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Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Procurement Operations Branch, MS2500, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170-4817

B -- BLUEWATER FISHING AND DEEPWATER OCS ACTIVITY: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE FISHING AND PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES IN DEEPWATERS OF THE GULF OF MEXICO SOL 1435-01-99-RP-31011 DUE 060899 POC Michael W. Hargrove, 703-787-1367, Lane Donley, 703-787-1346 E-MAIL: Click here to contact the Contracting Officer, Michael.Hargrove@mms.gov. The Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS) intends to competitively award a contract to conduct a major deep-sea research program in the Gulf of Mexico. The following information will describe the prospective effort and advise potential offeror's how to respond. Space and use conflicts occur when two or more groups wish to use the same space at the same time in an exclusive manner. Fishing and gas/oil activities in shallow waters of the Gulf Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) developed literally side-by-side through the later half of the 20th century. Despite their inherent space and use conflicts, they co-exist in a mostly neighborly fashion. As OCS energy development moves into deepwater areas, the gas/oil industry will come in contact with established and significantly different fishing practices. Upper ocean trolling, mixed-depth long lining, deep bottom trawling, and deep bottom trapping are lucrative fishing efforts in deepwater, here called bluewater, areas of the Gulf of Mexico. The fisheries are called bluewater to denote their location separate and away from coastal river influence. In bluewater areas the temperature and salinity are relatively stable and the target fishery species are oceanic and/or highly migratory in nature. Bluewater fishing includes commercial efforts and charter boats for hire. The equipment and practice of bluewater fishing are substantial in terms of size, weight, time, and expense. It may not be difficult to avoid the part of an offshore structure that can be seen, but the unseen tension legs, anchor cables, subsea completions, buoyant risers, and positioning thrusters, to name a few elements of deepwater OCS energy development, will present novel conflict situations. Interactions between deepwater OCS energy development and bluewater fisheries will be costly, probably environmentally dangerous, and certainly a human health hazard. Since both bluewater fishing and deepwater OCS energy development are likely to continue in the Gulf of Mexico, it is important for both industries and for MMS to be aware of potential conflicts and potential interactions with their counterparts. But what are the appropriate actions that either industry should/could take in order to minimize interference with each other's operations? As an OCS regulatory agency, what proactive mitigation measures should/could MMS take to oversee a smooth relationship between bluewater fishing and deepwater OCS energy development? Certainly, steps toward minimizing conflicts include improved understanding of both industry operations, careful planning of operations, and early communication between parties. MMS needs to be aware of current and potential conflicts in order to estimate the potential effects of deepwater development, to support management and policy decisions, and to oversee the relationship between the gas/oil and fishing industries. Information on both the fishing and gas/oil industries exists separately. Several databases with regard to fishing effort and location exist within the Federal government. Databases with regard to numbers of fishermen, types of gear, target species, and area of fishing effort also exist in State and County governments. MMS and industry hold databases reflecting offshore prospects, lease blocks, and illustrations of deepwater structures. This study will be designed to collect and synthesize data from both bluewater fishing and deepwater OCS energy development into a description of both industries and their geographic overlap, an account of current interactions, a useful predictor of potential future conflicts, and a record of possible proactive mitigation methods. A combination of information from the two deepwater industries in the Gulf of Mexico does not exist at this time. STUDY OBJECTIVE: The primary goals of this study are to collect and synthesize data from both bluewater fishing and deepwater OCS energy development into a description of both industries and their geographic overlap, an account of current interactions in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and relevant interactions in other deepwater areas worldwide, a useful predictor of potential future conflicts, and a record of possible proactive mitigation methods. The study will determine the name, number, and type of commercial and charterboat bluewater fishing endeavors, their general fishing practices, the gear-type and species groups targeted, and the locations where and seasons when fishing is performed. The study will determine locations of deepwater OCS energy development activities and most probable types, sizes, footprint, and areal extent of deepwater gas/oil drilling, production, transportation and storage structures above and below the sea surface. SCOPE OF WORK: A. Location: The area of interest is bounded by marine waters of the GOM, by existing deepwater leases in the Central and Western Planning areas, and by potential deepwater leases within the area of Lease Sale 181 in the Eastern Planning area. Deepwater is here defined as water depths greater than 600 feet. B. Tasks: Task 1 -- Information Acquisition and Synthesis 1. Commercial and Charterboat Fishing Information: The collection of commercial and charterboat fishing information shall be conducted through telephone, personal contacts, and use of any other existing sources or methods including possible travel to on-site repositories or libraries. Actual information acquisition shall be conducted in the most efficient and dependable manner to meet the objectives. The Contractor shall not use any method that requires Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval. Should the Contractor acquire large databases containing fisheries statistics, he shall include in the Synthesis Report a complete description of the method(s) by which such database(s) were acquired. Fishing data/information shall be restricted by marine waters of the GOM, by water depths greater than 600 ft, by bluewater fishing practices within the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone, relevant gear-type and target species, and by the smallest geographic grid size possible for fishing locations. Any post stratification of large databases, analysis, or grid size shall be sufficient to fulfill the objectives of this study. Since fishing locations will be described and mapped with reference to 9 mi2 lease block designations (see Task 2.2, below), the Contractor shall make and document an exhaustive effort to acquire precise fishing locations of the smallest geographic grid size, including lease block numbers wherever possible. The Contractor shall include in the Synthesis Report, a complete description of the method(s) by which information was acquired concerning bluewater fisheries. This description shall include but not be limited to the computer and personnel resources that accomplished the objectives, methods used in acquiring fishing locations, and the grid size for fishing location information. 2. OCS Energy Industry Information: Location of existing and planned OCS energy industry activities (including seismic surveys), leases, exploratory drilling, descriptions of drilling platforms such as semi-submersibles or drill ships, production plans, or information regarding possible production structures such as subsea completions, Tension-Leg Platforms, or Floating-Production-Storage-and Offloading Structures, et al., shall be conducted through telephone, personal contacts, use of other existing sources such as the Minerals Management Service (MMS) Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Region Internet site, the MMS Lease Block databases, the MMS Public Information Office, and use of any other existing sources or methods including possible travel to on-site repositories or libraries. Actual information acquisition shall be conducted in the most efficient and dependable manner to meet the objectives. The Contractor shall include a description of the method(s) by which information regarding existing and planned gas/oil industry activities in deepwater was acquired in the Synthesis Report. The Contractor shall not use any method that requires OMB approval. The Contractor shall establish personal contacts to locate and acquire the necessary databases. A list of data sources can be found in Section J, Attachment 1, as an example of possible information sources. The Contractor should not limit their search to this listing. The Contractor shall document all contacts made with, or working agreements with the above data sources in the Synthesis report. Task 2 -- Description and Mapping of Bluewater Fishing Practices and Deepwater OCS Energy Development Activities 1. Description/Characterization The Contractor shall evaluate the acquired information and interpret the results in order to generate a thoroughly descriptive report characterizing relevant bluewater fishing endeavors and practices and deepwater gas/oil activities in the GOM. The report shall describe bluewater fishing and deepwater gas/oil activities with emphasis regarding salient practices and activities most relevant to potential conflict as per the objectives. Descriptions of bluewater fishing information will be separated by species groups when appropriate (bottom trawling for royal red shrimp, longlining for tuna, etc.) Description of the gas/oil activities shall be based on MMS, 9 mi2 lease block protraction diagrams with appropriate designations. 2. Tables, Graphics, and GIS Maps. The Contractor shall evaluate and synthesize the acquired information, interpret the results, and generate tables, graphics, and GIS maps as needed to fulfill the objectives and indicate the geographic areas in common for bluewater fishing locations and the deepwater OCS gas/oil activities as outlined in 1., immediately above. The contractor shall illustrate fishing locations with reference to 9 mi2 lease block protraction designations. However, the Contractor shall endeavor to generate appropriately scaled maps, tables, and graphics that contain only the information necessary without clutter. (See C.4. Data Management.) The Contractor shall identify the blocks/areas where both industries overlap. The Contractor shall identify/list deepwater OCS lease holders, partners, operators (Shell, Chevron, Conoco, etc.), and fishing practices (mid-depth trawling for butterfish, bottom trawling for royal red shrimp, surface longlining for tuna, bottom longlining for tilefish, etc.) in the overlapping blocks/areas. The contractor shall also attempt to identify/list fishers who are presently using the overlapping areas. The geographic data shall be expressed in latitude/longitude Datum NAD 27 and shall be compatible with the MMS TIMS CORIS data structure. This data structure is currently being developed. Final specifications on the data structure will be provided no later than the time of Contract award. The file format shall be compatible with importing into ArcView and ArcInfo. A final decision on information to be mapped and its format shall be determined by the contractor in consultation with the COTR and the MMS Information Technology Division. Task 3 -- Current Conflict Description and Future Conflict Prediction 1. Description of Current Conflicts. Collection of information regarding current/recent conflicts between bluewater fishing and deepwater OCS energy development activities shall be conducted through telephone, personal contacts, and use of any other existing sources or methods including possible travel to on-site repositories or libraries. Actual information acquisition shall be conducted in the most efficient and dependable manner to meet the objectives. Data/information pertaining to current interactions in the GOM shall be restricted by marine waters of the GOM, by water depths greater than 600 ft, by bluewater fishing practices, and by deepwater OCS energy development activities. The Contractor shall not use any method that requires OMB approval. The Contractor shall make a thorough search of available, recent GOM incident reports and accounts in order to generate a descriptive report. The Contractor shall include in the descriptive report a discussion of aspects of safety, environmental jeopardy, and human health hazards, both actual and Anear-misses,@ that occurred during each incident. The Contractor shall also collect information of relevant interactions between similar fishing gear (similar to gear-types used in GOM bluewater fishing) and gas/oil activities and structures in other deepwater locations worldwide, e.g., the North Sea, the Scotian Shelf, and/or Brazil. Collection of information regarding worldwide conflicts shall be conducted through telephone, personal contacts, and use of any other existing sources or methods including possible travel to on-site repositories or libraries. Information from worldwide sources will be used in 2. Conflict Prediction (below). The Contractor shall not use any method that requires OMB approval. A description of the method(s) by which information regarding recent conflicts in deepwater areas of the GOM and worldwide shall be described in the Synthesis Report. 2. Conflict Prediction. Using information from all above tasks, the Contractor shall generate a descriptive report analyzing and predicting the most likely conflicts and interactions between bluewater fishing and gas/oil energy development activities in deepwaters of the GOM. The Contractor shall include in the descriptive report consideration of the physical nature of potential interactions, safety aspects, environmental jeopardy, human health hazards, factors affecting offshore space requirements for fishing gear and vessel operations, factors affecting offshore space requirements for OCS deepwater structures, and estimates of the offshore space effectively foreclosed to fishing for various types of OCS deepwater structures. The Contractor shall include as examples in the descriptive report relevant interactions between similar fishing gear and gas/oil activities and structures in other deepwater locations worldwide. The Contractor shall establish personal contacts to locate and acquire the necessary records of current GOM and worldwide conflicts. A list of data sources will be provided as an example of possible information sources. The Contractor should not limit their search to this listing. The Contractor shall document all contacts made with, or working agreements with the above data sources in the Synthesis report. Task 4 -- Recommendation of Proactive Mitigations by MMS and by the Fishing and OCS Energy Industries. The Contractor shall recommend any number of reasonable methods/guidelines to minimize or to prevent interference between operations of either the bluewater fishing or deepwater OCS energy industry. The recommendations/guidelines shall include considerations of safety, environmental jeopardy, and human health hazards. The recommendations shall also include any mitigation measures that MMS should/could employ to minimize conflicts. The Contractor shall be familiar with MMS=s regulatory responsibilities so that the recommended mitigation measures are within MMS=s power to initiate. The recommendations shall include but not be limited to methods to disseminate basic information to both fishers and to the OCS energy industry and useful guidelines for both bluewater fishing and OCS deepwater operations. The Contractor shall use relevant examples. The Contractor shall include a full description of advantages and disadvantages to any recommendations/guidelines. In order to compete for this contract, an offeror must demonstrate that they are qualified to perform the work by providing, not later than 08 JUN 99, a Capabilities Statement describing in detail: (A) KEY PERSONNEL with the expertise and experience to conduct the described multidisciplinary program. Particularly relevant is their expertise in the fields of marine fisheries, marine biology and/or biological oceanography. Also pertinent is their expertise as OCS energy industry specialists or engineers, or person(s) with recent knowledge of the OCS energy industry in the Gulf of Mexico. For all areas of expertise, descriptions of key personnel should include their familiarity and understanding of available data and material on Gulf of Mexico fisheries and/or OCS deepwater activity, their experience in the types of work proposed, demonstrated ability to do the work, and an understanding of the directed missions of the MMS. Principal scientists must collectively illustrate relevant experience in all areas of expertise demonstrated through authorship, presentations, committee or group membership, through peer-reviewed publications, work history, and professional affiliations; (B) Ability of each key personnel to establish personal contacts with or working agreements between their company and the data sources for fisheries and/or OCS activity; (C) The organization's expertise with this type of work and a description of your facilities and resources; and, (D) Specific references (including project identifier and description, period of performance, dollar amount, and client name and phone number) for previous work of this nature that your organization or personnel is currently performing or has completed within the last three (3) years. REFERENCES WILL BE CHECKED. HOW TO RESPOND: Offerors shall submit their Capabilities Statement by 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, JUNE 08, 1999, in original and two (2) copies to Michael W. Hargrove, Contracting Officer, Minerals Management Service, 381 Elden Street, MS-2500, Herndon VA 20170-4817. Six (6) additional copies shall be submitted to Connie Landry, Procurement Coordinator (MS-5430), Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard, New Orleans LA 70123-2394. Time of receipt of submissions will be determined by the time received in the Procurement Operations Branch, Herndon, Virginia. MMS WILL EVALUATE YOUR CAPABILITIES STATEMENT ON THE BASIS OF: (A) Experience and expertise of all technical Key Personnel, (Particularly in the field of marine fisheries and OCS energy industry activity), their experience in the types of work proposed, and demonstrated ability to do the work. Scientific/Technical personnel must collectively demonstrate relevant experience in the areas of marine fisheries and of OCS deepwater activity demonstrated through authorship, presentations, committee or group membership, through peer-reviewed publications, work history, and professional affiliations. "Key Personnel" will also include the lead technical personnel responsible for the supervision of data acquisition, computer resources, organization and handling of information; and the technical editing and production of documents. Evaluation factors include: (1) the length and quality of experience for each person assigned to perform specific tasks; (2) the level and quality of formal education in the disciplines and technical fields necessary, examining the level of relevant education or level of knowledge attained as well as, honors, awards, and recognition of previous work; (3) experience on similar programs in the Gulf of Mexico or in similar areas where bluewater fishing and energy activities interact world-wide; (B) Ability to establish personal contacts with or working agreements between their company and the data sources for fisheries and/or OCS activity databases; (C) The Project Manager shall have: (1) experience and demonstrated leadership ability required for the coordination of the study process; (2) experience in managing a large multi-disciplinary team and the interdisciplinary processes required for this study; and (3) ability to control costs and to keep project performance and document preparation on schedule; and, (D) Your organization's history of (1) successful completion of similar proj Posted 05/07/99 (W-SN329213). 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