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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Program Contract Service Center (3803R), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

B -- ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF THE COMMON SENSE INITIATIVE SOL RFQ-DC-98-00185 DUE 082898 POC Valoree S. Lilley, lilley.valoree@epamail.epa,gov WEB: click here to download a copy of the RFQ, http://www.epa.gov/oamhpod1/oppts_grp/dc9800185/index.htm. E-MAIL: click here to contact the contract specialist, lilley.valoree@epamail.epa.gov. The U.S. EPA is seeking a contractor to provide analysis of the Common Sense Initiative under FAR Part 13 Simplified Acquisition Procedures. This is a small business set-aside. The SIC code for this requirement is 8732. The EPA is FACNET certified. You may e-mail the contract specialist at: lilley.valoree@epamail.epa.gov. Please include the following: Company name, address, phone number, and business class. NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Two copies of the proposal must be submitted by the due date. U.S. MAIL ADDRESS IS -- USEPA, 401 M Street, SW, Mail Code 3803R, Washington, D.C. 20460, ATTN: Valoree S. Lilley. HAND CARRIED PROPOSALS should be submitted to the Ronald Reagan Building, 6th Floor, Room 61107, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20460. Proposals are due NLT 2:00 p.m., August 28, 1998. The purpose of this requirement is to: 1) evaluate the Common Sense Initiative's (CSI) progress subsequent to it's first evaluation, 2) identify what sectors performed well in the second two yearsincluding the factors that influenced success, and 3) determine CSI's ability to overcome challenges raised by program critics. To ensure impartiality, EPA shall conduct this effort using the services of an independent contractor. The evaluation shall include a review of progress measures and recommendations presented in the report, Review of the Common Sense Initiative, as well as performance measures and suggestions identified in program critiques. The contractor shall incorporate modifications to the measures that reflect the performance measures currently being developed. The evaluation shall include an analysis of the value added, i.e., identify whether CSI fulfilled the program's expectations as it evolved, and what benefits were derived. This analysis shall include any new expectations that were developed as a result of program recommendations made under the direction of upper management. In addition to observing subcommittee meetings and reviewing the results of previous key meetings, the contractor shall conduct a series of limited interviews of both CSI and non-CSI participants to provide the evaluative data, which shall include environmental performance data. A final report shall be issued in early 1999. 1. Contractor Tasks The Contractor shall conduct the evaluation using an approach that at a minimum shall include the following tasks: Task 1: Prepare Workplan The contractor shall prepare a workplan detailing the items that are to be performed in response to this SOW and include and a schedule of sequential tasks. Deliverables: Draft and Final Workplan Task 2: Review and Analyze Program Documents and Critiques. The contractor shall conduct a review of related documents, some in hard copy to be provided by the Project Officer and others obtained from the CSI website and provide a summary for review by the Project Officer. The summary shall include key issues raised by EPA upper management, in key reports (e.g., A Review of the Common Sense Initiative) and by program critics (e.g., GAO) that will be incorporated into the evaluation. Deliverables: Draft and Final Issue Summary Task 3: Prepare Performance Measures, Data Collection Strategy and Script The contractor shall prepare a strategy and a script to be used to seek input from each of the separate private and public sectors (industry, stakeholder, government). The data collection strategy shall include performance measures, and a method to collect data related to environmental benefits, including quantitative data collection where appropriate. This task shall include a review of progress measures and recommendations presented in the report, Review of the Common Sense Initiative, as well as performance measures and suggestions identified in program critiques. The contractor shall incorporate modifications to the measures that reflect the performance measures currently being developed. This task may involve several iterations and reviews by the Project Officer prior to the contractor receiving final approval to proceed. Deliverables: Draft and Final Performance Measures, Strategy and Script Task 4: Conduct Phone Interviews with Industries, Stakeholders and Regulators. Upon approval of the final strategy and script by EPA's Project Officer, the contractor shall conduct interviews with no more than 9 individuals from a stakeholder group. Full telecom notes shall be taken for each phone interview. Written summaries of the data and comments shall be delivered to EPA.Deliverables: Written Data Summaries. Task 5: Observation of CSI Meetings The contractor shall observe the CSI Subcommittee/workgroup meetings that take place monthly in addition to Council meetings (tentatively scheduled for October) that take place during the data collection period and prepare summaries of meetings for use in the evaluation (dates and locations will not be known exactly until the schedule of meetings is finalized). Deliverables: Meeting Minutes. Task 6: Analyze Data and Prepare Report Using the performance measures established during the initial project tasks and the literature review, the data from the data collection exercise and observations shall be fully analyzed and a draft report prepared for review by the Project Officer. The report at a minimum shall answer for the CSI program the following questions: What were the Common Sense Initiative's (CSI) accomplishments subsequent to it's first evaluation? What sectors performed well in the second two years? What were the factors that influenced success? Did CSI overcome challenges raised by program critics? The evaluation shall include an analysis of the value added, i.e., identify whether CSI fulfilled the program's expectations as it evolved, and what benefits were derived. This analysis shall include any new expectations that were developed as a result of program recommendations made under the direction of upper management. The Project Officer shall provide comments on the report before a final draft is prepared. Two briefings shall be provided on the results of the draft and final review for EPA officials. Deliverables: Draft Analysis and Briefing, Final Report and Briefing 1.Specialized Reporting Requirements In addition to the standard monthly delivery order reports, the contractor shall provide weekly phone updates on the progress of the work to the Project Officer. Ad hoc meetings will be necessary at the direction of the Project Officer as the work progresses. 1.Deliverables/Products. The contractor shall provide two copies of each draft and final document according to the Task Deliverables noted above, including electronic copies on 3.5" disks(s) in Word Perfect 6.1 format. 1. Inspection and Acceptance Criteria. For each deliverable noted above, the contractor shall provide two draft copies to the Project Officer for comments, corrections and approval prior to submitting final deliverables in duplicate to the Project Officer. Evaluation Criteria. Award of this contract will be made on a "best value" basis. Contract price and the following factors will be used in making the award decision: PERSONNEL a. Demonstrated ability of theproposed individuals in interacting with high level senior officials from the stakeholder groups and the regulatory agencies in a comfortable effective and articulate manner. b. Knowledge of the CSI program and its evolution, its approach to innovative environmental management, pollution prevention, continuous improvement, self-management and active collaboration of the regulated community. c. Specific experience of the proposed individuals with industrial environmental performance data collection, storage and analysis including quantitative data collection and issues related to its confidentiality. d.Past performance and experience of the proposed individuals with the interview approach to environmental performance data gathering and to evaluation and analysis of environmental management systems. e. Resumes to be submitted must include years and level of experience of the proposed individuals who will provide senior-level stakeholder interactions and perform the analysis. PAST PERFORMANCE We are requesting a minimum of two references for similar services provided to the Government or private sector within the last three years. References must provide summary of specific services performed, sample documents, dates of performance, and point of contact for confirmation. Items Required for Submission. The following items must be submitted for a quote to be evaluated :a.A description of how the organization meets the required qualifications, including a description of the organization's experience as it relates to the evaluation criteria; b. A detailed account of the proposed approach that will be taken to meet the needs of this request as outlined and described in this SOW; c.Resumes of the proposed review team members; c.Certification that the organization and all proposed staff have no previous or current involvement with the Common Sense Initiative. Posted 08/13/98 (W-SN236427). (0225)

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