COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 3,1998 PSA#2173U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command Acquisition Center --
Washington Operations Office, 2461 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA
(GCCS-A) DUE 092898 POC Peggy Butler, Contract Officer, 703-325-4994
E-MAIL: pbutle@hoffman-issaa2.army.mil, pbutle@hoffman-issaa2.army.mil.
The US Army CECOM Acquisition Center -- Washington, in support of PM
GCCS-A is conducting a market survey of sources that are capable of
producing additional software deliveries and fielding of GCCS-A to user
sites. GCCS-A is fundamentally GCCS with additional ARMY functionality.
GCCS-A will support all phases of the force projection cycle: Peacetime
Operations, Deliberate Planning, Crisis Planning and Execution, and
Follow-on Operations. The GCCS-A is the Army implementation of the
joint staff sponsored GCCS and a key element of the Army Battle Command
System (ABCS). The mission of GCCS-A is to extend the GCCS technical
architecture into the Services area of operations, ensure that the
intra-Army C2 systems retain maximum functionality and
interoperability, and develop additional functionality to satisfy the
essential requirements of the emerging 21st Century Army doctrine. This
is accomplished in several critical steps: (1) extend the GCCS
infrastructure; (2) systematically port the "best of breed"
functionality from the Army's legacy systems onto this infrastructure;
and (3) enhance this deployed functionality based on user refinement
of mission needs while developing additional functionality to meet the
objective requirements. GCCS-A also provides fielding and technical
support for the Echelons Above Corps (EAC) segment of the ABCS and an
extension down to the Corps/Division level. The GCCS-A program is
synchronized with the development and software release schedule of the
GCCS program and the ABCS software baselines for Army digitization.
Synchronization both with GCCS and ABCS is a key factor in the GCCS-A
development, production, and deployment. The GCCS-A is being developed
based on the GCCS four-layer architecture. The applications layer
(Layer 4) consists of joint applications fielded by Defense Information
Systems Agency (DISA) in incremental versions and Army applications
from the legacy AWIS, STACCS, and TACCIMS programs. Additional mission
capabilities are provided based on the system requirements established
by the Combat Developer at Ft. Leavenworth and ideally will be met
through software reuse. A prime example would be using CSSCS
functionality to meet the service support and logistics requirements.
Modules developed by the Services and the National Imagery & Mapping
Agency (NIMA) that become part of the DII COE constitute Layer 3 to
insure Layer 4 applications are supported. Layer 1, a core suite of
hardware, and Layer 2, the operating system software, are Common
Hardware and Software (CHS) 2 compliant. In addition, all capabilities
developed in support of the Army Digitization initiatives, commonly
referred to as ABCS software versions are to integrated into GCCS-A.
These capabilities would include, but not be limited to, the GCCS
client (Common Operational Picture), Maneuver Control System (MCS)
client (Relevant Common Picture) and necessary interfaces [US Message
Text Format (USMTF), Joint Variable Message Format, Distributed
Computing Environment (DCE), and Message Distributed Exchange (MDX)]
are also be to integrated into GCCS-A. The GCCS-A is being implemented
in a client-server architecture. Sun Microsystem equipment operate as
servers and in selected cases as workstations, and INTEL pentium-based
computers are primarily used as workstations operating in a client
mode. CHS 2 Sun Sparc 20 computers are used for the LAN and WAN
Servers. The Sun Sparc 20's will be replaced with more advanced
technological models in the future. CHS 2 SunSparc1000/Sun
Sparc2000/Enterprise4000 computers serve as the Database Servers at the
Theater Mains. The objective architecture is structured to provide a
backup Database Server at each Theater Main. CHS 2 Laser Printers and
Tactical Scanners are also being incorporated into the Command,
Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) architecture.
Pentium-based Personal Computers (PCs) are used as the NT Workstation.
GCCS-A will use all DII COE software modules required to achieve
mission functional objective software. Duplication of software
development will be eliminated through maximum use of COTS,
non-developmental item (NDI), and reuse of software modules. GCCS-A is
being developed incrementally. The established length of time between
software deliveries is based on the functionality incorporated into
each specific delivery and resource availability during the development
period. Functionality incorporated into each Delivery, the length of
the delivery period, and the resources applied to each delivery are
established by agreement between the Government and the contractor
prior to the start of each delivery via the Delivery Definition
Process. Each development cycle is based on an evolutionary,
prototyping approach. Each incremental development is called a Delivery
and the life cycle of a Delivery is termed the delivery cycle. The
content of each delivery is established prior to the initiation of the
delivery by a contractor team which works with the Government to
establish the definition of the delivery in terms of both content and
resources required to provide the content There is normally a three
month period for delivery definition. When definition is complete, we
enter the design phase, which culminates in a Critical Design Review
(CDR). Following CDR software is coded and the entire testing program
is initiated. Throughout the delivery life cycle, product and processes
metrics are being collected and analyzed to provide more accurate
definition of the changes to the development process and resources
required for follow-on deliveries. The contractor will integrate all
hardware, software and communications to accomplish the required system
functionality. A Local Area Network (LAN) will be used to link up all
the devices within a small geographic area and connection to a Wide
Area Network (WAN) will be made for communication between large
geographic areas. The DISA SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
(SIPRNET) will serve as the communications backbone for WAN
connectivity and provide global connectivity. The contractor will
identify the required hardware and software for each designated site
location. As defined in the delivery definition process, the contractor
will develop Free Play and Exercise Embedded Training (ET). The
contractor will integrate the ET capabilities into his Lesson Plans and
Trainee Guides. Other forms of ET such as animated examples and
interactive lessons will be evaluated as part of the delivery
definition process, and, if deemed necessary, separate Lesson Plans and
Trainee Guides will be provided for the interactive lessons. Software
User Manuals (SUMs) and Computer System Operator Manuals (CSOMs) will
be provided as on-line documentation aids. The ET capability will be
provided in both an exercise and training mode with separate databases
so that the use of ET does not conflict with operational requirements.
GCCS-A will consist of COTS hardware, NDI, and common hardware capable
of hosting new software releases. The system is being designed to
facilitate operator/maintainer ability to keep the system fully
operational when fielded. Common hardware is being supported under
terms of the CHS 2 contract. COTS hardware is dependent upon the
specifics of the individual, hardware warranties. Commercial warranties
may effect repair using on-site service, parts exchange, or repair and
return methods. The contractor will provide on-site software
maintenance support during the life of the contract. The contractor
will assist in the fixes to any software Delivery. There are 5 separate
Deliveries in this program: CP1 and Delivery 1, which have already been
fielded, and Delivery 2 through Delivery 4. Deliveries 2 and 3 are
in-process. CP1, which was a port of AWIS to the GCCS-A platform, was
fielded to FORSCOM, USAREUR, USARPAC, SOUTHCOM and HQDA, and declared
operational in August 1996. CP1 will also be installed at the Army War
College. Delivery 1 is a port of STACCS from the HP/HP-UX platform to
the Sun Solaris platform and was delivered to USAREUR in August 1997
and is now the system of record. Delivery 2 will provide a limited
number of legacy STACCS applications, all of TACCIMS capability, and
Army Digitization initiatives operating against the new GCCS-A Global
Database (AGDB) using the Informix Database engine. The AGDB must be
compliant with the Army Common Database (ACDB) concept in support of
the Army Digitization efforts. These applications include Friendly Unit
Information, Enemy Unit Information, Intelligence, and Targeting. Most
of these applications will operate on both the Solaris and Windows NT
platforms. Selected capabilities may operate on the Solaris platform
or the NT Platform only. Delivery 3 will complete the integration of
the legacy STACCS applications into the AGDB. Delivery 3 will be
fielded to all Delivery 1 and Delivery 2 users and will become the
single delivery baseline. Delivery 4 will add additional functionality
into the existing GCCS-A baseline. These applications will be
implemented into the AGDB and will operate on both the Solaris and
Windows NT platforms. CP1 will also be implemented into theAGDB in
Delivery 4. Delivery 4 will be fielded to all former delivery and CP1
sites. The schedule is not yet defined. The source is requested to
respond to the requirement to field Delivery 3, maintain fielded
baselines, and develop and field Delivery 4. The source should be a
recognized leader in software development practices, knowledgeable in
the Army Major System Development Process, and possess a proven track
record of accomplishments and on time delivery of software intensive
systems. A clear understanding of Army and Joint software development
and fielding support at the DII COE level 7 or higher and the ability
to meet the GCCS-A's challenging milestone schedules within budgeted
cost are essential. Responses are to be received via e-mail, within 30
calendar days of the date of this notice. Telephone requests for
additional information will not be honored. Interested vendors are to
furnish one (1) set of descriptive literature, via e-mail, with
response submission. The supporting literature must be in sufficient
detail to enable the Government reviewer(s) to determine if the
development and fielding process described will accomplish the fielding
of Delivery 3 and the completion of development and fielding of
Delivery 4 not later than second quarter FY 01. Interested vendors are
also requested to provide three Government-verifiable references for
contracts for similar work. Acknowledgment of receipt will be issued.
No information regarding the results of the evaluation of data received
will be provided. Posted 09/01/98 (W-SN244372). (0244) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0069 19980903\D-0040.SOL)
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