COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF DECEMBER 23,1999 PSA#2502Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Contract Management
SOL BAA00-12 DUE 020400 POC Dr. Lou Mason, email address:
mailto:lmason@darpa.mil WEB: click here for more information on
BAA00-12, http:www.darpa.mil. E-MAIL: contact for BAA00-12,
DEMONSTRATION SOL BAA00-12 DUE 02/04/00, POC: Dr. Lou Mason, Program
Manager, DARPA/ISO, e-mail address mailto:lmason@darpa.mil}, Ms.
Algeria Tate, Contracts Management, DARPA/CMD, e-mail address
atate@darpa.mil WEB: http://www.darpa.mil, E-MAIL: BAA00-12@darpa.mil.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information
Systems Office (ISO) is pursuing the development of technologies to
enhance the readiness of our military forces through a quantum
improvement in military logistics planning and execution. The objective
of the Joint Theater Logistics (JTL) Program is to provide an
experimental environment where logisticians can evaluate maturing tools
and technologies for increased operational capability. A specific
objective of the Joint Theater Logistics Advanced Concept Technology
Demonstration (JTL ACTD) is to develop and demonstrate advanced
web-based technologies, software tools, and protocols that will produce
a near-real-time capability to improve the communication, coordination,
and collaboration between operations and logistic warfighters during
planning and execution of joint force operations. While the primary
focus of the JTL ACTD is to provide these capabilities to the Joint
Force Commander (JFC), the tools developed by the JTL ACTD will have
applicability at all echelons of command and across Joint Task Force
Service Components. Achieving this objective and incorporating these
technologies into the joint planning and execution process, will
improve commanders' confidence in the logistic pipeline and help reduce
the reliance upon the buildup of large logistic stockpiles within an
area of operations. This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency
Announcement (BAA00-12) as specified in FAR 6.102(d)(2)(i). Information
in this CBD announcement is NOT complete. Prospective offerors MUST
also refer to the proposer information pamphlet (PIP) before submitting
a proposal. Background: Joint Vision 2010 sets the stage for the
military organization and missions of the future. JV2010 specifies
"Focused Logistics," reduced supply stockpiles, smaller logistic
footprint, and more confidence in timely pipeline support, as the way
ahead for logistic support. The U.S. military must be able to conduct
deployments and logistically support multiple regional contingency
operations. These operations may range from large deployments and
prolonged sustainment in a major theater of war to small peace keeping
or humanitarian relief missions. All of these operations require
logistic support that is dramatically different from previous
experience. The impact of military force reductions, increased weapons
system cost, and reduced funding all point to the need for a revised
approach to sustainment planning and execution that reduces the
reliance on large sustainment stockpiles that characterized past
operations. In order to shrink this logistic footprint, logistic
support has to be closely tied to the operational course of action
(COA) from initial planning through execution. Logisticians and
operators must be able to track the operational execution of military
plans, and understand and react to changes on the battlefield. To meet
this requirement, existing logistic planning and decision support
systems must be changed from long lead-time deliberative planning
processes to extremely rapid automated crisis action planning
processes, capable of maintaining a common understanding of the
operational situation and assisting with rapid replanning when
operational situations dictate. JOINT THEATER LOGISTICS ADVANCED
the Joint Logistics Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (JL ACTD)
and continues to provide a platform to evaluate and transition
technologies from the Advanced Logistics Project (ALP), other ACTDs,
and other development programs. The JL ACTD developed Logistic Joint
Decision Support Tools (JDSTs) that help the logistician assess
logistic support capabilities from a unit and a mission capability
viewpoint and provide the rudimentary capability to compare planned and
actual support metrics. It developed a robust visualization capability
and common display characteristics that have wide application. The JL
ACTD transitioned and further developed some of the technologies
initialized in the ALP. The JTL ACTD will utilize many of the JL ACTD
common JAVA components and visualization capabilities, the JDSTs, and
maturing ALP technologies to improve logistic planning and execution
tracking capabilities. The JTL ACTD will incorporate selected products
from the Adaptive Course of Action (ACOA) ACTD and other developmental
programs to form the bridge uniting operations and logistic planning
and execution tracking. The target environment for the tools developed
by the JTL ACTD is the Global Combat Support System (GCSS), with
immediate transition at the completion of the program, and the Global
Command and Control System (GCCS). An information briefing package on
the JTL ACTD can be found at
http://dtsn.darpa.mil/iso/index2.asp?mode=9. The JTL ACTD is primarily
funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The
Executive Agent for this ACTD is the Advanced Information Technology
Services Joint Program Office (AITS/JPO). The following is the
anticipated funding level for the JTL ACTD ($ in millions) FY00 (4.0),
FY01 (9.0), FY02 (10.0). This BAA00-12 announcement focuses on efforts
related to the JTL ACTD. TECHNICAL FOCUS AREAS: Work to be accomplished
will focus on two broad areas: Area 1 addresses System Integration
Support and Area 2 addresses development of Joint Theater Logistics
Decision Support Tools (JTLDSTs). AREA 1 SYSTEM INTEGRATION. The
Government is interested in identifying offerors to act as system
integrator(s) for the implementation and maintenance of capabilities
provided under the JTL ACTD. Proposals in this area must stress the
offeror's current and planned capability and past track record for
being responsive to accomplishing integration type tasks. The system
integrator's responsibilities include: (1) Developing the JTL ACTD
operational and system architecture that is consistent and compatible
with the GCSS and GCCS system architectures and strategic plans; (2)
Coordinating, directing, and integrating the development efforts of
AREA 2(below) contractors and associated sub-contractors to provide an
interactive, web-based JTLDST suite; (3) Maintaining an unclassified
web-based development/integration environment outside restrictive
computer firewalls that is accessible to authorized users; (4)
Producing, updating, and maintaining an integrated JTLDST suite in both
a classified and unclassified environment to meet periodic
exercise/demonstration objectives and final program objectives; (5)
Coordinating with the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) for
implementation, transition, and maintenance of JTLDSTs; (6) Developing
web software that supports platform independent user access to data
and JTLDSTs; (7) Integrating the access and use of military data
sources, technologies and computer software with commercial data
sources, technologies, and computer software; and, (8) Maintaining a
copy of successive versions of the software products at a designated
government site to support evaluation and system integration efforts
with GCCS/GCSS. The Government may select an integrator(s) for each of
the JTLDSTs in Area 2. In this instance the integration would be tool
specific to ensure that the efforts of developers providing a
technology across the spectrum of JTLDSTs are integrated to produce the
specific functionality of each individual JTLDST. These and other
responsibilities are more fully elaborated in the PIP. AREA 2 JOINT
the identification, modification and integration of existing JDSTs and
the development of JTLDSTs. The JTLDSTs must have joint service
application and be able to provide an integrated picture of the
logistic and operational planning and execution that includes all of
the military services. Three integrated JTLDSTs will be developed: 1)
OPSLOG Collaborative Planning Tool breaks down the operational and
logistics missions into identifiable tasks, relates them to specific
types of operational and logistic units, and provides collaboration
capability; 2) Log Analysis and Plan Development Tool provides the
means to generate and view logistics plans and assess their interaction
with operations; 3) Log Watchboard Tool provides execution tracking for
critical logistic events, items, and trends. These tools are further
elaborated in the PIP. The JTL ACTD is seeking developers with skills
including but not limited to the following technology areas that may
transcend all of the tools: data modeling; data mining; data mediation;
cross-tool visualization that provides for drill down and
drag-and-drop-like functionalities while maintaining contextual data
references in all mediums including maps, graphs, images, charts,
schedules, spreadsheets, and text documents; integrated modeling and
simulation for time sensitive logistic forecasts and analysis of
requirements, availability, and alternative costs; active and passive
agents including alerts and triggers; cross tool navigation and
application integration; and, development and integration of Java
applications. The Government may select a developer(s) for each of the
tools and/or may select a developer(s) to provide a technological
capability across the spectrum of tools. These and other requirements
are fully elaborated in the PIP. JTL ACTD Evaluation Criteria: Area 1
System Integration: Evaluations will be performed using the following
criteria, which are listed in descending order of relative importance:
(a) Capabilities and related experience, (b) Personnel in primary and
subcontractor organizations, (c) Technical approach, maturity of
technology and use of off-the-shelf technology, (d) Relevance of work
proposed, (e) Innovation, (f) Cost. Area 2 Joint Theater Logistics
Decision Support Tools (JTLDST): Evaluations will be performed using
the following criteria which are listed in descending order of relative
importance: (a) Relevance of work proposed, (b) Technical approach, (c)
Capabilities and related experience, (d) Personnel in primary and
subcontractor organizations, (e) Innovation, (f) Cost. PROPOSALS:
BAA00-12 will be open for a period of one year after its publication in
the CBD. The Government anticipates that initial contractor selections
will be made during the second quarter of FY00. Proposers must submit
an original and five hard copies of technical proposals, an original
and two hard copies of the cost proposal, as well as five disk copies
of the full proposal in time to reach DARPA by 4:00 PM (local time),
Friday, 02/04/00, to be considered for the initial evaluation. DARPA
will not accept classified proposals to BAA00-12. Abstracts in advance
of actual proposals are not required, and will not be reviewed.
Proposals shall consist of two separately bound volumes. Volume I shall
provide the technical proposal and management approach and Volume II
shall address cost. Offerors should identify the specific area(s) they
are addressing. They should describe the requirements of the area from
their perspective, describe the key technical challenges and identify
why they are a challenge. They should describe their approach and
indicate why they will be successful, particularly if other related
approaches have not been. Proposals that address greater parts of the
problem space, through innovative integration of component
technologies, are highly desired. As the development and integration of
JTLDSTs will take place in a classified data environment and in a
compressed time frame, offerors should indicate their ability to
provide a sufficient number of appropriately skilled personnel with
existing security clearances at the SECRET level to support their
proposed effort. Each Area 2 proposal must contain a statement that
indicates offerors are willing to accept direction and guidance from
the selected Area 1 Integrator(s). The development and integration of
web-based tools require close coordination among all developers and an
easy method to share, test, and transfer computer code between
developer work sites over the Internet. All offerors should include a
statement indicating their willingness to work cooperatively and to
share software code with other contractors selected under this BAA. All
offerors should indicate their plans to provide a development
environment at their work site that will be accessible over the WEB by
other authorized JTL ACTD contractors without the interference of
restrictive company network firewalls. ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT OF
INTEREST. Each cost proposal shall contain a section satisfying the
requirements of the following: Awards made under this BAA are subject
to the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart
9.5, Organizational Conflict of Interest. All offerors and proposed
subcontractors must affirmatively state whether they are supporting any
DARPA technical office(s) through an active contract or subcontract.
All affirmations must state which office(s) the offeror supports and
identify the prime contract number. Affirmations shall be furnished at
the time of proposal submission and the existence or potential
existence of organizational conflicts of interest, as that term is
defined in FAR 9.501, must be disclosed. This disclosure shall include
a description of the action the offeror has taken, or proposes to
take, to avoid, neutralize or mitigate such conflict. If the offeror
believes that no such conflict exists, then it shall so state in this
section. Proposers must obtain and review a pamphlet, BAA00-12 Proposer
Information Pamphlet (PIP), which provides further information on the
areas of interest, submission, evaluation, funding processes, and full
proposal formats. This pamphlet will be available January 5, 2000, and
may be downloaded at URL address http://www.darpa.mil/baa. Proposals
not meeting the format described in the pamphlet may not be reviewed.
This Commerce Business Daily notice, in conjunction with the BAA00-12
Proposer Information Pamphlet, constitutes the total BAA. A formal RFP
or other solicitation regarding this announcement will not be issued.
OTHER GENERAL COMMENTS. The Government reserves the right to select
for award all, some or none of the proposals received in response to
this announcement. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the
Government's needs may submit a proposal that shall be considered by
DARPA. Proposals from both individual contractors and contractor
proposed teaming arrangements will be considered. Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI) are
encouraged to submit proposals and join others in submitting proposals.
While no portion of this BAA can be set aside for HBCU and MI
participation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or
severable areas of this research for exclusive competition among these
entities, DARPA strongly advocates the involvement of the entire
academic community to explore innovative solutions to this important
technical problem. DARPA is seeking participation from the widest
number of offerors. To this end, DARPA is willing to consider all types
of proposals including traditional FAR/DFARS-type contracts, grants and
"other transactions." Information concerning "other transactions" can
be found at http://www.darpa.mil/cmd/pages/other_trans.html. It is the
policy of DARPA to treat all proposals as competitive information and
to disclose the contents only for the purposes of evaluation. The
Government intends to use Schafer Corporation, Houston Associates, Inc,
and General Dynamics Corporation personnel as special resources to
assist with the logistics of administering proposal evaluation and to
provide advice on specific technical areas. These special resource
personnel are restricted by their contracts from disclosing proposal
information for any purpose other than these administrative or advisory
tasks. Contractor personnel are required to sign Organizational
Conflict of Interest Non-Disclosure Agreements (OCI/NDA). By submission
of its proposal, each offeror agrees that proposal information may be
disclosed to those selected contractor personnel for the limited
purpose stated above. Any information not intended for limited release
to these contractors must be clearly marked and segregated from other
submitted proposal material. COMMUNICATING WITH DARPA. All
administrative correspondence and questions concerning this BAA must be
directed in writing to one of the administrative addresses below. Email
or fax is preferred. DARPA intends to use electronic mail for most
technical and administrative correspondence regarding this BAA.
Technical and contractual questions should be directed to
BAA00-12@darpa.mil. (Note that this address is case sensitive). Include
the originator's full name and return email address in the text. These
questions will be answered directly by email and will be posted in the
Frequently Asked Questions Section. The PIP and Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) are available at http://www.darpa.mil/baa/#iso. Written
requests for these documents may be sent by facsimile to 703-522-8916
addressed to ATTN: JTL or by surface mail addressed to DARPA/ISO, ATTN:
BAA00-12 Information, 3701 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, Va.,
22203-1714. These requests must include the name, e-mail address, and
telephone number of a point of contact for reply. SPONSOR; Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Contracts Management
Directorate (CMD), 3701 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203-1714 Posted
12/21/99 (W-SN410559). (0355) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0002 19991223\A-0002.SOL)
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