Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 18, 2000
Contracting Office
Commanding Officer, NAVFACCO, Bldg 41 Code 80, NAVFACENGCOMDET-SLC, 4111 San Pedro Street, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4410
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
December 12, 2000
Point of Contact
This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC) under FAR 6.102(d)(2) to solicit proposals for basic and applied research for new and innovative technological solutions to problems in the areas of ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK LEAK DETECTION, BAA TOPIC NO. 01-001. Part of the proposed areas listed in these BAAs are being considered 100% set aside for Historically Black Colleges and Universities or Minority Institutions as defined by the clause at 252.226-7000 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Interested HBCUs and MIs should provide the contracting office as early as possible, but not later than 15 days after this notice, evidence of their capability to perform the contract, and a positive statement of their eligibility as an HBCU or MI. If adequate response is not received from HBCUs and MIs then proposals from institutions, non-profit organizations and private industry will be evaluated. The Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC) is seeking innovative technologies for measuring small leaks in aboveground bulk fuel storage tanks (ASTs). Regulations governing leak detection for ASTs are either in place, or soon to be enforced in most states. The Navy's ASTs are of varying capacities located in a wide geographical area. The innovative method must be capable of performing in both floating pan and fixed roof ASTs of all capacities. Current methods will not cost effectively meet stringent leak detection rates. The goal is to have an internal monitoring system capable of meeting both monthly and annual Federal and State testing requirements similar to the underground storage tank requirements. System development shall include all hardware and software required for operation and must be compatible with all DoD fuel farm operations (health, safety and operational). The system must be capable of performing under a wide-range of climatic conditions and must be integrated into the Fuels Accounting System. The system must be easily deployed and fit within an 8" opening in the tank. The system must be capable of operating with a minimum wait time and with a short test duration of 24 hrs. or less. The use of commercially-off-the-shelf components is highly desirable, with minimal maintenance required. A third-party evaluation of the system will be conducted on an AST according to EPA approved protocols. The evaluation will be conducted in a large diameter tank (approximately 100-120 foot diameter). Performance will be quantified in terms of probability of detection (PD) and probability of false alarm (PFA). Proposals shall include a design and fabrication phase, system checkout phase, and final evaluation phase. Engineering drawings, specifications, cost and performance data, an operator's manual, and a final report will be required. The technology performance and success will be measured quantitatively using the EPA approved protocol "Alternative Test Procedures for Evaluating Leak Detection Methods: Evaluation of Bulk Field Constructed Tanks." The protocol requires that 12 tests be conducted at 4 different leak rates and under variable fuel temperature inputs. The fuel tank is emptied to 50% and refilled back to 100%. Operational costs will be determined during the performance evaluation for a permanently mounted monitoring system. All costs, including materials, installation, operational and maintenance will be analyzed on a life-cycle-cost basis and compared to existing technologies. All work under this BAA is unclassified. It is expected that one or more award in the range of $250,000-$350,000 will be funded; however, there is no commitment by the Government to make any awards, or to make a specific number of awards or to be responsible for any money expended by the offer or before award of a contract. The effective period of this BAA is through 19 October 2001 and cut off dates for submission of proposals are: 12 December 2000 and 12 June 2000. Proposals should be provided into three (3) sections: (1) A technical section which includes a clear statement of objectives, technical approach, and methodology, supporting technical information (including an indication of proprietary aspects of the proposed effort) and a plan of action and milestones; (2) A management section that includes a description of relevant corporate expertise, experience, facilities, and other relevant resources, resumes of key personnel; (3) A cost section, which provides a breakdown of the proposed effort, described in the technical section. All options and assumptions shall be clearly identified and defined. Proposal evaluation and award decisions will be based on a competitive selection of proposals from peer/scientific review considering technical merit, importance to agency programs availability of funds, cost realism, and reasonableness. Evaluations will be conducted using the following criteria: (1) The overall innovation, scientific/technical merits, and objectives of the offer, (2) The offeror's capabilities, related experience, techniques, or unique combination of these which are integral factors in achieving the offeror's proposed objectives, (3) the qualifications capabilities and experience of the principal investigator, team leader, or key personnel who are critical in achieving the objectives of the offer, (4) the reasonableness of cost relative to the proposed scientific/technical approach. All work under this BAA is unclassified. Offerors are advised that only the Contracting Officer is legally authorized to commit the Government to a contract; however, technical questions may be directed to Ms. Leslie Karr, (805) 982-1618, email: KarrLA@NFESC.NAVY.MIL or Mr. Bill Major, (805) 982-1808, email: MajorWR@NFESC.NAVY.MIL. CRITICAL NOTE: A CONTRACTOR LICENSE/REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS BAA, BUT A CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE'S CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION (CCR) IN ORDER TO DO BUSINESS WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. NO CONTRACT AWARD WILL BE MADE TO ANY CONTRACTOR THAT IS NOT REGISTERED OR IN THE PROCESS OF REGISTERING WITH THE DOD CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION. THE DOD CENTRAL CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION MAY BE REACHED AT (888) 352-9333, OR FACSIMILE (616) 691-5305, OR Website WWW.CCR.DLSC.DLA.MIL. NOTES: (1) There are no solicitation documents applying to this BAA. (2) As no funding for contracts has been reserved in advance, NFESC may be sharing qualified abstracts with other Federal Government activities to seek sites and funding. (3) Some Federal Government activities may employ civilian contractors to determine the applicability of an offered technology to specific environmental projects. Any information that may be sensitive to review by such personal should not be submitted. (4) NAVFAC Contracts Office will reply to all offerors once the NAVY's Technical Evaluation Board (TEB) has reviewed all forms submitted.
Loren Data Corp. 20001020/ASOL009.HTM (W-292 SN504642)

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Created on October 18, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com