COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF DECEMBER 11,1998 PSA#2240Naval Research Laboratory, Attn: Code 3230, 4555 Overlook Avenue, SW,
99-004 DUE 043099 POC Mr. Brian Glance, Contract Specialist, ONR Code
252, (703) 696-2596 E-MAIL: click here, glanceb@onr.navy.mil. The
Office of Naval Research (ONR) is interested in receiving white papers
for innovative concepts that will enhance existing mine countermeasure
(MCM) systems or emerging organic MCM systems or will form the
scientific foundation for future (circa 2015) organic mine
countermeasures systems of systems. These novel concepts and approaches
must support the future naval warfare directions of sea and area
control, power projection, and engagement and deterrence. Special
emphasis continues to be placed upon the need to detect, classify,
identify, and neutralize all mine types in all environments and on the
ability to breach mines and obstacles. Concepts applicable to mine and
obstacle detection should emphasize unmanned, modular approaches which
make maximum use of remote sensors, environmental information, and
data and information networking. Ideal offerings will provide the
technological framework for future, flexible, developmental systems
compatible with the warfighting need. They should enable selectively
graduated levels of response to meet the dynamic, unpredictable, and
often asymmetric challenges facing future naval forces. The scientific
and technological concepts and approaches sought in this offering will
lead to future mine warfare systems which will minimize exposure to
sailors and marines, provide decision makers with a complete real-time
tactical picture, enable commanders to select the appropriate level of
response to maintain an unencumbered operational tempo from the sea to
the objectives ashore, and reduce total ownership costs and logistics
tails. ONR is interested in the following areas: 1) innovative
concepts to address far-term solutions to the organic "force after
next" system of systems. 2) innovative concepts to address mid-term
solutions associated with current organic mine warfare acquisition
programs. 3) innovative concepts will be considered which address
increasing the efficiencies of current dedicated mine warfare assets.
To further inform the science and technology communities regarding
missions of interest and in so doing promote more responsive white
papers, the ONR is establishing a World Wide Web site
(http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/ocean/baa) which contains links to
several relevant documents describing the operational background. In
addition it is planned to conduct a one day public briefing at the U.
S. Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Quantico, Virginia on 20
January, 1999. This will provide a forum for potential offerors to
obtain information regarding mission operating environments and
constraints and obtain a better understanding of the advanced
capability requirements necessary to effectively enable operational
maneuver. Offerors who wish to attend this briefing must respond with
notice of intent using the form provided on the web site no later than
three weeks after the date of publication of this BAA, so that
adequate meeting facilities can be provided at the Quantico Marine
Base. All expenses for attendance must be borne by the potential
offeror. Additional information regarding the meeting format, local
hotels, security procedures and other relevant information is available
at the above web site. Proposers must recognize that this offering is
distinct from the Diver and UUV VSW/SZ BAA (ONR BAA 98-008) in that
this BAA addresses organic mine countermeasures including
neutralization and clearance in support of operational mobility in the
littorals and amphibious operations moving from ship to shore. The
earlier BAA focused exclusively upon near to mid term (2-7 year)
applications of mine countermeasures in the VSW and SZ and was largely
in support of diver and special warfare operations. White papers are
initially sought to preclude unwarranted effort on the part of an
offeror in preparing a full proposal. To be considered for Fiscal Year
1999 funding, white papers are due by 16:00 hours, 1 March 1999.
Offerors submitting the most promising white papers will be invited to
submit a full technical and cost proposal on all or part of their
white paper submission. However, any such invitation does not assure a
subsequent award. Full proposals are due by 16:00 hours, 30 April
1999. Approximately $15,000,000 of exploratory development (6.2) funds
are anticipated to be available over a three year period beginning
May, 1999 to conduct these research and development efforts. Awards may
be in the form of contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, or other
transactions as appropriate. The maximum length of an award will be 3
years. This BAA announcement does not preclude an offeror from
submitting a full technical and cost proposal or white paper after
published due dates. White papers received after the published due
dates may not be considered for funding under the Fiscal Year 1999
program, but may be considered for funding in FY00 or FY01. Submittals
in response to this BAA received after 31 December 2000 will not be
considered. The Government reserves the right to select for award all,
some, or none of the submissions. White papers should include the
following items: 1.(A) Cover page, clearly labeled "WHITE PAPER",
including BAA title and date, title, administrative and technical
points of contact along with telephone and fax numbers, 2.(B) White
papers are to be limited to seven pages, 3.(C) White papers shall
consist of three primary sections: Technical, Managerial, and Cost.
4.(D) The Technical section shall consist of clear descriptions of the
systems/technologies being proposed, objectives of the proposed
effort, technical issues to be resolved to accomplish objectives,
approach to resolving these issues, assessment of advance and advantage
over current technological capability with successful effort, and
specific prior experience of offeror in the technology areas being
proposed. The Management portion shall include key personnel,
experience, facilities, and a plan of action with milestones. The Cost
section shall include a one page cost breakdown of the effort being
proposed. One page curriculum vitae for the Principal Technical
Investigator, Project Manager, and other key personnel should be
submitted. The vitae will not count toward the seven page limit. To be
considered for FY99 funding, eight copies of the white papers are due
at the submittal address listed below by 1 March 1999. Format for full
proposals will be posted at http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/ocean/baa.
White papers and full proposals will be evaluated using the following
criteria which are listed in descending order of importance: (1)
overall scientific, technical, and socioeconomic merit; (2)
technical/scientific innovation and risk to develop affordable
successful solutions for future naval capabilities in organic mine
countermeasures; (3) potential to enhance organic mine countermeasures
capabilities through the application of advanced technologies; (4)
potential for transition to fleet capability; (5) the offer's
capabilities, past performance and related experience, facilities,
techniques or unique combinations thereof that are integral factors for
achieving the proposed objectives; (6) the qualifications, capabilities
and experience of the proposed Principle Technical Investigator,
Project Manager, and other key personnel critical in achieving the
proposed objectives; (7) budgetary cost and availability of funds;
Offerors must state in their white paper and full proposals that it is
submitted in response to this BAA. Eight hard copies of each white
paper must be provided. White papers and full proposal submissions will
protected from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with FAR 15.413,
applicable law, and DoD/DoN regulations. This BAA provides no funding
for white paper or subsequent proposal development purposes. All white
papers will be acknowledged. White papers will not be returned after
evaluation. This CBD notice itself constitutes the BAA as contemplated
by FAR 6.102(d)(2). Unless otherwise stated herein, neither additional
written information is available, nor will a formal RFP or other
solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for the
same will be disregarded. For awards made as contracts, evaluation of
the socioeconomic merits will include the extent of commitment in
providing meaningful subcontracting opportunities for small business,
small disadvantaged businesses, woman-owned small business concerns,
and historically black colleges and universities and minority
institutions. Ultimately, contract proposals which are selected for
award that exceed $500,000 submitted by all but small businesses, will
require a Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business
Subcontracting Plan in accordance with FAR 52.219-9. The Standard
Industrial Classification code is 8731 with the small business standard
of 500 employees. No portion of this BAA has been set aside for HBCU
and MI participants, though their participation is encouraged. White
papers and Proposals should be submitted by the due dates cited in the
BAA to: Office of Naval Research, Organic Mine Countermeasures BAA,
ONR Code 32, BCT-1, Room 407, 800 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA
22217. Use Kim Coleman, at (703)696-5122 for express mail purposes
ONLY. Questions regarding business and legal matters relating to this
BAA should be directed to: Office of Naval Research, Attention Brian
Glance (Code 252), Room 720, Ballston Towers One, 800 N. Quincy St.,
Arlington, VA 22217-5660, (703) 696-2596. Information regarding
technical matters is available on the World Wide Web
http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/ocean/baa. The due date for
submissions is 30 April 1999. Posted 12/09/98 (W-SN278581). (0343) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0005 19981211\A-0005.SOL)
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