- Notice Date
- October 5, 2000
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- AFCEA International, 4400 Fair Lakes Court, Fairfax, VA 22033-3899
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- On October 25-26, 2000, AFCEA International will host its annual Fall Intelligence Symposium at the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center (DIAC), Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C. This year's theme is " Intelligence Challenges for Military Users: A Five-Year Perspective." A detailed agenda, secure on-line registration, and an "Exhibitor Gallery" featuring the current list of companies who will be exhibiting at the symposium are available at (click on "Fall Intelligence Symposium"). If you prefer, you may call (703) 631-6250 for registration material. Attendees must have a Top Secret clearance and SI/TK access. A WORD FROM THE SYMPOSIUM CHAIRMAN Dear Fellow Intelligence Professionals: The AFCEA Spring '00 Intelligence Symposium explored the challenges facing the Intelligence Community at the strategic level. Shifting gears, the upcoming fall symposium turns the spotlight on the other end of the continuum: intelligence challenges facing the military user at the operational level over the next five years. The symposium will begin with a keynote address by LTG Thomas N. Burnette, Jr., USA, Deputy Commander in Chief, U.S. Joint Forces Command. Military operators talking about their experiences and information needs in the context of real world operations will follow him in the first session. The second session will review the Intelligence Community's response to those requirements by looking at current and planned programs in each element of the intelligence cycle: tasking and collection, exploitation, analysis, and dissemination. In the third session, industry representatives will discuss the role future technologies will play in supporting military operations. The final session will look at budget realities, focusing on the congressional perspective. The AFCEA Fall '00 Intelligence Symposium has been designed to bring together military operators, program managers, and private sector leaders to give you an insider's perspective on the challenges and solutions for better intelligence support to the military user at the operational level. In addition, companies will exhibit some of the latest in intelligence-related technology. Sincerely, Mr. Christopher P. Haakon, General Manager, Autometric, Inc. Symposium Chairman. PROGRAM-AT-A-GLANCE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2000. SESSION ONE: "Commanders Critical Information Requirements in the New Millennium." The missions being assigned to our warriors have changed and expanded significantly in the recent years. The entire set of essential intelligence required on a daily basis varies between areas of operations and missions. In this environment, the challenge for the Intelligence Community is providing tailored intelligence at the right time. In this session, military commanders will use real world scenarios to illustrate their requirements and critique the Intelligence Community's support of them. SESSION TWO: "Information Management: Reviewing the Future of Legacy Programs." In light of the warfighter critique of the Intelligence Community in Session One, this session will evaluate the Intelligence Community's response by examining the existing and budgeted programs, capabilities, and resources which the IC intends to use to support military operations. This look will include each part of the intelligence cycle: tasking and collection, exploitation, analysis, and dissemination. The emphasis will be on those efforts focused at managing the burgeoning volume of information and intelligence available to the warfighter. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2000: SESSION THREE: "Information Technology: Is There's More at Home than in the Field!" Advances in technology and software innovations make the news almost daily. In Session Three, the focus of the symposium shifts to commercial sector and the capabilities it can bring to the fight. Industry representatives will discuss near-term breakthrough technologies that they believe will provide the military commander and his/her staff access to the knowledge essential for varied and short-fused operation. SESSION FOUR: "Intelligence: Who's the Banker?" Although technology is dramatically changing the "battlefield," the full potential it promises will not be realized without significant investments in intelligence and information systems. Likewise, questions remain: From where should this investment come? What about legacy systems? Who is doing the strategic thinking that will tie it all together? In the final session, senior officials from the Executive and Legislative branches will address these and other issues, specifically focusing on funding challenges and options. A detailed program is available at (click on "Fall Intelligence Symposium.") CONFIRMED SPEAKERS: Keynote Address: LTG Thomas N. Burnette, Jr., USA, Deputy Commander in Chief, U.S. Joint Forces Command; BG Keith B. Alexander, USA, Director for Intelligence, J-2, United States Central Command; The Honorable Joan A. Dempsey, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management; Mr. Mark W. Ewing, Deputy Director, Defense Intelligence Agency; VADM Edmund P. Giambastiani, USN, Deputy of Naval Operations (Resources Warfare Requirements and Assessments), OPNAV N8; Mr. Christopher P. Haakon, General Manager, Boeing/Autometric, Inc., Symposium Chairman; CAPT Guy Holliday, USN, Deputy Director for Crisis Management, Joint Staff J-2; RADM Lowell E. Jacoby, USN, Director of Intelligence, J-2, The Joint Staff/Defense Intelligence Agency; CAPT David A. Johnson, USN, Director, Intelligence Directorate, Joint Warfare Analysis Center, Joint Forces Command; Mr. Robert G. Juengling, Vice President, Business Development, Veridian Systems, MRJ Engineering; Col Herbert C. Kemp, USAF, Deputy Director for Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Headquarters, USAF; Brig Gen Andrew W. Smoak, USAF, Deputy Director, Plans and Customer Operations Directorate, National Imagery and Mapping Agency; Mr. James P. Massa, Director, Strategic Government Alliances, Cisco Systems, Inc.; LTG Paul E. Menoher, USA (Ret.), Vice President, Business Development, Sterling Software, Federal Systems Group; Mr. Dennis M. Nagy, Sr., Applied Systems Group, SAIC: LTG Robert W. Noonan, Jr., USA, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Headquarters Department of the Army; Mr. Jack Zavin, Chief, Information Interoperability, Architecture and Interoperability Directorate, Office of the DOD CIO; Col Ken Ritchhart, USAF, Program Manager, JIVA Integration Management Office, Defense Intelligence Agency; Mr. Timothy R. Sample, Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Maj Gen Glen D. Shaffer, USAF, Director of Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Headquarters U.S. Air Force; Maj Gen William R. Usher, USAF (Ret.), Chairman and Chief Executive Office, Core Software Technology; RADM Robert C. Williamson, USN (Ret.), Executive Director of Government Business Strategy, Microsoft Corporation; Mr. Joe Womack, Vice President, Americas eSun Partners Sales, Sun Microsystems; BG Robert E. Wynn, USA (Ret.), Vice President, Business Development, Harris Corporation; Mr. Robert Zitz, Director of Initiatives Group, National Imagery Mapping Agency. FEES, REGISTRATION, AND QUESTIONS: Government/Military: $185. Industry AFCEA Member: $360. Industry Non-AFCEA Member: $435. (SYMPOSIUM FEES INCLUDE ALL PROGRAM SESSIONS, THE TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITS, TWO CONTINENTAL BREAKFASTS, TWO LUNCHES, AND THE TECHNOLOGY RECEPTION.) REGISTRATION OR QUESTIONS: You can register on-line secure at (click on "Fall Intelligence Symposium"). Questions? Email: "" or call: (800) 336-4583, ext. 6250, or (703) 631-6250. EXHIBITORS: For information about exhibiting at this or future AFCEA intelligence events, please call AFCEA at (800) 336-4583, ext. 6250 or (703) 631-6250. SPECIAL NEEDS: AFCEA supports the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Attendees with special needs should call (703) 631-6250. These symposia traditionally sell out; please register early!
- Web Link
- Click here for program details and secure on-line registration: (
- Record
- Loren Data Corp. 20001010/SPMSC004.HTM (W-279 SN5037T3)
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Created on October 5, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. --