Components required for the demonstration to include hardware, software, data, facilities and training; Section F: Expected Results/Product of the demonstration; Section G: Proposed AF and DoD operational users of the concept; and Section H: Similar contracts to include the point of contact's current telephone # and address. For papers marked proprietary, the offeror shall submit a non-proprietary title and summary, not to exceed one (1) additional page. Multiple concept papers addressing different research areas may be submitted by each offeror. However, each concept paper must address only one concept. The purpose of the concept paper is to preclude effort on the part of an offeror whose proposed work is not of interest to the Government. Those offerors with concept papers found to be consistent with the intent of the BAA and of interest to the Government may be invited to submit a complete technical (including a statement of work) and cost proposal. An invitation based upon a submitted concept paper does not assure that the submitting organization will be awarded a subsequent contract. Section I: Include the following statement: I consent to the release of any proprietary, confidential, or privileged commercial or financial data to MITRE Corporation, Concurrent Technologies Corp., bdSystems Inc., and Scitor Corp. for the Battlelab review and analysis process. E. BASIS FOR AWARD: Proposals, when requested and submitted, will be evaluated as they are received. Individual proposal evaluations will be based on acceptability or non-acceptability without regard to other proposals submitted under this announcement. Proposals submitted will be evaluated under the following criteria listed in descending order of importance: (1) Impact of the proposed concept on enhancing Air Force IW operational capabilities (2) Technical merit of the proposed concept with an emphasis on technically mature, creative and innovative solutions (3) Realism and reasonableness of the proposed cost. The technical and cost information will be evaluated at the same time during the evaluation process. No further evaluation criteria will be used in awarding a contract under this BAA. Anticipated Period of Performance: Maximum duration up to 18 months from award through complete evaluation of concept operational demonstration. Offerors should provide an estimated cost for their proposed effort. The IWB anticipates awards will be less than $500K. Some initiatives, however, may require more resources. Type of contract(s) expected: To be determined. F. POINTS OF CONTACT: Questions on the objectives or preparation of the technical proposal should be addressed to Mr. Mike Jackowski, 102 Hall Blvd Suite 214, San Antonio, TX 78243-7020, Commercial (210) 977-3030, iwinnovation@kelly.af.mil Questions related to contracting or cost issues should be directed to HQ AIA/LGCK, ATTN: David Keith, Contract Specialist, 251 Kirknewton St., San Antonio, TX 78243, david.keith@kelly.af.mil or Laura L. Hawkins, Contracting Officer, 251 Kirknewton St., San Antonio, TX 78243-7034, laura.hawkins@kelly.af.mil
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www2.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=S&ProjID=Reference-Number-BAAAIA01-0001&LocID=1243)
Loren Data Corp. 20001027/SPMSC001.HTM (D-299 SN5051R6)

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Created on October 25, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com