Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 5, 2000
Contracting Office
National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Contracting for Acquisition & Technology Directorate, Attn: PCA/D-88, 4600 Sangamore Road, Bethesda, MD 20816-5003
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Deborah J. Nichols, Contracting Officer, 301-227-7819
E-Mail Address
Click here to contact the Contracting Officer via (nicholsdj@nima.mil)
The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) announces its intent to issue a competitive solicitation for the BIG IDEA One-Touch Maintenance Environment, Phase 2 Operational Prototype, as follows: (1) a DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) is anticipated to be released in early DEC00 for industry comments only. Release of the DRAFT RFP is not a formal solicitation and there is no intent to award a contract based on its release or information provided; and (2) a FINAL RFP is anticipated to be released in FEB01. NIMA intends to make a single award to the contractor who offers the best value to the Government for the development of an operational prototype integrated into existing NIMA systems. This contract will consist of a base period for development with multiple options for maintenance once fielded for use. The DRAFT and FINAL RFPs will be available electronically at the following NIMA site: A bidder's list will also be made available for teaming/subcontracting opportunities. You are requested to submit in writing to Deborah J. Nichols, Contracting Officer, via e-mail at nicholsdj@nima.mil or via fax at 301-227-5573 by 30NOV00 if you wish to be included on this list. Provide name of company, point of contact, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Reference RFP No. NMA201-01-R-0001 in all correspondence. In order to be considered for award, offerors must have personnel and facilities cleared to the SCI level available for performance upon award. This effort is a follow-on to the Phase 1 Demonstration contracts award SEP00 to the following five contractors: Autometric, Inc., 7700 Boston Blvd., Springfield, VA 22153; BAE Systems Mission Solutions, Inc., 16250 Technology Drive, San Diego, CA 92127; Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp., 1600 Commerce Street, Boulder, CO 80030; Lockheed Martin Management and Data Systems, 700 N. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20879; and Smallworld Systems, Inc., 5600 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Englewood, CO 80111. In order to be considered for entry into Phase 2, offerors must qualify in accordance with the following procedures. To support the Government schedule for Phase 2, the qualifying steps must be completed no later than 16FEB01, at no cost to the Government. REGISTER INTENT: Offerors must register an intention to provide a demonstration of capability with the Contracting Officer, as above. Reference Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) NMA201-00-R-0004 for Phase 1, Section 6.0, Statement of Objectives (SOO), posted under the NIMA web site above. At that time, a user id and password will be issued for access to the Phase 1 web site which contains relevant information for conducting the demonstration of capability for the BIG IDEA One-Touch Maintenance Environment. SYSTEM LEVEL DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT: Provide a written system level description (limited to 10 pages) to the Contracting Officer, as above, that describes the three aspects of the proposed system listed below: 1) Component Level Architecture: The architectural description should, at a minimum, include a diagram that shows the following: a) All software components of the proposed system, including both existing components as well as components that would be developed as part of this effort. b) The connections between these components which identifies the technology/protocol used by that connection (i.e., http, SQL, proprietary). Also, if applicable, the standard or specification which defines the connection. c) A written description of the role and capability of each component identified. 2) Legacy Integration Approach: This element should include a description of the intended approach for the integration of external software elements that may be based on different technologies/protocols or disparate data models. Include in this discussion any specific systems that will be integrated as part of the proposed design. Also include in this discussion any assumptions or dependencies the proposed design makes about specific external systems (e.g., "only read access is needed" or "data will be transitioned to proposed system component X"). 3) Example Process: This element should describe how a specific process supported by the system is executed by the proposed design. The example process selected should best demonstrate any unique or innovative aspects of the design. The description should identify the individual steps of the process, the components exercised by each step and the data/commands exchanged between components. This example should also include the role(s) of any human operators involved in the selected process (e.g., Requesting Customer, Quality Control Inspector, Feature Extractor). After Government review of the system level document, timely feedback will be provided on the offeror's understanding of the objectives to be demonstrated. Following feedback, offerors interested in continuing on with the demonstration of capability will be provided additional information (i.e., demonstration scenario and appropriate data sets for demonstration). DEMONSTRATION TEST PLAN: The offeror is required to prepare and submit a written demonstration test plan that identifies those 18 objectives (reference the Statement of Objectives) and how they will be addressed during the demonstration. This demonstration test plan must be submitted to the Contracting Officer, as above, 30 days prior to the scheduled demonstration for Government review and feedback. DEMONSTRATION: The offeror must conduct the demonstration of capability no later than 16FEB01. Notice is made to offerors that NIMA intends to utilize the Government organization Acquisition Center of Excellence (ACE), including commercial companies providing administrative support, and the participation of a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) in the roles of advisors and support on the demonstration (if applicable), proposals, and resultant contract. Those companies are identified as follows: Administrative Support: TICOM, Inc. Welkin Associates, LTD Scitor Corp. Telecolote Research, Inc. ACE Facility Support: Booze, Allen & Hamilton MRJ IDS These companies will not be participating as evaluators. Non-Disclosure Statements and Organizational Conflict of Interest Certificates for all ACE contractor support personnel are on file. FFRDC: MITRE NIMA's contract with this organization and this organization's employment contract with their personnel prohibit the unauthorized dissemination of data to which it or its employees have access. The Government will use the FFRDC in a advisory role during the evaluation process. POC: Deborah J. Nichols, Contracting Officer, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, PCA/MS D-88/301-227-7819, 4600 Sangamore Road, Bethesda, MD 20816. All correspondence and proposals will be unclassified. Proposals submitted in whole or in part by electronic transmission media (facscimile or electronic mail) will not be accepted.
Web Link
Click here to download additional information and RFP (
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Created on October 5, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com