COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF AUGUST 9,2000 PSA#2660 National Park Service, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, PO Box 268,
Eilefson, Contract Specialist,605-574-3130 Fx:605-574-2307 A. The Project Location: Wind Cave National
Park, RR1 Box 190, Hot Springs, SD 57747, (605) 745 1140. Contact
person Steve Schrempp. B. The Work under this contract consists of
converting two existing boilers from fuel oil to LG gas, replacing one
fuel oil unit heater with a LP gas unit heater, supplying and
installing a 3000 gallon above grade LP gas storage tank, supplying and
installing a 2000 gallon above grade LP gas storage tank, sizing and
installing all LP gas piping (contractor shall submit shop drawings and
pipe size calculations prior to ordering materials), and incidentals
(i.e., regulators, vaporizors (if needed), new chimneys and vent caps
(if required)), and the removal and disposal of three existing
underground fuel oil storage tanks (1 2000-gallon & 2 540-gallon). At
the present time, a fuel oil boiler (Weil McLain Model BL-476-SW) is
utilized to heat building 17 (Fire Cache). At this same location, an
existing unit heater is utilized to heat building 18 (Auto Shop). The
proposedsolution is to convert the existing boiler from fuel oil to
propane (i.e., replace the existing burner with a Power Flame WJR-15 LP
gas burner, or approved equal), and replace the existing unit heater
(Modine POH145) with a new LP gas unit heater (Dayton Model 4E468,, or approved equal). The contractor shall furnish and
install one 2000-gallon above grade LP gas tank, used to supply LP gas
to both units at this site. The tank shall be painted with Sherwin
Williams B54 Series, Industrial Enamel, color shall be Boston Cream, or
approved equal. Also, the contractor shall install 4" diameter, 6'-0"
tall (2'-6" concrete embedment) concrete filled steel pipe bollards at
4'-0" o.c. The bollards shall be painted with the material as the
tanks except color shall be red. A second oil-fired boiler (American
Standard Model ACD-402, Serial # M5999, Size 312 FO, Series # 8X,
maximum input 405 MBTUH) is utilized to heat building Q-43 (Barracks).
The proposed solution is to convert the existing boiler forfuel oil to
propane. The contractor shall verify that a conversion burner can be
obtained and installed for this boiler. If this is not possible, the
contractor shall furnish and install and new LP gas boiler. The
contractor shall furnish and install one 3000-gallon above grade LP gas
tank at this site. The contractor shall remove all existing interior
fuel oil lines, size all new LP gas lines (underground plastic for
exterior and copper / black pipe for interior), minimum burial depth is
30", regulators, incidentals, cut and repair existing concrete /
asphalt, excavate / backfill (sand bedding is required if a rocky
trench bottom exists) & compaction for the new gas line, and
incidentals for the installation of a complete and operable LP gas
system. Also, the contractor shall provide an alternate heat source or
keep the present system operational to prevent the buildings from
freezing. Finally, the contractor shall remove and dispose of the three
existing underground fuel storage tanks (contractor shall retain the
salvage rights to these tanks). One 2000 gallon tank is located at the
barracks, and two separate 540 gallon tanks are located at the auto
shop / fire cache site. If this option is approved, the contractor
shall pump out the existing fuel oil (Q43 1542-gallons, B17
413-gallons, B18 453-gallons). The contractor shall retain the rights
to this excess fuel. Upon removal of the tanks, the site shall be
repaired and to look as if new. One 540-gallon tank is installed under
approximately 150 s.f of 4" thick concrete. The contractor shall
replace this concrete if this option is selected. The contractor shall
NOT be responsible for testing the soil; the Government shall obtain
a separate contract for this portion of the work. If this option is not
selected, the Government will remove the existing fuel storage tanks.
The contractor shall coordinate the installation of the new work with
the removal of the existing tanks. C. The Work will be constructed
under a single prime contract. 1.2 WORK UNDER OTHER CONTRACTS A.
Separate Contract: The Government will prepare a separate contract for
the sampling and testing of the soil below existing fuel storage
tanks. The contractor shall coordinate with this testing agency. 1.3
CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. General: During the construction period
the Contractor shall have full use of the premises for construction
operations, including use of the site. The Contractor's use of the
premises is limited only by the Government's right to perform work or
to retain other contractors on portions of the Project. The contractor
shall conduct work in a manner to minimize disturbance to residents in
the housing area. B. Use of the Site: Limit use of the premises to work
in areas indicated. Confine operations to areas within contract limits
indicated. Do not disturb portions of the site beyond the areas in
which the Work is indicated. 1. Government Occupancy: Allow for
Government occupancy and use by the public. 2. Driveways and Entrances:
Keep driveways and entrances serving the premises clear and available
to the Government, the Government's employees, and emergency vehicles
at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of
materials. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements
for storage of materials and equipment on-site. C. Use of the Existing
Building: Maintain the existing building in a weather tight condition
throughout the construction period. Repair damage caused by
construction operations. Take all precautions necessary to protect the
building and its occupants during the construction period. 1.4
OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS A. Full Government Occupancy: The Government
will occupy the site and existing building during the entire
construction period. Cooperate with the Government during construction
operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Government usage.
Perform the Work so as not to interfere with the Government's
operations. 1.5 GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PRODUCTS A. The Government will
not furnish any items for this contract. PART2 -- PRODUCTS (Not Used)
PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. All equipment, LP gas piping,
above grade LP gas tanks, chimneys / vent caps, thermostat wiring, and
incidentals shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers
recommendation. All installations shall comply with the International
Mechanical Code and International Fuel Gas Code. Work to be performed
at Wind Cave National Park, Hot Springs, South Dakota 57747. Cost Range
$25,000 -- $100,000.Sic Code: 1711, Small Business Size Standard is
$7,000,000. Plans and Specifications will be available by faxing your
request to Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Attn: Chris Esper at
605-574-2307 Posted 08/07/00 (W-SN483288). (0220) Loren Data Corp. (SYN# 0049 20000809\J-0007.SOL)
| J - Maintenance, Repair and Rebuilding of Equipment Index
Issue Index |
Created on August 7, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. --