Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
October 4, 2000
Contracting Office
U.S. Army CECOM, CECOM Acquisition Center, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5008
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
October 25, 2000
Point of Contact
Stan Dobies 732-427-5224
E-Mail Address
Carolyn.Weickert@mail.monmouth.mil (Procurement Analyst) (Stanley.Dobies@mail1.monmouth.army.mil or Carolyn.Weickert@mail1.monmouth.mil)
MARKET SURVEY This is a market survey to determine interested sources for the production of the AN/TPQ-36(V)8 Electronics Upgrade (EU) shelter, part of the AN/TPQ-36(V)8 Firefinder Radar System, commonly referred to as the Operations Central (OC). The Firefinder radar system locates the firing point of hostile mortar, artillery and rockets. The EU shelter is a lightweight multipurpose shelter configuration and provides for the soldier/man-machine interface to operate the AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder radar system. In addition to various COTS/GOTS components, the EU shelter contains the Radar Signal Processor (RSP) which must interface with an existing Antenna Transceiver Group (ATG) to process the information/data from the antenna. Other components of the EU shelter include the Lightweight Computer Units (LCUs), printer, CD-ROM, paper map display, portable control display terminal, control panels, monitors, gas particulate filter unit, environmental control units, power supply and communications interfaces. The Government intends to procure an additional 39 shelters in FY01 through FY04. The EU shelter is currently in production and a total of 52 EU shelters have been delivered to the US Army and USMC. These shelters were fully qualified and tested in compliance with the performance specification for the AN/TPQ-36(V)8 radar set. The OEM and current manufacturer of the fully equipped shelter is the Northrop Grumman Corporation. The OEM of the existing ATG is the Raytheon Corporation. A fully verified technical data/drawing package for the shelters does not exist. The EU shelters must be fully compatible with the currently fielded software version 11.015, or latest version, and this software will be provided as government furnished material. Any new RSP must be fully interchangeable with the existing RSP. The EU shelter must be fully qualified and tested in compliance with the performance specification for the radar set, if not already qualified. The resulting contract will be awarded on a Firm Fixed Price basis with a time and material line item for repair and support. In order to be considered responsive to this market survey, a contractor must submit information sufficient for the government to make a technical assessment of the capabilities of the proposed shelter. The point of contact in Product Manager Firefinder is Stan Dobies at 732-427-5224 or email address: stanley.dobies@mail1.monmouth.army.mil.
Web Link
Army Business Opportunity Page (http://abop.monmouth.army.mil)
Loren Data Corp. 20001006/58SOL004.HTM (W-278 SN5035R0)

58 - Communication, Detection and Coherent Radiation Equipment Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on October 4, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com