COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY ISSUE OF JULY 1,1998 PSA#2128Combat Air Forces C2 Systems, 50 Griffiss Street Hanscom AFB, MA
COMPNENTS POC Theme Poirier, Contracting Officer, 781-271-5984 WEB: ESC
Business Opportunities Web Page, http://www.herbb.hanscom.af.mil.
E-MAIL: Click Here to E-mail the POC, millern@hanscom.af.mil. ESC is
conducting a market survey of air surveillance/defense systems and
system components. ESC has a number of efforts in this domain and is
initiating this survey to better understand vendor's current technical
capabilities. We would appreciate your providing information about any
systems/components you feel should be reviewed in this effort. Please
complete the survey listed below. The survey consists of spreadsheets
in eight areas: General, Architecture, Communications, Surveillance,
Applications, User Interface, Other, and Cost. For the technical
portion of the survey, we ask that you provide information relative to
any current fielded configurations, as well as the capabilities to
which the system was designed. Supporting documentation is not
necessary at this time. Electronic responses are preferred and should
be sent to ejg@mitre.org. Hardcopy responses should be sent to: LTC
Neil Miller, ESC/ACK, 50 Griffiss St, Hanscom AFB MA 01731-1625. MARKET
SURVEY: Part I, General -- What is the Name of the system (or
component), Provide a summary description of the system (if possible
provide separate system and software architecture diagrams). Company
Name/Address/Point of contract for further information/Phone number/Fax
number/Email address/URL address. Provide a summary of the fielding
history for the system (locations, dates, etc.) Has the system been
certified by any of the following: ITW/AA (Integrated Tactical
Warning/Attack Assessment)? Identify any constraints to that
certification. CAF (Combat Air Forces) -- Identify any constraints to
that certification. DISA/JITC (Defense Information Systems Agency/Joint
Interoperability Test Command) -- Identify any constraints to that
certification. Identify any other certifications of importance --
Identify what system documentation is available. Describe the software
development environment. Part II, System Architecture/Infrastructure:
Please identify the Fielded configuration; Designed to handle (if
different) for the following -- What is the hardware environment
(identify all HW components)? What is the OS environment(s)? What
mechanisms are used for inter/intra process data transfers (e.g., DCE,
RPC, CORBA, "raw" TCP/IP sockets, UDP, etc.)? Is the system DII COE
complaint? If so, to what level? If not, what are the plans/schedule
for achieving DII COE compliance? Does the system utilize a COTS DBMS?
Which one? In what capacity? Identify the following system capacities:
Plots per second, Local (radar) tracks, Remote tracks, Total tracks,
Number of consoles. Describe any system capacity limitations inherent
in the system architecture? Is the system fault tolerant? If yes, what
is the FT method? How much time is needed to recover from a hardware
failure? How much time is needed to recover from a critical software
failure? What is the system's MTBF? How was the number obtained? What
is the system's AO (availability)? What definition of AO was used? How
was this number obtained? Does the system support recording? If yes,
what type of data are recorded? Can the data be archived? Can the data
be used for playback? What is the geographic coverage, in nm? The
system is based on what coordinate system? Does the system support sim
and live data simultaneously (sim over live)? Does the system provide
for the capability to perform system testing at the same time it is
being used for both live and simulated air defense missions? Are there
discrete mechanisms built in to support training? For example: Does
the system have the capability to generate simulated peace-to-war
exercise scenarios and air-to-air engagements for training, with no
interruption of normal operations? Does the system provide the
capability to design exercises that train operators to recognize
simulated electronic countermeasures? Does the system enable operators
to receive realistic air defense training on an individual basis,
i.e., self-trained, and/or with the assistance or other personnel as
well as on an operational crew basis? Does the system provide for the
capability to train operators in the use of data links? At what
security level does the system operate (e.g., C2)? Has the system been
independently assessed to be Year 2000 compliant? Part III,
Communications: Please identify the Fielded configuration; Designed to
handle (if different) Does the system support sensor inputs? How many
simultaneous sensor inputs are supported? What types of sensors does
the system support? ARSR-4? FFPS-117? FPS-118? FPS-124? Other (list)?
What sensor formats does the system support? CD-1? CD-2? Others (list)?
Does the system accommodate weather inputs? Are these inputs manual or
automatic from another system? If automatic, what systems are the
source of those inputs? Does the system provide processing and display
of these weather inputs? Does the system accommodate a civilian flight
plan input? Which one (e.g., ICAO)? Does the system support any other
civilian air traffic control interface? Does the system support a TADIL
A interface? How many simultaneous TADIL A nets does the system
support? Give a general indication of the message set supported. Does
the system support a TADIL B Interface? How many TADIL B links does the
system support? Give a general indication of the message set supported.
Does the system support a TADIL J (JTIDS) interface? How many
simultaneous JTIDS nets does the system support? Which JTIDS terminal
in particular does the system interface to (e.g., Class 2H)? Does the
system accommodate computer-to-computer TADIL J operations, what has
become known as serial or socket TADIL J operations? Give a general
indication of the message set supported. Does the system support a
Lateral Tell Interface? How many simultaneous links? Give a general
indication of the message set supported. Does the system support a
Forward Tell interface? How many simultaneous links? Give a general
indication of the message set supported. Does the system support the
OTH-T Gold message set? Give a general indication of the message set
supported. Does the system support the USMTF message set? Give a
general indicationof the message set supported. Does the system support
any of the Intelligence Links? Which ones (e.g., TIBS)? Does the system
support ATDL-1? How many simultaneous links? Does the system support
NATO Link-1? How many simultaneous links? Part IV, Surveillance: Please
identify the Fielded configuration; Designed to handle (if different)
-- What are the current primary operational uses of the track data
produced by the system (e.g., air traffic control, intercept guidance,
air defense alert, etc.) What is the maximum lateral acceleration (in
g's) that has been established for the system capability to track turn
maneuvers. What is the maximum speed (in knots) that has been
established for the systems capability to track non-maneuvering
aircraft. What coordinate system is used internally for local tracking?
Does the system automatically initiate tracks from radar returns? Does
the system automatically intiate tracks from search (non-beacon) radar
returns only? Can automatic track initiation be inhibited in
operator-defined geographic areas? Does the system do passive tracking,
i.e., the capability to track jamming aircraft by triangulation of
radar strobes (azimuth measurements) from multiple radars? What is the
simultaneous passive track capacity of the system? Does the system
process and maintain beacon code data as a supplement to track
kinematics data? For which beacon modes does the system process and
maintain code data? Does the system transmit Mode 4 interrogation
requests to any of its interfacing radars, and decode the Mode 4
replies from those radars? Does the system process Mode C beacon data
for tracking aircraft altitude? What measures of tracking performance
are maintained and displayed for each track and how are they computed
(briefly)? What parameters can be adjusted for each radar to effect
correction of errors in spatial registration between radar's? Is there
an automatic radar registration capability? If so, how does it work
(briefly)? Is there a capability to automatically effect correction of
errors in spatial registration between search and beacon components of
a radar (collimation)? Can operators initiate and maintain tracks
independently of the automatic tracker? What actions can an operator
take to assist or override the workings of the automatic tracker? Can
the operator view simultaneously the plot data from all radars covering
the monitored area? Can the operator view plot data history? Are radar
reports displayed in a manner that distinguishes those correlating
with tracks from those not correlating with any track? What is the
system's maximum delay (in seconds) from time of receipt of a radar
report to display of that report to the operator? What is the maximum
time delay between successive display updates of track position? What
is the system's maximum delay (in seconds) to display of any resulting
adjustment of kinematics parameters for a correlating track? Part V,
Applications: Please identify the Fielded configuration; Designed to
handle (if different) -- -Track data Management: Can the system
simultaneously process and display local active and passive tracks and
remote tracks from external sources? Does the system provide automatic
track-to-track correlation for multiple-sensor/source detected tracks
from all sensor/intelligence/data link sources into a composite system
track? Identification: Does the system provide the capability to
assess airborne traffic and determine the identity of those aircraft
whose identify is known and unknown? Is the system capable of automatic
processing and display of flight plans? Can the system perform
automatic track identification by flight plan correlation? In one 24
hour period, is the system currently capable of storing: less than
5,000 flight plans; 5,000 to 10,000 flight plans; 10,000 to 15,000
flight plans; 15,000 to 20,000 flight plans; 20,000 to 25,000 flight
plans; More than 25,000 flight plans. Is the system capable of
simultaneously processing: less than 2,000 active flight plans; 2,000
to 4,000 active flight plans; 4,000 to 6,000 active flight plans; 6,000
to 8,000 active flight plans; 8,000 to 10,000 active flight plans; More
than 10,000 active flight plans. Is the system able to accept and
process both FAA and Navigation Canada aircraft position reports? If
the answer to the above question is "yes", is the system able to accept
and process: less than 10,000 FAA/NavCan position reports per hour;
10,000 to 20,000 FAA/NavCan position reports per hour; 20,000 to 40,000
FAA/NavCan position reports per hour; 40,000 to 60,000 FAA/NavCan
position reports per hour; 60,000 or more FAA/NavCan position reports
per hour. Is the system capable of displaying an operator alert of
alternative possibilities for any unknown track or secondary (beacon)
plot within: less than 5 seconds of track establishment; 6-8 seconds of
track establishment; 9-10 seconds of track establishment; 11 or more
seconds of track establishment. Is the system capable of performing
automatic track identification by: Mode S? Mode 4? Is the system
capable of processing manual IFF? SIF interrogation? If so, how much
time does it take beyond one sensor cycle? Is the system capable of
automatically recognizing and displaying suspicious track
characteristics, e.g., high speed or pop-up tracks? Is the system
capable of automatic track identification based upon track entry into
sensor coverage, as well as heading, speed, and altitude? Weapons
Control: Does the system provide the capability to determine bearing
and range and perform air defense intercept calculations to a point or
to an aircraft? Does the system provide for the control of fighter
aircraft using a wide spectrum of weapons control techniques? Describe
those techniques briefly (e.g., close, broadcast, advisory,
autonomous, and bullseye control of aircraft)? Does the system provide
for the control of fighter aircraft using TADIL J? How many
simultaneous intercept missions can the system support? Does the system
provide the capability to perform trail intercept calculations before
actually committing the fighter aircraft: Does the system enable the
weapons controller to receive a visual confirmation of the fighter's
status, e.g., fuel, heading, speed, altitude, play time? When
performing weapons related calculations (e.g., trail intercept
calculations) what types of fighter performance characteristics are
used? Does the system provide for a visual display of an intercept
solution to target? Does the system provide the ability to alert an
operator whenever there is an unsafe flying condition or when an
intercept solution is improbable or impossible? Does the system provide
a display that depicts the earliest probable intercept point along a
designated target's flight path? Simulation and Training: Does the
system provide a Positive Target Control Capability for live exercises
(i.e., capability for exercise purposes to suppress beacon information
at selected consoles for aircraft using specially designated Mode 3
beacon codes)? Part VI, User Interface: Please identify the Fielded
configuration; Designed to handle (if different) -- What arethe
characteristics of the system interface? Number of colors supported by
the display? Standard display size? Display type (vector vs. raster)?
Display resolution? Refresh rate? Standard user input devices? Any
other characteristics of importance? What are the display capacities?
Including: What is the maximum geographic area handled by a single
display? What is the expansion range? How many tracks can be displayed
within system cycle times? How many plots (including plot histories)
can be displayed with system cycle times? What style guides were used
in the development of the user interface? What icon/symbol set is used?
What display projections are available to the user? What
mapping/graphics toolkits are used (e.g., JMTK, PHIGS, GKS, etc)? What
type of mapping formats are supported? Identify the source of mapping
data used within the system. Does the system provide automatic tag
avoidance (move data block around as tracks cross to avoid
overlapping)? Does the system support multiple real time situation
displays? Does the system support the use of on-line checklists? Does
the system provide the capability to display electronic strobe data
which is able to change due to changing intensity levels being
reported? Does the system currently have a running clock display that
is switchable to a standard stopwatch display feature? Does the system
have the capability to display range and bearing for a graphic cursor
input devise (mouse, ball tab, etc.) relative to an operator
selectable reference fixed position or moving track position? For each
of the following category pairs, how many distinct parings can be
established between objects of the category pair for the purpose of
displaying range/ bearing data between the two objects? Track-track,
track-point, point-point (indicate if no capability). Part VII, Other:
Please identify the Fielded configuration; Designed to handle (if
different) -- Briefly describe how weather information is used with the
system. Does the system provide for battle management of
aerospacedefense resources during peacetime, transition, attack, and
post-attack periods? Does the system share data with Battle Management
functions to enhance the performance of your system? Air Battle
Planning? Airspace Management, Deconfliction and manipulation? Sensor
Coverage Modeling? Aircraft and airbase status monitoring and display?
Does the system have the capability to maintain operational logs, and
generate operational orders ? Using the following list, identify which
office support capabilities are supported by the system. Please choose
all applicable capabilities: If COTS products are used, identify them.
Word processing. Spreadsheet. Email. Presentations. Chat. Form
Development. Other. Does the system have the capability to receive
aerospace map data from external sources such as an area for restricted
military operations (including training)? Does the system display
locations relative to airborne aircraft for use in aircraft
emergencies? Does the system allow for the generation an manipulation
of AirTasking Orders and Airspace Control Orders/ Measures? Does the
system have the capability to track mission progress? Is the system
capable of operating with joint service organizations (Navy, Army, Air
Force, Marines, Coalition forces)? Provide any further information
which you feel we should be aware of in the context of this survey.
Part VIII, Cost -- Provide any applicable software licensing costs:
System Software; COTS Software Licenses (itemized). Provide any
applicable hardware costs: Fixed costs per location; Costs per user. Is
your company willing to sell the source code? If so, how much would it
cost? See Note 26. Posted 06/29/98 (0180) Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0270 19980701\58-0002.SOL)
58 - Communication, Detection and Coherent Radiation Equipment Index Page