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Commander, Marine Corps System Command, Code CTQ, 2033 Barnett Avenue, Ste 315, Quantico, VA 22134-5010

A -- EMERGING THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES SOL M67854-00-R-2070 DUE 040300 POC Procurement Analyst, Valerie Tolan (703)784-5172; Contract Specialist, Lee Kerr (703)784-5822 ext. 249 WEB: Click here to connect to the MCWL web page, http://www.mcwl.quantico.usmc.mil. E-MAIL: Click here to contact the Procurement Analyst via, tolanv@mcwl.quantico.usmc.mil. Description: The 21st Century will be characterized by increasing crises and conflicts on the world's littorals. The consequences of unconstrained population growth, declining resources, ethnic animosities, resurgent nationalism, the decline of the nation-state, terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are all potential threats to national interests. These global challenges of the 21st Century will be increasingly complex and less amenable to solution by overwhelming force and will require innovative approaches that are timely and effective across the full range of military operations. The United States Marine Corp's Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) is issuing a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Research And Development (R&D) and invites submission of white papers from Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) for research aimed at exploring concepts, capabilities and solutions for addressing the non-traditional operational challenges emerging in the 21st Century. Areas of particular interest are: Asymmetrical threats and responses, civil affairs, psychological operations, counter terrorism, homeland defense, humanitarian assistance, media relations, non-lethal weapons policy, peacekeeping and peace enforcement. The most promising candidates will be those institutions that have experience in one or more of these areas. It is anticipated that one or more cooperative agreements or contracts will result from this announcement with an anticipated start date of June 2000. Subject to the availability of funds, approximately $7M is expected to be budgeted for these efforts. Process: The Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory will review proposals that address some or one of the above listed subject areas for further exploration. Proposals that address more than one area are preferred over proposals that address only one. Proposals that do not address identified areas will not be reviewed. Respondents shall first submit a one to five page "white paper" summarizing the proposed effort(s) and arough order of cost magnitude in order to obtain a preliminary indication of MCWL interest. Submitted white papers should indicate the willingness of the offeror to provide a technical briefing on the white paper at Quantico Virginia, should one be requested by MCWL. Technical briefings would follow the formal submission of a white paper. The Government is not liable for any costs associated with this brief. White papers, proposals, and all related correspondence should reference BAA Number M67854-00-R-2070. White papers shall be submitted in original form and three (3) copies to ONLY the following address: Commanding General, Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (C52), 3255 Meyers Avenue, Attn: Valerie Tolan, Quantico, Virginia 22134. Offerors are allowed to submit multiple quality white papers, but the submission of numerous boilerplate white papers may result in the unreviewed automatic rejection of all submitted papers. Once a white paper is submitted, all further communications must be submitted in writing to the MCWL Procurement Analyst, Valerie Tolan. Should MCWL determine that a submitted "white paper" has scientific and technical merit relevant for Laboratory requirements, it will ask the Marine Corps Systems Command Contracting Office to request the offeror to submit an in-depth proposal for each selected white paper. In depth proposal(s) should be divided into three sections: (1) A technical section which includes a clear statement of objectives, technical approach and methodology, supporting technical information (including an indication of proprietary aspects of the proposed effort), and a plan of action and milestones; (2) A management section which includes a description of relevant corporate expertise, experience, facilities, and other relevant resources, resumes of key personnel; and (3) A cost section, which provides a detailed breakdown of the proposed effort, described in the technical section. All options and assumptions shall be clearly identified and defined. Proposal evaluation and awarddecision will be based on Best Value to the Government considering technical merit, importance to agency programs, availability of funds, cost realism and reasonableness. The Best Value determination will address the following considerations: 1. Overall relevance and merit of the proposed research. 2. Potential warfighting operational utility and contribution to DoD missions. 3. Offeror's demonstrated capabilities, related experience, and facilities which relate to the identified research area of interest. 4. Qualifications, capabilities, and experience of the proposed key personnel. 5. Realism of the proposed costs and availability of funding. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise stated herein, no additional written information is available, nor will a formal Request For Proposal (RFP) or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the same will be disregarded. The government reserves the right to select all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. This BAA shall remain open for receipt of white paper proposals for a period of forty-five (45) days from the date of initial publication of this announcement. The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for this BAA is 8221 with the small business size standard of $5.0M. No portion of this BAA has been set aside for historically black colleges and universities or minority institute participants, though their participation is encouraged. For awards made as contracts, evaluation of the socio-economic merits of the proposal shall include the extent of commitment in providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small business concerns, historically black colleges, universities and minority institutions. If a full cost proposal is requested by the contracting officer, and the total exceeds $500,000, any large business is required to include a Small, Small Disadvantaged,and Woman Owned Subcontracting Plan with its proposal package in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. White papers will be evaluated in the order in which they are received and may be submitted at any time within the forty-five (45) day period. White papers/proposals will not be evaluated against each other since each is a unique technology with no common work statement. Proposals identified for funding may result in a cooperative agreement or contract; however, there is no commitment by the Marine Corps to make any awards, to make a specific number of awards, or to be responsible for any monies expended by the proposer before award of a cooperative agreement or contract. Information provided herein is subject to amendment and in no way binds the Government to award of a cooperative agreement or contract. Questions shall be addressed to Valerie Tolan at tolanv@mcwl.quantico.usmc.mil . The Government will not screen white paper topics on behalf of an offeror in advance of the submission of a white paper. Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory Web Page Link: http://www.mcwl.quantico.usmc.mil Posted 02/16/00 (W-SN425984). (0047)

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